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20s JBQ Sets 15-21
NLT 20 point questions 387-435
Interruption Point | The rest of the question | Answer |
Question #387 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What rule | do we find in Proverbs for avoiding trouble with others? | "(NLT) Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. |
"Question #388 for 20 points: How should we regard our sc hool | teachers, policemen, and other government authorities? | We should obey them because they are responsible to God for our souls. |
"Question #389 for 20 points: How should we regard our Sunday | School teachers, pastors, and other church leaders? | We should obey them because they are responsible to God for our souls. |
"Question #390 for 20 points: What does "intercession" | mean? | To pray to God for someone else |
Question #391 for 20 points: Who intercedes | for the Christian? | The Holy Spirit and Jesus |
Question #392 for 20 points: What does Romans | 8:26 say is the main weakness of our prayers? | We don't know what God wants us to pray for. |
Question #393 for 20 points: Why should a Christian not | marry a person who is not a Christian? | Because God's Word says we should not team up with an unbeliever |
Question #394 for 20 points: Is it a | sin to be tempted? | No, it is sin only when we yield to temptation. |
"Question #395 for 20 points: According to First | John, what are the three common temptations? | Craving for physical pleasure; Craving for everything we see; Pride [in our achievements and possessions] |
Question #396 for 20 points: What are the three | main sources of temptation? | The devil, the world, our own desires |
Question #397 for 20 points: What part did the | Holy Spirit have in creation? | The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. |
"Question #398 for 20 points: Jesus said the | Holy Spirit would convict, or reprove, the world of what three things? | Sin, righteousness, judgment |
"Question #399 for 20 points: Why does the | Holy Spirit convict, or reprove, the world of sin? | Because the world failed to believe on Jesus |
Question #400 for 20 points: Whom does the | Holy Spirit glorify? | Jesus [Christ] |
Question #401 for 20 points: What are the continuing | spiritual evidences of the Spirit-filled life? | Joy and contentment; victory over sin; ability [power] to share the gospel; desire to know God and His Word |
Question #402 for 20 points: The | Holy Spirit guides Christians into what? | Truth |
Question #403 for 20 points: What part does t | he Holy Spirit have in our salvation? | The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and makes the repentant sinner a new person. |
Question #404 for 20 points: Does the Holy | Spirit dwell in every Christian? | Yes, the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts when we believe on Jesus. |
Question #405 for 20 points: What did Paul tell the | Ephesians was God's guarantee of our inheritance? | The Holy Spirit, promised long ago |
Question #406 for 20 points: Why did Jesus | say it was necessary that He go away? | So that the Advocate [Holy Spirit] might come |
"Question #407 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. According to Zechariah, | how can we do God's work? | "(NLT)Zechariah 4:6 "It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord" |
Question #408 for 20 points: When did | God first baptize believers in the Holy Spirit? | On the Day of Pentecost |
Question #409 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse of Acts | chapter two that describes the disciples of Jesus receiving the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. | (NLT) Acts 2:4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. |
Question #410 for 20 points: What were Jesus' | disciples doing when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit? | They were praying. |
Question #411 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What did Peter | tell the people at Pentecost to do in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? | "(NLT) Acts 2:38 “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." |
Question #412 for 20 points: Is the | baptism in the Holy Spirit the same as salvation? | No, Paul asked the Ephesian Christians if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. |
Question #413 for 20 points: What are the purposes | of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? | To help us know Christ [Jesus] better; to assist us in understanding God's Word; to give us power to witness |
Question #414 for 20 points: What is the initial | physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? | Speaking with other languages [tongues] as the Spirit enables |
Question #415 for 20 points: Why do we | believe that speaking with other tongues is the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? | Because it is the pattern of the New Testament Church |
Question #416 for 20 points: What is the Church? | A body [company] of born-again people who have been called out from the world; who have faith in and give allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ | |
Question #417 for 20 points: What three things | does Paul say make up God's kingdom? | "Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit " |
Question #418 for 20 points: Who is the Head | of the Church? | Jesus [Christ] |
Question #419 for 20 points: Who is the foundation | of the Church? | Christ [Jesus] |
Question #420 for 20 points: How does | Jeremiah 1:5 proclaim God's value and plan for our life? | [The Lord gave me this message:] "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart." |
Question #421 for 20 points: What three figures | of speech do the Bible writers use to describe the Church? | A body; A building; a bride |
Question #422 for 20 points: Who builds | the Church? | Jesus [Christ] |
Question #423 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What power | is there in united prayer? | "(NLT) Matthew 18:19 " If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you." |
Question #424 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What is the mission | of the Church? | (NLT) Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." |
Question #425 for 20 points: Jesus said that God | had planned for His house to be used as what? | A house of prayer |
Question #426 for 20 points: Why does God | give ministers to the Church? | To help Christians grow so they can help others |
"Question #427 for 20 points: What do we mean by | a "calling to the ministry"? | A person must have a special impression of the Spirit to serve the Lord through a particular area of ministry. |
Question #428 for 20 points: How should a | church be supported? | By tithes and offerings from those to whom it ministers |
Question #429 for 20 points: What is the tithe? | One-tenth of one's income which belongs to God and should be given to the church to support its ministries | |
"Question #430 for 20 points: Who was | the first person in the Bible to pay tithes, and to whom did he pay them? | Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. |
Question #431 for 20 points: What are offerings? | Something given in worship or devotion to God in addition to the tithe | |
Question #432 for 20 points: Why do Christians | worship on Sunday instead of the Sabbath? | Because Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath, we worship on the day of His resurrection. |
Question #433 for 20 points: What are the two | ordinances of the Church? | Water baptism and Communion |
"Question #434 for 20 points: What is symbolized, | or pictured, by water baptism? | The death of the old sinful nature and a new life in Christ |
Question #435 for 20 points: Who should | be baptized in water? | Every person who believes in Jesus [Christ] as Savior |