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ch. 23 med term

ch 23 med term

suppression is the voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one's mind
sublimation rechanneling or redirecting one's unacceptable impulses and drives into constructive activities
repression is an involuntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one's conscious mind
regression is a response to stress in which the individual reverts to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of functioning
rationalization is attempting to make excuses or invert logical reasons to justify unacceptable feelings or behaviors
projection is the act of transferring one's own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone else
introjection an ego defense mechanism whereby an individual unconsciously identifies with another person or with some object.the individual assumes the supposed feelings and/or characteristics of the other personalty or object
displacement is the process of transferring a feeling or emotion from the original idea or object to a substitute idea or object
denial is a refusal to admit or acknowledge the reality o0f something, thus avoiding emotional conflict or anxiety
compensation is an effect to overcome or make up for real or imagined inadequacies
affect observable evidence of a person's feelings or emotions
ammesia loss of memory caused by severe emotional trauma, brain injury, substance abuse, or reaction to medications or toxins
amphetamines a group of nervous system stimulants that produce alertness and a feeling of well being
anorexia lack of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat
anorexia nervosa a disorder characterized by an emotional disturbance concerning body image;prolonged refusal to eat followed by extreme weight loss;amenorrhea and lingering abnormal fear of becoming obese
anxiety a state of mind in which the individual feels increased tension,apprehension,a painfully increased sense of helplessness,a feeling of uncertainty,fear,jitterniess and worry,sign:restlessness,poor eye contract,glancing about,facial tension,dilated pupils
anxiety disorders disorders characterized by chronic worry
apathy absence or suppression of observable emotion,feeling,concern, or passion
autism a mental disorder characterized by the individual being extremely withdrawn and absorbed with fantasy.the individual suffers from impaired communication/social interaction skills,and activities and interests ate very limited
behavior therapy a form of psychotherapy that seeks to modify observable maladjusted patterns of behavior by substituting new responses to given stimuli
bulimia nervosa an uncontrolled craving for food,often resulting in eating binges,followed by vomiting to eliminate the food from the stomach
cannabis a mind altering drug derived from the flowering top of hemp plants;also called marijuana.this drug is classified as a controlled substance Schedule I drug
cataplexy a sudden loss of muscle tone in which the individual's head may drop,the jaw may sag,the knees become weakened,and the individual may collapse;may accompany a narcolepsy attack(attack of sleep)
compensation an effort to overcome or make up for real or imagined inadequacies
complusions irresistible,repetitive,irrational impulses to perform an act.these behavior patterns are intended to reduce anxiety not provide pleasure or gratification
conversion disorder a disorder in which the individual represses anxiety experienced by emotional conflicts by converting the anxious feelings into physical symptoms that have no organic basis but are perceived to be real by the individual
cyclothymic disorder a chronic(long duration) mood disorder characterized by numerous periods of mood swings from depression to happiness.the period of mood disturbance is at least two years
defense mechanism an unconscious,intrapsychic(within one's mind) reaction that offers protection to the self from a stressful situation
delirium a state of frenzied excitement or wild enthusiasm
delirium tremens (DTs) an acute and sometimes fatal psychotic reaction caused by cessation of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages over a long period of time
free association the spontaneous,consciously unrestricted association of ideas,feelings or mental images
fetishism.transvestic a sexual disorder in which the focus of the fetish involves cross-dressing
family therapy a form of psychyotherpay that focuses the treatment on the process between family members that supports and sustains symptoms
factitious disorders disorders that are characterized by physical or psychological symptoms that are intentionally produced or feigned to assume the sick role
exhibionism a sexual disorder involving the exposure of one's genitals to a stranger
euphoria a sense of well being or elation
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) the process of passing an electrical current through the brain to create a brief seizure in the brain
dysphoria a disorder of affect(mood) characterized by depression and anguish
drug therapy the use of psychotropic drugs to treat mental disorders
dissociation an unconscious defense mechanism by which an idea,thought,emotion,or other mental process is separated from the consciousness and thereby loses emotional significance
displacement the process of transferring a feeling or emotion from the original idea or object to a substitute idea or object
depression a mood disturbance characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness,discouragement & hopelessness that are inappropriate & out of proportion with reality;may be relative to some personal loss or tragedy
denial a refusal to admit or acknowledge the reality of something thus avoiding emotional conflict or anxiety
dementia a progressive,organic mental disorder characterized by chronic personality disintegration,confusion,disorientation,stupor,deterioration of intellectual capacity and function & impairment of control of memory,judgment & impulses
delusion a persistent abnormal belief or perception is firmly held by a person despite evidence to the contrary.
mania "madness"an unstable emotional state characterized by symptoms such as extreme excitement,hyperactivity,overtalatiness,agitation.flight of ideas,fleeting attention & sometimes violent, destructive and self destructive behavior
malingering a willful and deliberate faking of symptoms of a disease or injury to gain some consciously desired end
major depressive disorder a disorder characterized by one or more episodes of depressed mood that lasts at least two weeks and is accompanied by at least four additional symptoms of depression
lithium a drug that is particularly useful in treating the manic phase of bipolar disorders(manic-depressive disorders)
introjection an ego defense mechanism whereby an individual unconsciously identifies with another person or with some object,assuming the supposed feelings and/or characteristics of the other personality or object
intoxication a state of being characterized by impaired judgment,slurred speech,loss of coordination,irritability and mood changes;may be due to drugs, including alchol
hypomania a mild degree of mania characterized by optimism,excitability,energetic and productive behavior,marked hyperactivity and talkativeness,heightened sexual interest,quickness to anger,irritability and a decreased need for sleep
hypochondrasis a chronic abnormal concern about the health of the body,characterized by extreme anxiety,depression,& an unrealistic interpretation of real or imagined physical symptoms as indications of a serious illness
hyponsis a passive trance-like state of existence that resembles normal sleep-during which perception and memory are altered,resulting in increased responsiveness to suggestion
hallucinogens substances that cause excitation of the central nervous system,characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations,mood changes,anxiety,increased pulse and blood pressure and dilation of the pupils
group therapy the application of psycho-therapeutic techniques within a small group of people who experience similar difficulties
frotteurism a sexual disorder in which the person gains sexual stimulation or excitement by rubbing against a non-consenting person
hallucination a subjective(existing in the mind)perception of something that dies not exist in the external environment.Hallucinations may be visual,olfactory(smell),gustatory(taste),tactile(touch)or auditory(hearing)
Created by: Courtne
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