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10s JBQ Sets 15-21
NLT 10 point questions 141-210
Interruption Point | The rest of the question | Answer |
Question #141 for 10 points: Whom did God tell | David to choose to be king after his death? | Solomon |
Question #142 for 10 points: What did Solomon | ask God to give him when he became king? | Wisdom |
Question #143 for 10 points: What building | did Solomon erect for God? | The temple of the Lord |
Question #144 for 10 points: What queen | came from a long distance to visit Solomon? | The queen of Sheba |
Question #145 for 10 points: What happened to the kingdom | of Israel upon the death of Solomon? | It was divided into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. |
Question #146 for 10 points: Why did Jeroboam | establish idol worship in the northern kingdom of Israel? | So the people wouldn't go to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices |
"Question #147 for 10 points: On Mount | Carmel, why did Elijah ask God to consume the sacrifice with fire? " | So that all of Israel would know that God was really God |
Question #148 for 10 points: Who were the evil | king and queen of Israel during the time of Elijah? | Ahab and Jezebel |
Question #149 for 10 points: Whom did God take | directly to heaven in a whirlwind? | Elijah |
Question #150 for 10 points: What prophet | succeeded Elijah? | Elisha |
Question #151 for 10 points: What Syrian | officer was healed of leprosy by bathing in the Jordan River at Elisha's command? | Naaman |
Question #152 for 10 points: To whom did | God give a sign of the sun moving backwards to show him that he was healed? | Hezekiah |
Question #153 for 10 points: To what city | were many of the people of Judah taken as captives? | Babylon |
Question #154 for 10 points: What king | of Babylon conquered Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah? | Nebuchadnezzar |
"Question #155 for 10 points: When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon, who oversaw the rebuilding of the temple? " | Zerubbabel | |
"Question #156 for 10 points: When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon, who oversaw the rebuilding of the walls " | of the city? | Nehemiah |
Question #157 for 10 points: Who was the Jewish | girl who became the wife of the king of Persia? | Esther |
Question #158 for 10 points: How did Esther | save the lives of the Jewish people? | By asking her husband, king of Persia, to spare their lives |
Question #159 for 10 points: What man lost | all of his possessions and his health but remained true to God? | Job |
Question #160 for 10 points: How did God reward | Job for his faithfulness? | God gave himas many children and twice as many possessions as he had had before his trial. |
Question #161 for 10 points: Who was called | the weeping prophet? | Jeremiah |
Question #162 for 10 points: Who interpreted | a famous dream for King Nebuchadnezzar? | Daniel |
"Question #163 for 10 points: Why were Shadrach, | Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a blazing furnace? | They refused to worship the gold statue set up by the king. |
Question #164 for 10 points: What did Daniel | do when the king decreed he could no longer pray to his God? | He continued to pray just as he always did. |
Question #165 for 10 points: What happened to | Daniel when he continued to pray to God instead of to the king? | He was thrown into the lions' den. |
Question #166 for 10 points: What was the meaning of the handwriting | on the wall at Belshazzar's drunken party? | That Belshazzar's kingdom was about to be conquered |
Question #167 for 10 points: Who was swallowed | by a great fish when he ran away from doing God's will? | Jonah |
Question #168 for 10 points: What happened when | Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh? | The people repented and God forgave them. |
Question #169 for 10 points: Where did Micah | say the Messiah would be born? | Bethlehem |
"Question #170 for 10 points: According to the | prophet Zechariah, where will Jesus' feet stand when He returns to the earth? " | The Mount of Olives |
Question #171 for 10 points: Who told | Mary she would be the mother of the Messiah? | The angel Gabriel |
Question #172 for 10 points: To whom was t | he virgin Mary engaged to be married? | Joseph |
"Question #173 for 10 points: Who were the first persons, | other than Joseph and Mary, to hear that Jesus had been born? | Shepherds |
Question #174 for 10 points: What two groups | of men worshiped the Christ child? | Shepherds and Wise Men |
"Question #175 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. When | the Wise Men came seeking Jesus, what question did they ask? | (NLT) Matthew 2:2 “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?" |
