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Global Review Part 2


Ethnocentrism The attitude of one's culture being superior to other cultures (China was this way due to geographic isolation)
Dynastic Cycle This term describes the change in ruling families in China
Mandate of Heaven This term explains why ruling families gained and lost power in the Dynastic Cycle (Hint: The gods decide)
Shi Huangdi He was the first emperor of China and was known for unifying China, standardizing writing and money, and the building the Great Wall
Legalism This philosophy is based on strict laws and harsh punishments and was used to unify China under Shi Huang Di
Civil Service Exam During the Han Dynasty, this is a system where government officials were chosen based on an exam where people were educated in Confucian philosophy
Silk Road This trade route opened during the Han Dynasty to allow the trade of silk to the west and to get items the Chinese could not make
fall of the Han Dynasty Problems including growing too large to control territory, invasion and corruption (poor government) led to this
Hinduism A major belief system that developed in India and includes the caste system, dharma, karma and reincarnation
Caste System This is the rigid Hindu social class structure that decided your job, who you could marry and you change levels based on doing your dharma
Asoka He was the leader of Maurya Empire who converted to Buddhism, ruled by non-violence and spread Buddhism from India to China.
Buddhism This is a belief system that developed in India and focuses on the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and reincarnation
Golden Age A period of peace and prosperity (wealth) that allow for cultural achievements
Gupta Empire This was golden age of India and led to achievements in areas including mathematics and science
city- state This is the political structure that include a city and its surrounding lands and villages
Mountains This geographic feature led to the forming of city-states in ancient Greece
Pericles He ruled Athens during their Golden Age and helped develop democracy
Democracy He ruled Athens during their Golden Age and helped develop democracy
Athens This city-state focused on a democratic form of government, the importance of the individual and valued beauty
Sparta This city-state focused on military strength and valued bravery and courage
Mediterranean Sea This body of water provided the Italian peninsula the ability to control trade in the region
Twelve Tables This written law code was created in Ancient Rome to establish that all citizens had rights under the law
Republic A government in which the people elect representatives to make their political decisions and were a major contribution of the Romans.
Pax Romana This was the "Roman Peace" (27 BCE -180CE)
Fall of the Roman Empire Invasion, too many territories to control, disloyal military and corruption (poor government) led to this long decline
Created by: Jennhill18
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