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ColdWar Out of Euro*

Final WH

Non-aligned movement and Nasser 1 1947-mid 1960s most colonies->independent ctrys, many never given chance 2 run own govts & econs-->US, USSR, China tried 2 influence new ctrys->rivalries^, proxy wars^-->2 ↓ superpowers' influence, a group of countries formed NAM 2 gain influence in UN
Cuban revolution 1953-1959 Led by Fidel Castro (initially nationalist, but went communist) against dictator Batista. Communist Cuba-->Bay of Pigs/Cuban Missile Crisis. The United States imposed a trade embargo in 1962 that led to years of hardship for the Cuban people.
Castro 1959 Fidel Castro took over Cuban govt, he & followers replaced capitalist pro-US govt w/communist govt that planned (& did) redistribute wealth-->scared US govt in2 focusing on fighting communism in Latin America
Bay of Pigs 1961 Covert-Op: Failed, goal was to invade Cuba and remove Fidel Castro from power, overthrow attempted prompted Castro to turn to Soviet Union for help-->Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis 10/16-24/62 Non CVOP: dangerous/direct confront. btwn USSR/US, closest 2 nuclear attack, agreement Kruschev/Castro -> USSR missile launch areas w/ intercont. ballistic missiles that go US secretly, US rid weapons from Turkey/USSR from Cuba after nego.
School of the Americas 1963 Non CVOP: US established a military school in Georgia to train members of Latin American militaries to fight against the spread of communism in their country/region. These fighters often led coups vs their govts
Iran-Contra affair 1985 Covert-Op: Reagan administration facilitated an illegal arms deal to the Iran govt for their help to release hostages in Lebanon, then used the fund gained to fund the Contras (an anti-communist group in Nicaragua that opposed the current govt)
Korean War 1 1950-1953 proxy war (war btwn 2 powers no direct fighting) 1945-48:Japan lost Korea->split in2 north=USSR, south=US June 1950: border conflicts, NK surprise invasion in2 SK backed by USSR & C->Truman declared war, UN votes 4 int. fighting force to aid SK
Korean flight #007 8/31/1983 007 off course w/o pilot knowing in2 Soviet Airspace (AS over China/E. Euro/USSR closed 2 west aircraft) twice before shot down bc USSR falsely said it was foreign spy plane->all 269 dead, US/USSR as close 2 war since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Ho Chi Minh France gave Vietnam "partial autonomy": Ho Chi Minh = a nationalist who was against Japanese control, pres of north Vietnam (communist party of vietnam), founder of CPV
Geneva Conference in 1954 after Dien Bien Phu GC 4 Korea & Berlin, after Viet Minh overran French base@Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam +->GC V’s reunification and self-government->Geneva Accords (roadmap 4 Vietnam’s transition 2 independence->V split in2 north USSR/C & south US)->Euro intervention end, US^
Events you learned earlier that showed weakness of Qing dynasty (Opium War, Boxer Rebellion) OW 1839: foreign influence->fall of dynasty when British defeated China in wars, forcing C 2 open trade/exempt B from C laws BU 1898-1901: demonstrated ability of C's peasant pop./expressed foreign imperialism & peasant rebellion due to widespread poverty
Mao Communist leader, believed communists should get support from peasants (not working class), peasants promised land by Mao, believed peasants would turn to violence targeting local tyrants & patriarchy if change didn't happen, was of peasant origins
Jiang Jieshi/Chiang Kai Shek and Guomingdang JJS 1887-1975: Political leader after Sun Yatsen died, led China thru 2nd Sino-Jap War, wanted 2 reunite China, no communism/democracy, wanted 2 eradicate chinese communists. GMD: JJS's nationalist govt, opposed by CCP, fought alongside CCP against Jap.
