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How many provinces were there in first century Palestine? 4- Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Idumea
Where was Nazareth? Galilee
What languages would Jesus have spoken? Could he read? 3- Aramaic,Koine Greek, Hebrew Yes he could read
What are the unique semitic-language ways of speaking that are evident in the way that Jesus told stories? Parallel Statements- expressing same thing twice slightly differently Comparisons- in order to sow what is better Exaggeration- Hyperbole to drive home a point
What are some characteristics of the geography of Palestine? Part of fertile crescent, key location, varied (coastal, mountainous, hilly, freshwater lakes, salty- Dead Sea)
Why would Palestine be a key location in first century? Crossroads for Egyptian, Syrian, and Persian expansions in the ancient world
What are some typical trades/jobs in first century Palestine? Galilee: Shepherds, Fisherman, Carpentry, Farming, Publicans Judea: Wool Merchants, Leather Workers, Olive Oil Pressers, Bakers, Butchers, Manufacturers of other Products, Building Tradesmen, Production of Food, Jobs in the Temple
What are the reasons why the Roman Empire was considered “Pax Romana”? - extended period of peace and prosperity - common language throughout empire - intricate road system - legal system - strong military force
However, why did most Jews find it to be oppressive? - subordinate to Roman Leaders - influence thier daily life - heavy taxation - oppressive rule under some rulers - pagan temples- enforce emperor worship - temple leadership- influence Jewish practice - attacks - attacks on temple treasury
Who was the Roman Procurator of Galilee from AD 26-36 that oversaw Jesus’ crucifixion? Pontius Pilate
What is the connection between Passover and Jesus last supper? celebrates the Chosen Peoples' liberation from slavery in Egypt (seder meal/ slaughtered lamb). JESUS LAST SUPPER WAS A SEDER MEAL
What are the characteristics of the Temple? Where is it? Jerusalem, Jews believed God dwelled here in a special way, Jewish priests lead worship here, Jesus visited here
Is there evidence that Jesus ever visited the Temple? Yes (bible verses) Luke 2:46 John 7:28 Matt 21:12
Why was the Temple destroyed in AD 70? By Romans after an uprising
What are some essential parts of Jewish practice in first century Palestine? Centrality of Scripture, importance of prayer, feasts and festivals
served as priests collabed with Romans to stay in power unliked by common folks Did not believe in resurrections of the dead or the immorality of the soul Sadducees-
Sadducees V these peps strict observance of the law Jesus challenged thier legalism laymen Jesus was a lot like them believed in resurrections of the body helped persevere Judaism Pharisees-
Believed Jewish independence can be achieved only through military overthrow of the Romans Zealots-
(publicans) Jesus hired by romans to collect taxes (skimmed off top) Tax collectors-
writers and jurists of the law, passing Judgement on those who broke the law, organized old testament, Rabbis Scribes-
Non- Jews (eventually convert) Gentiles-
What was the status of slavery in the Roman Empire? widespread debt, prisoner of war, kidnaped In Palestine- very few NT attacks the idea of slavery
How were women treated in first century Palestine? Patriarchal society, seen as inferior, property to men, had few political rights, especially childless or widowed
How did Jesus treat women counterculturally? Give specific examples (ie. From Jesus and Women article).* Talked to, and acknowledged women - Samaritan women Allowed women to take powerful roles in Jesus' ministry- Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna
Created by: astei
Popular Religion sets




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