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Stack #39586
Question | Answer |
Structure that suspends the small intestine from the posterior body wall | messentery |
Figerlike extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area | villi |
Collections of lymphatic tissue found in the submucosa of the small intestine | peyer's patches |
Folds of the small intestine | plica circularis |
Organ that mixes food in the mouth | tongue |
Common passage for air and food | pharynx |
Three extensions/modifications of the peritoneum | greater &lesser ommentum,messentery |
Literally a food chute; has no digestive or absorptive role | esophagus |
Folds of the stomach mucosa | rugae |
Projections of the plasma membrane of a cell that increase the cell's surface area | microvilli |
Prevents food from moving back into the small intestine once it has entered the large | ILEOCECAL VALVE |
Organ responsible for most food absorption | small intestine |
Organ primarily involved in water absorption and feces formation | large intestine |
Area between the teeth and lips/cheeks | oral cavity |
Blind sac hanging from the initial part of the colon | appendix |
Organ in which protein digestion begins | stomach |
Membrane attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach | lesser ommentum |
Organ into which the stomach empties | small intestine |
Sphincter, controlling the movement of food from the stomach into the duodenum | pyloric sphincter |
Uvula hangs from its posterior edge | soft palate |
Organ that receives pancreatic juice and bile | small intestine |
serosa of the abdominal cavity wall | parietal peritoneum |
Region contracting two sphincters, through which feces are expelled from the body | anal canal |
Anterosuperior boundary of the oral cavity; supported by bone | hard palate |
Site of storage of Bile | gallbaldder |
Produce an enzyme-poor "juice" cointaining mucus; found in teh serosa of small intestine | pancreas |
Secretion includes amylase, begins starch digestion in the mouth | salivary glands |
Ducts a variety of enzymes in an alkaline fluid into the deudenum | intestinal glands |
Produces bile, which is transported to the duodenum via the bile duct | liver |
Produce Hydrochloric acid and Pepsinogen | gastric glands |
4 layers of the GI tract | mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa |
organs in alimentary canal | mouth, esophagus, stomach, large & small intestine |
accesory organs | salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, teeth and tongue |
teeth components | enamel, dentin, pulp cavity |
Inflammation of the abdominal serosa | peritonitis |
Condition resulting from the reflux of acidic gastric juice into the esophagus | heartburn |
Usually indicates liver problems or blockage of the bile ducts | gallstones |
An erosion of the stomach or duodenal mucosa | ulcer |
Passage of watery stools | diarrhea |
Causes severe epigastric pain; associated with prolongated storage of bile in the gallbladder | appendicitis |
Inability to pass feces; often a result of poor bowel habits | constipation |
proteins are turned into amino acids by | peptide bonds |
lesser ommentum | attaches stomach to liver |
greater ommentum | covers samll intestines like an apron |
salivary amilase | begins starch digestion |
lingual lipase | digest fat after reaches stomach |
lysozyme | enzyme that kills bacteria |
Ig A | antibody that inhibits bacterial growth |
intrinsic factor | essential for absoption of B12 by small intestine |
pylorus | opening to deudenum |
4 lobes of the liver | right,left,quadrate,caudate |
gallbaldder | stores and concentrates bile salts |
types of digestion | mechanical & chemical |
bile | yellow-green fluid containing minerals, bile acids, cholesterol, bile pigments and phospolipids. It emulsifies fats & aids in their digestion |
gastrin | from stomach & deudenum weakly stimulates gallbaldder contraction &pancreatic enzyme secretion |
component of small intestine | deudenum,jeujenum,illeum |
components of large intestine | cecum(appendix attached), ascending, transverse and descending and sigmoid colon |
3 structures of the small intestine that are adapted for absoption | viili,microvilli,plica circularis |