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Why do people settle in a particular location? People settle in locations due to water, topography, and vegetation.
Why is water so important to the settlement of a particular place? Water is important to a settlement because it can be drinking water, used for transportation, to irrigate crops, it can be a source of food, and used to bathe.
How did the Nile River influence the growth of trade in Egypt? The Nile river was used to transport many items from Egypt to other countries nearby using boats which helped the trading in Egypt.
3 Seasons in Egypt Akhet (flood season)- farmers usually during this time do other things like repairing irrigation systems while new silt covers the ground Peret (planting/growing season)- crops are planted. Shemu (harvest season)- crops are harvested and traded/sold
Amun Ra/Re Amun ra is the “creator” of the world. He created all the other gods, coming from a blue lotus when there was nothing but darkness. He was the first god which is why he is deemed the creator since he also created the world out of darkness.
What is the story involving Osiris, Set/Seth, Isis and Horus? Osiris married Isis and had a child, Horus which made Set jealous.Set was also not in the throne because Osiris was the older sibling. He killed Osiris and chopped him up after throwing him into the Nile River.
story part 2 Isis tries to find all of her husband's body parts in order to try and revive him. She brings the parts she found and made him the god of the underworld. In order to avenge his father, Horus defeats Set and takes the throne from him.
Anubis God of funerals, he is believed to invent mummification. He is also believed to be the one to weigh people’s hearts to see if they were a good or bad person before the afterlife.
Early dynastic period The invention of the calender and hieroglyphics were made, marking advancements in timekeeping and writing.
King menes/ Narmer He was the first pharaoh of the newly combined Egypt. He united upper and lower egypt by conquering lower egypt and ruling both and putting the capital in Memphis, where upper and lower Egypt met.
Khufu's legacy Khufu (pyramid builder) built the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the 7 wonders in the world. It is the last of the standing wonders. He kept strict control over Egypt’s food supply and controlled the network of government officials who carried out laws
The old kingdom . The old kingdom was known as the age of pyramids because of Khufu, his father, and grandfather building the three largest pyramids. It ended due to Egypt losing power, resulting in a period of chaos and famine
Senusret I’s legacy Senusret (patron of arts) was a strong leader who ruled a stable and unified Egypt. Under him, arts, literature, architecture, and education flourished. He had many temples, shrines, and religious monuments improved, but he was known for the white chapel
The story of Sinuhe Written under Senusret I's rein
The new kingdom Empire age or golden was when Egyptians adopted new technology and defeated the Hyksos, taking back power. This age ended due to droughts, famine, and internal power struggle and then was then invaded by numerous outsiders who later took control of Egypt
Hatshepsut She was the first female Pharaoh and was the promoter of Egyptian trade. Because she was a woman, she demanded the same respect shown to male rulers and sometimes even portrayed herself as a man. SHe also had loyal advisors and built Hatshepsut’s Temple.
Hatshepsut part 2 In her biggest achievement, she went to Punt with over 200 men in 5 ships who brought gifts and trade to punt. Under her power, trade flourished. Her temple in Dayr al-Bahri was built over the Nile and had 200 sphinx statues and obelisks at the entrance.
Akhenaten Akhenaten was King Tut’s father, married to nefertiti and “the younger lady"who was Tut's mother. He tried to make Egypt a monotheistic country, worshiping the sun and making problems for priests.This is why he named everything, aten which is the sun.
King Tut King Tutankhamun (the boy king) stepped into the throne when he was only nine years old. He undid his father’s attempt to make Egypt a monotheistic society.
Howard Carter connection to tut Discovered by archeologist Howard Carter, tut's tomb was one of the only relatively undisturbed tombs found. However, there was a conspiracy about a mummys curse that arose after many workers related to tut’s pyramid opening had died from unknown reasons.
Ramses II (the great) Ramses II had many other pharaohs in Egypt named in his honor.He was the second longest serving pharaoh in Egypt and signed the very first peace treaty with the Hittite empire who been a threat to Egypt.He was known as a military leader and master builder
the Great Temples in Abu Simbel Built by ramses, therefore is called the Great Temples of Ramses II
Late Dynastic Period The late dynasty period had many invaders like the kushites, assyrians, persians, greeks, and romans. It started with Alexander the Great and ptolemy I who was one of his generals. It ended with the death of Cleopatra and was conquered by the Romans.
Cleopatra VII’s Legacy Known as the philopator, she was the last pharaoh of Egypt before it became a Roman providence. She was apart of the Ptolemy dynasty. She made many alliances with foreign leaders such as Julius caesar whom she had a son with and Marc Antony after he died
What happened after Cleopatra's Death? The Egyptian empire ended and was conquered by the romans. Many histories about her were written after she died as political propaganda by her adversaries to discredit female leadership
Hieroglyphics & the Rosetta Stone The Rosetta Stone has three languages, Greek, demotic and hieroglyphs. All three languages say the same thing, providing the key to translating hieroglyphs. It was found in 1799 by Napoleon’s army by Pierre Francois-Xavier Bouchards.
Mummification process 1.Get all the guts and brains out 2. Clean the body 3. Put salt into the body 4. Leave the salt for around 30 days 5. Put on a fragrance like tree resin to seal the body. 6. Wrapped the body in linen and placed it in the coffin.
Basic beliefs of afterlife -kept heart in body since it was the center of the body -Put on a heart-scarab amulet so that the heart doesn’t betray its owner during the telling of sins they didn’t do. -Carried the book of dead which had spells to repent monsters
Valley of the Kings The valley of the kings was the royal cemetery where they buried a lot of the pharaohs. There were many pyramids in this area which is why is was named the Valley of the Kings
Monotheism The belief of only one god/deity.
Polytheism The belief of multiple gods or deities
Stable food supply Grew crops like wheat, flax, barley, and various fruits The Nile gave Egyptians “growing seasons” where crops would be the most successful Nile gave water to drink, to bathe, to help the soil become fertile, to help the crops grow, and to help trade
Writing hieroglyphs were carved into stones, temples, and used them for decoration Rosetta stone- key to decipher hieroglyphics. Three languages, Greek, hieroglyphics, and demotic. When using hieroglyphics vowels were left out
Arts The Narmer palette- made by Narmer (Menes) The great pyramid of Giza- made by Khufu and is one of the last standing 7 wonders. The white chapel- made by senusret for his first jubilee Hatshepsut’s temple- made by Hatshepsut over the Nile river
Government Rulers=pharaohs Controlled taxes, made laws, owned all the land, military leaders and were responsible for their people Pharaohs had certain people to do certain jobs for them.Example: pharaoh didn’t collect taxes themselves, but tax collectors did
social structure Pharaoh was the leader of Egypt commanding the military, collecting taxes, and in charge of the religious group, then pharaohs advisors, priests and architects/artists, Next were farmers, builders,soldiers, and builders Lastly were slaves.
Technology 365 day calendar hieroglyphics Pyramids Horse drawn chariots Swords Metal armor
Religion Polytheistic religion They had many gods (9 main ones, Orisis, Horus, Anubis, Iris, Seth, Ra, Sobak, Nut, Geb, Atum)
Middle kingdom Known as the period of reunification, the capital was reestablished in Thebes since Egypt had expanded south. The period ended due to the Hyksos conquering Egypt with new technology
Created by: jfu28
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