Question #176 for 10 points: Who was king | over Judea when Jesus was born? | Herod |
Question #177 for 10 points: How did the | Wise Men find Jesus? | They followed His star to where He was. |
Question #178 for 10 points: What gifts | were given to Jesus by the Wise Men? | "Gold, frankincense, myrrh " |
Question #179 for 10 points: Where did Jesus live | as He was growing up? | Nazareth |
Question #180 for 10 points: Whom did God send | to prepare the way for Jesus? | John the Baptist |
Question #181 for 10 points: About how old | was Jesus when He began His public ministry? | [About] 30 years old |
Question #182 for 10 points: About how long | did Jesus preach and teach before His crucifixion? | [About] 3-1/2 years |
Question #183 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. With | what words did John the Baptist introduce Jesus? | "(NLT) John 1:29 “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" |
Question #184 for 10 points: How did John | the Baptist describe the way Jesus would baptize? | With the Holy Spirit and with fire |
Question #185 for 10 points: Which of the disciples | was a tax collector? | Matthew |
"Question #186 for 10 points: After Andrew | met Jesus, what did he tell his brother Simon Peter? | We have found the Messiah. |
Question #187 for 10 points: What was Jesus' | first miracle? | Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana |
Question #188 for 10 points: What ruler | of the Jews came to Jesus by night seeking the way to eternal life? | Nicodemus |
Question #189 for 10 points: Where did John | the Baptist baptize Jesus? | In the Jordan River |
Question #190 for 10 points: How did God show | His approval of Jesus at His baptism? | The Holy Spirit descended on Him and the Father said, "This is my dearly loved Son,who brings me great joy." |
"Question #191 for 10 points: During | Jesus' temptation, how long did He go without eating? " | 40 days and nights |
Question #192 for 10 points: Who were the first four | apostles Jesus called to follow Him? | "Peter, Andrew, James, John " |
"Question #193 for 10 points: What do we call | the first statements of the Sermon on the Mount which all begin with the words God blesses"? | [The] Beatitudes |
Question #194 for 10 points: How did Jesus prove | His power over nature? | By calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee |
Question #195 for 10 points: What strange | gift did King Herod give to his stepdaughter? | The head of John the Baptist |
"Question #196 for 10 points: What revelation | of himself did Jesus give to Peter, James, and John on a high mountain? | Jesus' appearance was transformed, and he talked with Moses and Elijah. |
Question #197 for 10 points: Why did the rich | young leader fail to follow Jesus? | He loved the things he owned more than he loved Jesus. |
Question #198 for 10 points: What did Jesus prophesy would | happen to the stones of the Temple? | Not one stone would be left on top of another |
Question #199 for 10 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. What great | statement did Peter make about Jesus? | "(NLT) Matthew 16:16 “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” |
Question #200 for 10 points: Which three | of the disciples were Jesus' closest friends? | "Peter, James, John " |
Question #201 for 10 points: Who did Jesus say was like the foolish | man who built his house upon sand? | Those who hear His teachings but do not do them |
Question #202 for 10 points: Who did Jesus say was like the wise man | who built his house upon the rock? | Those who hear His teachings and do them |
"Question #203 for 10 points: In Jesus' | parable, who helped the man who had been beaten and robbed? | The Good Samaritan |
"Question #204 for 10 points: In the Parable | of the Sower, to what did Jesus compare the seed? | The Word of God |
Question #205 for 10 points: What did Jesus | teach about material possessions? | Don't be greedy. A person's life is not measured by how much they own. |
Question #206 for 10 points: What did Jesus do | in healing the man born blind? | He put mud on his eyes and told him to go and wash it off. |
Question #207 for 10 points: Which of Jesus' | parables tells us that God is willing to forgive and restore the sinner who repents? | The Parable of the Prodigal Son |
Question #208 for 10 points: How did Jesus answer | those who asked if it was right for them to pay taxes to Caesar? | Give Caesar what belongs to Ceasar, and give God what belongs to God. |
"Question #209 for 10 points: How did Jesus feed | 5,000 men, plus women and children? | He multiplied five loaves and two fish from a boy's lunch. |
Question #210 for 10 points: Who climbed a tree in order to see Jesus? | 5,000 men, plus women and children? " | Zacchaeus |