Chinese civil war Btwn CCP & GMD -->1930 Nationalists attacked Communists, JJS failed in eradicating Chinese communism, ended w/ communist control of mainland China
Long March JJS tried to drive communists (red bandits) out of China-->killed communist party members-->start of civil war/violence btwn the 2-->prep for war w/ new tactics
Second Sino-Japanese War 1931 Jap.->Manchuria->puppet state,Jap aggression ^ ->2 Sino-Jap War,1937 (2SJW) Jap. bomb China/start east takeover,GMD/CCP fought together w/ B, F, US help,Brutal Jap. takeover->Nanjing Rape,1940 stalemate, west set sanctions on Jap->pearl harbor->WWII
Great Leap Forward Purpose: china ^/max agricult. productions/efficiency/promote tech 2 pass UK in industrial production Result: catastrophic ↓ in living conditions bc govt policies, floods, droughts, infections. ~20 mil died starvation '59-62, Mao gone from public eye->GCF
5-Year plans* 1953-57: 1st 5YP: aim was 2 boost China’s industrialization, steel production ^ four-fold in 4 years (1.3 mil tons->5.2 mil tons)Agricultural output also ^, but didn't keep pace w/ industrial production & pop.^
Cultural Revolution Mao attempted to regain power/support after GLF failed, caused more dealths/crippled econ. Goals: peasants & workers to align themselves w/Mao's ideology or else face extreme consequences, preserve communism & remove capitalist elements from society
Sino-Soviet split 1 SS cooperation began formation of USSR->support 4 CCP, 1949 Mao visit Stalin->disregarded but military alliance, in public Mao/CCP saw Stalin visionary leader but Mao felt betrayed bc lack of support Korean War 1956 Khrushchev condemn Stalin->Mao awkward
Opening of relations with US (acceptance in UN, ping-pong diplomacy, Nixon’s visit) 1971 PRC replaced Taiwan as perm. member of UN->1 of 5 members of UN Security Council (UK, U.S., F, Russia) 4/6/71 US TT team got surprise invitation in2 PRC->4/12 US announced plans 2 rid 20-year trade embargo w/China '72: Nixon 1st U.S. Pres 2 go 2 PRC
Deng Xiaoping 1978-1989ish leader of the PRC after Mao, under Deng econ. reforms helped part of the economy
Tiananmen Square (what happened? What were immediate results? What were long-term results?)* 1989 Protest: students want democracy/liberty, Short-term:CCP maintained condemnation of demonstrations, Long-term:opened lots of economic possibilites 4 ppl as long as kept out politics, govt traded security & wealth 4 any kind of civil liberties w/ppl
WTO China joined WTO on 12/11/2001, let foreign investors participate in the PRC's stock exchanges - contributed to the country's economic growth
Xi Jinping 2012-present, current leader of China
Belt and Road initiative* 2013 XJP's globe spanning plan w/purpose of strengthening trade, infrastruct, & investment links btwn C & ~65 other ctrys-->C provides financing 4 infra. 2 other ctrys, road=maritime network China 2 Euro, belt=overland routes thru central Asia 2 Euro
Made in China 2025 Released 2015 state-led industrial policy 2 make China dominant in global high-tech manufacturing in 10 years, aims 2 use government subsidies & mobilize state-owned enterprises catch up & surpass western tech in advanced industries.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 2015 got high marks for being independent, similar to world bank, gives grants (gifts) or loans (you need to pay $ back w/interest) 2 ctrys 2 build roads, hospitals, etc. So far AIIB is meeting/exceeding western standards for banking
Events you learned earlier that showed weakness of Qing dynasty (open-door policy and spheres of influence) ODP 1899: all countries should have equal access to any of the ports open to trade in China-->only C govt should collect taxes on trade, no great power having a sphere of inf. should be granted exception from paying dues/charges
Non-aligned movement and Nasser 2 Nasser (egypt) was one of the founding fathers of the NAM (egypt, ghana, indonesia, india, yugoslav) N's non-alignment strategy=neutrality without indifference= cntrys can be involved in world affairs without taking sides, necessarily.
Sino-Soviet split 2 Sino-Soviet relations continued to worsen from 1957, driven by ideological divisions, different attitudes to the West, provocative and hostile remarks, failed talks between Mao and Khrushchev, and border disputes that led to a brief conflict in 1969.
Korean War 2 US forced 2 southeast end of country-->Incheon attack=victory 4 US, Nov 1950 NK pushed 2 Yalu River bordering China, C involved&pushed SK back south 2 Chosin River, april '51 US full invasion C-->Truman fires MacArthur, peace nego. start drag on until '53
Korean War 3 1953 July: truce->signed armistace agreement btwn C, US, NK, but SK refused bc not a decisive victory/defeat, DMZ=2&1/2 mile wide demilitarized zone that is the border btwn NK & SK-->almost exactly the way it was before
Indian National Congress 1885 1st political organization 2 fight B imperialism; Gandhi leader, Nehru in power 1951/52-64; social democrat policies: industrialization, nationalization of imp. econ sectors, improving ppls standard of living, ↓discrimination against women/poor
J. Nehru in power 1951/52-64, daughter/grandson subsequent prime ministers (both assassinated), led non-aligned ctrys & refused to join either US or USSR in Cold War but bought more weapons from USSR "strategic autonomy": 1 reason why US-India relations strained
BJP 1980 Hindu Nationalist political party of postindependence India, higher castes/northern India support, try 2 attract lower caste support (appointing lower-caste 2 large party pos.) 2023 BJP ridding facts don't support BJP vers of history (Muslims/sex ed)
N. Modi Leader of Gujurat when BJP killed ~1000 Muslims, promotes "hindu-first" vision of India, econ. ↓#ppl in extreme poverty 2011-2019 but covid hurt poor all over the world
Gains under Modi gains=↑spending/infrastructure, more paying tax, fast switch 2 digital econ. than other ctrys, ↑%ppl w/bank accounts, produces massive amounts of generic drugs/vaccines used by world agencies to help poor ctrys
Losses under Modi exports ↓, now Bangladesh is competative, Modi's goal was 25% of GDP from manufacturing but stuck at 15%, budget deficit↑(like US); even less $ spent on healthcare
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