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Unit 0: 1200 CE

Foundations to 1200 CE

Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) a long period of human development before the development of agriculture
Pastoral nomadic animal-herding societies often known for spreading religion, culture, and technology across trade routes throughout history
Conduit a means by which something is transmitted
Surplus more of something than as needed
Metallurgy the science of working with metals
Agrarian relating to land: relating to the management or farming of land
Elite People of wealth and power; upper class -- did not emerge until settled societies developed
Egalitarian believing in the social and economic equality of all people - existing before setting societies in hunter-gathering groups
Patriarchy a form of social organization in which men are the supreme authority in the family, society, and political realm
Neolithic Revolution (10,000 - 8, 000 BCE) The development of agriculture and the domestication of animals as a food source. This led to the development of permanent settlements and the start of civilization
Specialization The concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms on a limited number of activities; increases efficiency
Social hierarchy The division of society by rank or class
Mesopotamia (land between the rivers) The region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; birthplace of the Sumerian and Babylonian Civilizations. Participated in state expansion and empire building
Ancient Egypt An ancient civilization centered around the Nile River; unified by Menes around 3000 B.C.; divided into the old, middle, and new kingdoms; main gods included Osiris, Isis, Re, and Horus; believed in Divine Kingship; participated in state expansion and e
Created by: AidanLin
Popular World History sets




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