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Digestive Tract

Stack #40350

Dysphagia Difficulty eating or swallowing
Hematomegaly Enlargement of the liver
Rectoplasty Surgical repair of the rectum
Cholelithiasis Abnormal condition due to stones in the Gallbladder
Rectostenosis Abnormal condtion of narrowing of the rectum
Esophagotome Instrument to cut the esophagus
Odontalgia Pain of the teeth, or tooth pain
Hepatoma Liver tumor
Sublingual Pertaining to below the tongue
Dyspepsia Painful or difficult digestion
Choledoch Bile duct
Stomatoscopy Visual examination of the mouth
Hematemesis To vomit blood
Cholecystectomy Surgical removal of the gallbladder
Linguogingival Pertaining to the gums and the tongue
Colonstomy A surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus
Stomatodynia Pain in the mouth
Sialorrhea An excessive secretion of saliva
Mycosis A fungal infection in or on a part of the body
Gastrologist The medical study of the stomach and its diseases
Carcinous Pertaining to cancer
Ileostomy Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening through the abdominal wall into the ileum
Peri- Around
-Ist One who speacializes
Gastr/o Stomach
Hyper Too much, excessive
Hypo Not enough
Epi- Above or upon
Emisis Vomit
Odont Teeth
Maxill/o Jaw
Or/o Mouth
Ary- Pertaining to
Osis Abnormal condition
Gingiv/o Gums
Dia- Through
Gram To record
Scope Instrument to view
Enzyme Protein that speeds up body processes
Peristalysis Wave-like movement
Obeseity Over-eating, dangerously overweight
Created by: KayyKayy1554
Popular Medical sets




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