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Final WH

1) What role should government play in a country’s economy?
Keynes and deficit spending Economist, wrote TECOTP: predicted war reparations on G lead 2 econ. collapse 4 euro&the world, advocated deficit spending (govt spending more than collects) during business cycle recessions->critical 4 driving↑demand&full employment. Too much↑inflation.
Hayek and economic control = political control* H believed govt intervention leads to ↑ debt & inflation, when govt spends $ on projects it's favoring that business over others
1) How do people’s standard of living and confidence in their future affect politics? Strong econ, ppl have jobs, housing, food, safety=ppl happy->support govt, want stability/slow change (current continue) Weak econ, ↑unemployment, homelessness, less safety=ppl sad/angry->disapprove govt, want changes, reforms, riots, support dictator
2) What are the characteristics of totalitarianism?
3) What are the similarities between communism and fascism? 1)totalitarian, strong central govt 2)no citizens political participation 3)command/corporate econ. 4)leaders claim ruling to "benefit society" 5)control society by terror 6)get followers by propaganda 7)popular bc leaders promised to fix econ.
4) How did Stalin use totalitarianism and communism to shape and control the Soviet Union?
5) How did Hitler use totalitarianism and fascism to shape and control Nazi Germany?
6) How did Mussolini and Franco use totalitarianism and fascism to shape and control Italy and Spain?
7) How did Tojo use totalitarianism and fascism to shape and control Japan ?
“enemies of the state”, cult of personality, etc fascism characteristics 1) extreme nationalism: supremacy based on race religion ethnicity nationality 2) cult of personality: images of leaders=great figures thru prpgnda 3) popular mobilization: F demand mandatory public participation in society
Command economy Stalin wanted a command economy so he ended NEP % replaced it w/ 5 yr plan & farm collectivization
Stalin Part of troika->day 2 day leadership USSR, Lenin wanted removal after S power↑ but S kept L isolated, 4/3/1922 Stalin=General Secretary of Communist Party>by spread influence->leader of USSR, wanted to↑socialism, caused famines/deaths, ↑indus. econ.
5-Year Plans 5 year plan: aimed to build socialism->state assumed all enterprise control& undertook intense industrialization of USSR->steel, rainroads & heavy industry ^ but very few consumer goods were made.
Kulaks and collective farms FC=small farmers forced 2 join land & produce crops govt wanted, wealthy farmers who opposed FC "kulaks" by soviet propaganda->declared enemies of the state & were executed/deported/stripped of land 2 warm ppl who opposed/transfer confiscated land 2 CFs
Great Purge Stalin conducted Great Purge and killed thousands at a time.
Gulag Stalin persecuted rich peasants (kulaks) and sent them to labor camps (gulags)
Holodomor Genocide of Ukranians by starvation
Hitler Leader of the Nazi party and Germany
“Mein Kampf’ Political manifesto book written by Hitler
Nazis, 1932 election victory in election 1932 unemployment in G=33%, 37% of G voters chose Nazi party (plurality=most votes), bc Nazis had most votes they had 1st chance to form govt->H head of Nazis so head of govt
March on Rome 1922 Black shirts claimed 2 take over It. govt in an event called "March on Rome", King Victor Emmanuel III refused 2 use army against ~30,000 armed fascists->govt leaders resigned in protest->King asked Mussolini to be prime minister of It.
Third Reich 1933-1945 3rd G empire (Hitler), 1st=holy roman, 2nd=G empire 1870-1918, after 1932 election Nazi victory, 1933 Reichstag (building where govt meets) fire->Pres. Hindenburg use Article 48 (leader rule temp. as dictator), Nazis pass Enabling Act->H perm. dictator
pan-Germanism Pan-G was important, therefore all German speakers should be united under one govt, nationalism should be used to ↑ G's pride in themselves & Germany
antisemitism and scapegoating AS was racism @ the time, ~1880s Jews believed 2 be diff. race rather than diff. ethnic group w/diff. religious beliefs->Jews were cause of G's problems though they were ~2% of German pop. bc Weimar govt backstabbed Gs by signing Treaty of Versailles
Aryan superiority Germans were Aryans, a mythical group descended from Nordic nomads who invaded India. Slavs and Jews were inferior races living side by side w/Aryans
lebensraum Lebensraum=living space for Germans, superior Gs should expand eastward for more space (they would need to conquer&remove Slavs to get the land)
propaganda Propaganda is important: can be used to ↑ support for "us" by exaggerating positives, can be used to ↓ support & sympathy for "them" by portraying others as destructive
Mussolini& Fascists M rose 2 pwr after WWI bc It. experienced 2 yrs of mass strikes bc nationalists believed they were betrayed bc didn't get Dalmation coast & It. was a great pwr but nobody treated it as such + inflation/unemployment->strikes->M formed fascist party 1919
Mare Nostrum policy M's foreign policy guided by the idea of Mare nostrum: the med sea would b surrounded by italian-controlled territory
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