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R.O.H. Final Review

How many Jews died during the Holocaust? 6 million
How many Soviets died during the Holocaust? Around 7 million (1.3 of these were Jewish Civilians)
How many Soviet Prisoners of war died during the Holocaust? 3 million (50,000 of these were Jewish soldiers)
How many people with disabilities who were living in institutions died during the Holocaust? Up to 250,000
How many Roma (gypsies) died during the Holocaust? Up to 250,000
How many Jehovah's Witnesses died during the Holocaust? Around 1,900
How many German political opponents and resistance activists died during the Holocaust? Undetermined
How many gay people died during the Holocaust? Hundreds, possibly thousands
What was the start of the Holocaust? The Holocaust was not created in 1933 with Hitler, it socially and politically began in the Medieval kingdoms that replaced the Roman Empire.
What had occurred to the Jews over time before the Holocaust? Relegated to the ghetto, expelled bc they were blamed for the Black Death but asked to come back for economic reasons. Dependent on royal protection by King or local nobelman.
What did Martin Luther say in 1543 in regards to the Jews? Advised synagogues should be burned as well as jewish homes. That Jews should be put in a stable, under one roof, put to work, or driven out of the land.
By the middle of the seventeenth century where did hall of the worlds jewish population (2 million) live? Central Europe
What was the most common language amongst Jewish people? Yiddish
Who was Karl Marx? A converted Jew who linked Judaism with destructive power. Could only be saved by the destruction of Judaism and capitalism
Composer Richard Wagner Believed that modern Judaism was the root of all modern problems, the suffering of artists for jewish financial profit, destroyed culture and brought about German paranoia about the Jews.
Theodor Hertzl Australian journalist who believed that jews must create their own nation state. Founder of the modern movement of Zionism
What were the accusations made against Jews in 1914? They were avoiding military service/ finding ways to get out of it. Was not true.
As the war continued Jews were found morally __________? Reprehensible
Pale region of Tsarist Russia and was Anti-judiasm and deported Jews to enclosed areas or boundaries.
Blood Libel Jews accused of murdering Christian children, in order to use their blood in the baking of Passover bread (matzah)
Vladimir Lenin leader of Bolshevik party and accepted German support. Insisted upon the abolition of all restrictions on Jews.
What happened in the years of 1933-1938? Jewish cultural renaissance in German in response to anti-semitism, jews attend jewish schools, increased synagogue attendance, youth groups creates, jewish universities, and jewish trade schools
Neville Chamberlin a British Prime minister said what about the Jews? " No doubt Jews aren't a lovable people; I don't care about them myself but that is not sufficient to explain the pogrom."
Yom Kippur day of atonement no eating or drinking water (atoning for sins and fast from sun up to sun down)
Rosh Hashanah The jewish new year ( follow a dif. calendar from when judaism started)
Shabat Celebrating the sabbath from Friday to Saturday ( no school and someone is hired to switch the lights on and off; a day of rest and no work)
Keep Kosher no eating pork or seafood- designed to protect people from disease
ShoaH Jewish word for the Holocaust
The Abwehr German Intelligence organization with many anti-nazi operatives. organized operation Valkyrie and had assassination attempts on hitler
Wilhelm Canarias Helped jews escape Germany to Switzerland and employed them also gave false information to nazis to help prevent the invasion of Switzerland
Frau Solf tea Party Frau Soft was a part of the anti-nazi movement and held tea parties to discuss ideas and was caught by the Gestapo which ended this organization
Georges Garel A part of the French resistance and helped rescue Jewish children in German invaded areas. an award was named after him by the IFAN board which is given to people for exceptional service
The Croatian Ustasha a radical right wing political group founded by Ante Pavelic in 1929. Perpetrated a genoicde against all non-croatioans and non catholics. huge obsession with death.
The Jasenovac Complex A concentration camp in Croatia near Zagreb- comparable to Aushwitiz-Birkenau minus the furnaces
Typhus Thrives in environments of low hygiene and close quarters and was "cured" with DDT powder (insecticide) after liberation
Irena Sendler A member of Zegota (an underground resistance group) and smuggled children and connected them to families to hide them. When captured refused to give up any information. After the holocaust she tried to reconnect the children with their original families.
The Struma Boat used to help the Jews escape Germany. David Stoliar was the sole survivor at 19 years old (bears witness and luck)
Nuremberg Trials brought former nazi leaders and war criminals to trial. was just to show the world that they "did something about it" but it was no where near close to the action that should have been taken against these individuals
Raoul Wallenburg Swedish business man who used fund to bribe Germans to get political information. Rescued Jews and put them in safe houses and issued passports.
Zyklon B Used in the gas chambers for mass extinction. main manufactures were found guilty in assisting in genocide in trial
White Rose Resistance Students from Munich who made pamphlets of Anti-nazi ideals and fought as a part of the resistance.
Yad Vashem The world holocaust remembrance center in Jersualem. Instituted by Knesset Israeli parliament.
Righteous among the nations honors those who risked their lives to save the jews but did not honor jews who did so it wa their obligation to help one another.
Operation Valkyrie Internal plot to kill hitler, Claus Von Sauffenberg was chosen. 5 people killed and hitler walked out alive
Lebensborn An operation to create more aryan children to be the future leaders of Germany, these children were abandoned and not accepted after the war
Warsaw Zoo Jan and Antonia Zabinski smuggled people and food out of the ghettos and hid jews in their villa basement (under wacky star or crazy star villa) with an underground tunnel
Pope Pius XII "hitlers pope"; complete bystander speculation that he was secretly helping the jews or completely ignorant but he knew everything and did noting
Humani generis Unitas a document written by Pope Pius XI that condemned anti semitism, racism, and the persecution of Jews an was not published by Pope XII due to fear he would be killed
Stolen Art nazi party confiscated hundreds of thousands of artworks during WWII and used it to enrich the third reich. thousands of pieces still missing . Washington conference principals published as a restitution effort but failed.
Hildebrand Gurlitt an approved art dealer that was commissioned by the Nazis to liquidate degenerate art. 1,500 artworks were found in his sons apartment in 2013
Milgram Experiments Behavioral study of obedience, came about after the Nuremberg trials
Warsaw Ghetto Emanuel Ringelblum- founded and ran the Warsaw ghetto archive "one shabbet" (sabbath delight)
Oneg Shabbat documenting their experiences and everything they saw; the most important historical source in the Nazi occupied Poland era
Warsaw Uprising Tadeusz Komorowsk and General Antoni churscieli led the Home army and ordered operation tempest and lead a series of local military uprisings
Life in a Jar Documentation of the real and fake identities of the children saved by Irena, buried in her neighbors yard
Operation tempest The original name of the Warsaw Uprising
People Army (AL) An independent jewish army was formed under this league, as they were not allowed to fight along the poles based on discrimination
Babyn Yar Massacre one of the largest mass shootings of Jews in German-occupied Europe on September 29-30th, 1941. Symbolized the struggle over the memory of World War II and the Holocaust in the Soviet Union
Ponary Massacre AKA the Paneriai massacre was the mass murder of up to 100,000 people, mostly Jews, Poles, and Russians, by German SD and SS and their Lithuanian collaborators (from July 1941- August 1944)
Created by: hopemil12
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