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CSC 10s
JBQ 10s Tricky
Question | Answer |
About how long did Jesus preach and teach before His crucifixion? | [About] 3-1/2 years |
About how many people did God inspire to write the Bible? | [About] 40 |
About how many people waited in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit? | [About] 120 |
About how many people were saved as a result of Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost? | [About] 3,000 |
About how old was Jesus when He began His public ministry? | [About] 30 years old |
By what miracle did the Israelites enter the Promised Land? | God stopped the flow of the Jordan River during its flood stage. |
By what miracle did the Israelites leave the land of Egypt? | The parting of the sea [Red Sea] |
From what mountain did Moses see the Promised Land? | Nebo |
From which of the tribes of Israel were the priests chosen? | Levi |
How did God prove to the Israelites that Moses and Aaron were His chosen leaders? | He caused Aaron's staff to sprout, bud, blossom. |
How did God provide bread for the Israelites in the wilderness? | By sending manna |
How did God provide healing for the Israelites when they were bitten by the snakes? | God told Moses to make a bronze snake that the people could look at and be healed. |
How many books are in the New Testament? | 27 |
How many books are in the Old Testament? | 39 |
How many books are there in the Bible? | 66 |
In the Christian's armor, what is the belt? | Truth |
In the Christian's armor, what is the body armor? | God’s righteousness |
In the Christian's armor, what is the helmet? | Salvation |
In the Christian's armor, what is the shield? | Faith |
In the Christian's armor, what is worn on the feet? | The peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared |
In the Parable of the Sower, to what did Jesus compare the seed? | The Word of God |
In what city were Jesus' followers first called "Christians"? | Antioch |
In what language was most of the Old Testament written? | Hebrew |
In what language was most of the New Testament written? | Greek |
Into what country was Joseph sold as a slave? | Egypt |
On what mountain did God give Moses the Ten Commandments? | Mt. Sinai |
QUOTATION QUESTION. Which is the first of the Ten Commandments? | Exodus 20:3 “You must not have any other god but me.” |
QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits cursing and swearing? | Exodus 20:7 “You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God.” |
QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits the worshipping of idols? | Exodus 20:4 "You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind” |
QUOTATION QUESTION. Which of the Ten Commandments sets aside one day each week as special unto God? | Exodus 20:8 “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” |
To what city were many of the people of Judah taken as captives? | Babylon |
To what country did Abraham go in time of famine? | Egypt |
What did Jesus prophesy Peter would do on the night of His betrayal? | Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times. |
What did Jesus prophesy would happen to the stones of the Temple? | Not one stone would be left on top of another |
What is the longest book of the Bible? | Psalms |
What is the longest chapter in the Bible? | Psalm 119 |
What was the meaning of the first rainbow? | It was God's promise that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood. |
What was the meaning of the handwriting on the wall at Belshazzar's drunken party? | That Belshazzar's kingdom was about to be conquered |
What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Hagar? | Ishmael |
What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Sarah? | Isaac |
When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in who oversaw the rebuilding of the temple?Babylon, | Zerubbabel |
When the people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon, who oversaw the rebuilding of the walls of the city? | Nehemiah |
Where did Jacob and his family settle in Egypt? | Goshen |
Where did Jacob have a dream of a stairway reaching to heaven? | Bethel |
Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the Church? | Acts |
Which book of the Bible tells about the beginnings of the world? | Genesis |
Which of the Ten Commandments forbids wrong desires? | You must not covet...anything that belongs to your neighbor. |
Which of the Ten Commandments prohibits lying? | “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.” |
Which of the Ten Commandments protects our right to own possessions? | “You must not steal.” |
Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of human life? | “You must not murder.” |
Which of the Ten Commandments protects the sacredness of marriage? | “You must not commit adultery.” |
Who did Jesus say was like the foolish man who built his house upon sand? | Those who hear His teachings but do not obey them |
Who did Jesus say was like the wise man who built his house upon the rock? | Those who hear His teachings and follow them |
Who was Abraham's nephew? | Lot |
Who was Abraham's wife? | Sarah |
Who was the first king of Israel? | Saul |
Who was the first murderer? | Cain |
Who was the first person to be martyred for being a Christian? | Stephen |
Who was the first person to see Jesus after He was resurrected? | Mary Magdalene |
Who were the first four apostles Jesus called to follow Him? | Peter, Andrew, James, John |
Who were the first man and first woman? | Adam and Eve |
Who were the first persons, other than Joseph and Mary, to hear that Jesus had been born? | Shepherds |
Who were the first two brothers? | Cain and Abel |
Who wrote many of the Psalms? | King David |
Who wrote more books of the Bible than any other person? | Paul |
Who wrote the book of Acts? | Luke |
How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born? | Abraham was one hundred and Sarah was ninety years old. |
What man lost all of his possessions and his health but remained true to God? | Job |
Where did Jesus live as He was growing up? | Nazareth |
Why did God send a flood upon the earth? | Because people were so wicked and they thought about evil all the time |
Why did David show kindness to Mephibosheth? | Because Mephibosheth was Jonathan's son |
From what mountain did Moses see the Promised Land? | Nebo |
How did Aaron and Hur help Moses gain the victory over the Amalekites? | By holding up Moses' hands |
What is an epistle? | A letter sent by an apostle |
Who was swallowed by a great fish when he ran away from doing God's will? | Jonah |
How did God reward Job for his faithfulness? | God gave him as many children and twice as many possessions as he had had before his trial. |
About how many people did God inspire to write the Bible? | [About] forty |
Why did Joseph's brothers go to Egypt? | To buy food |
What did Joseph say was the meaning of the king's dream? | Seven good years would be followed by seven years of famine. |
What is prayer? | Prayer is talking with God. |
Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a blazing furnace? | They refused to worship the gold statue set up by the king. |
What evidence did the spies bring back to show that Canaan was a good land? | They brought fruit from the land. |
What prophet succeeded Elijah? | Elisha |
Why did the Israelites want a king instead of a judge? | Because they wanted to be like other nations |
QUOTATION QUESTION. With what words did John the Baptist introduce Jesus? | John 1:29 "Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" |