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Form II - Scripture

Form II - Ch. 16 - Scripture Knowledge Questions - Oct 2023

Which high priest successfully conquered all the Kingdom of Israel's former territory? John Hyrcanus
What choice did he offer all the non Jewish residents of his territory? Be circumcised or leave
Why was circumcision so important? Because it meant that you accepted the laws of Moses, along with all of its rituals and requirements
From what tribe did the new king come? Levites
Which group of scholars decided it would be best to separate themselves from the gentiles? the Pharisees
Which Jewish sect encouraged all Jews to imitate the ritual purity of the priests in Jerusalem? the Pharisees
Which Jewish sect denied any kind of resurrection of the body? the Sadducees
How did the Sadducees plan to ensure the Jewish religion would survive? Cooperate with the Gentiles
What did the Sadducees believe? - only the books of Moses were the real, canonical scripture - there is no life after death - there are no angels or spirits
How did Herod establish his rule in Jerusalem? - he besieged the city with backup of 60,000 Roman troops and then he murdered any of the residents
Why was Herod called "the Great"? He was called this because of his prosperous reign. He rebuilt the temple and the economy flourished
What were the effects of the Roman Peace (Pax Romana)? peace, prosperity, you could travel to many distant lands safely - all under control of the Roman empire, everyone use the same currency
How did the romans deal with local religions? they let them worship any gods they likes and often would offer tribute to these gods
What does Credat Judaeus mean? this expression means - "a Jew might believe it" and was used by educated romans to describe things they looked down on in religion as superstitious.
How did Jewish people outside Jerusalem worship? they went to synagogues
Who were the Proselytes of the Gate? people who were attached to the Jewish community without being fully Jewish - Gentiles who had converted to Judaism but were not circumcised
Who were the Samaritans? A mixed population that worshipped God in different ways than the Jews. The Jews refused to have any dealings with Samaritans. They didn't accept much of scripture.
Where did the remnant from Babylon settle after the return? around Jerusalem in the land of Judah
What was the Septuagint? it was the Greek translation of the Old Testament
Why did synagogues first appear? They first appeared during the exile, when God's people could no longer get to the temple in Jerusalem to make their sacifices
How did the Samaritans worship? They did not worship in the temple in Jerusalem, instead the worshipped on Mt. Gerizim
Which high priest declared himself king? Aristobulus
Created by: paulesumner
Popular Religion sets




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