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AWH final terms

Neolithic Revolution began around 12,000 years ago, humans began to domesticate plants and animals, settle down in one place and raise plants and animals through farming
Moses the person who lead the Jews out of Egypt
Monotheism a religion with the belief of only one god
Jesus of Nazareth was born a jew, a teacher that spread his ideas to many, and was the creator of Christianity
Muhammad a merchant born in the Arabian city of Mecca, the final prophet sent by God to mankind
Germanic having characteristics of or attributed to Germans or Germany
Lay investiture conflict between the pope and the Roman emperor about who should control the state
Christopher Columbus Italian explorer, arrived at the Americas thinking it was Asia, searched for people to convert to christianity
Cuneiform system of writing designed to be pressed into clay tablets with a stylus, first developed in ancient Sumer
Siddartha the founder of buddhism
Arete greek word for “excellence”
Warring states period seven or more small feuding Chinese kingdoms whose careers collectively constitute an era in Chinese history
Cleopatra Egyptian queen known for bringing prosperity to Egypt and her relationship with Caesar and Antony
Qu’ran the holy book of Islam
Charlemagne ruler of the franks
Crusades series of military expeditions from parts of Europe to the eastern coast of the mediterranean
Moctezuma Aztec emperor, cortes encountered him
Pyramid monumental four-sided, triangular Egyptian structure used as a tomb
Hammurabi Babylonian king famous for creating one of the world’s first and most comprehensive codes of law
Polis Greek word for “city state”
Patrician higher social class in ancient Rome, very wealthy, favored by the government
Plebeian lower class in ancient Rome, pressed charges against the government due to the unfair treatment
Julius Caesar a Roman general and politician who named himself dictator of the Roman Empire, a rule that lasted less than one year before he was famously assassinated by political rivals in 44 B.C
Mansa Musa African emperor, he controlled about 80 percent of the world’s gold during his reign
Feudalism a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle Ages in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return
Guild a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power
Zheng He Chinese Muslim admiral, he led all seven voyages which came to a sudden stop
Reincarnation rebirth
Darius the Great an excellent leader and brilliant administrator who strengthened Persia by letting those he conquered live on in peace
Socrates Greek philosopher executed by the Athenians for corrupting the youth, among other charges
Constantine Roman emperor who legalized Christianity
Ibn Battuta a Moroccan explorer who made extensive travels throughout the Middle east, Africa, and Asia, he wrote a travel account when he returned home in 1355
Scholasticism system of theology and philosophy taught in ancient medieval Europe universities, used to resolve contradictions between different authorities
Three-field system method of agricultural organization introduced in Europe in the middle ages and representing a decisive advance in production techniques
Genghis Khan a clan leader who unified the Mongols
Created by: lwstudystack
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