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Revelations Test

Part One Two and Three

Who is writing revelations? John
To whom is Revelation written? Persecuted Christains
Where was the author of Revelation when he was told to write the book? Asia Minor
The Seven Golden Lamp Stands The Seven Churches Of Asia
Man Dressed In A Robe A Covering Is Belief
White Hair Crown Of Glory
Blazing Eyes Wisdom
Golden Sash Glory And Beauty
Sword Coming Out Of The Mouth Word Of God
Seven Stars Gifts For Man
What does Jesus tell John is wrong with the Church at Ephesus? It Has Become Corrupt With Politics
What does Jesus tell John is wrong with the Church at Laodicea? It Has Become Lukewarm And Useless
What do the 24 elders possibly represent? Twelve Tribes Of Israel And The Twelve Apostles
What does John witness when the 1st seal is opened? A White Horse
What does John witness when the 2nd seal is opened? Beast That Says Come And See
What does John witness when the 3rd seal is opened? The Rich Getting Richer And The Poor Getting Poorer
What does John witness when the 4th seal is opened? A Pale Horse With Hell Behind Him
What is the number 144,000 thought to represent? The Amount Of Says Christ Must Find
What are the 7 trumpets thought to represent? To Signal The Start Of The Apocalypse
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 1st trumpet? Hail And Rain Of Fire Shall Come Down
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 2nd trumpet? Ships And Sea Life Shall Be Destroyed
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 3rd trumpet? A Star Shall Fall To The Earth
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 4th trumpet? The Sun, Moon, And Stars Shall Go Dark
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 5th trumpet? A Personified Star Shall Fall From The Heavens
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 6th trumpet? Horses Shall Spit Fire And Brimestone
What is thought to be the purpose of the angel with the little scroll? To Show Access To God's Knowledge
Why is John’s stomach thought to turn sour when he eats the scroll? Because It Is As Bitter As Honey
In the story of the Woman and the Dragon, whom is the woman thought to represent? Israel And Her Child Represents Christ
What is the crown of 12 stars on the woman’s head thought to represent? The Twelve Tribes Of Israel
Whom is the red dragon thought to represent? Satan
Whom are the beast of the sea and the beast of the earth thought to represent? Beast Of The Sea- The Roman Empire Beast Of The Earth- Minister Of Propaganda
Satan and his two beasts are thought to represent what? To Persecute Believers And To Conquer Them He Is Considered The High Priest On Anarchies
What number is representative of Satan? 666
When the 1st bowl was poured out, what did it cause? Malignant Sore On The People Who Had The Mark Of The Beast
When the 2nd bowl was poured out, what did it cause? The Sea To Turn Into Blood
When the 3rd bowl was poured out, what did it cause? The Turning Of All Rivers And Springs To Blood
When the 4th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? The Sun Was Allowed To Scorch People With Fire
When the 5th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? Poured On The Throne Of The Beast
When the 6th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? The Battle Of Armageddon
When the 7th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? It Is Done
The woman on the beast is thought to be representative of what? Babylon
Why is the woman on the beast a prostitute? She Represents The Babylonian Religion Of ideology
The 7 heads and 7 hills on which the woman sits are thought to represent what? The Seven Heads Represent The Seven Kings Of Rome The Seven Hills Represent The City Of Rome
Who is the rider on the white horse thought to be? Christ
Where else is the tree of life mentioned? Why is it in the “new Jerusalem”? It Is In The New Jerusalem
To whom is chapter 22 referring when it says “’Blessed are those who wash their robes’”? Those Who Have Repented Shall Be Saved
Heaven Twelve Gates Of Pearls Gold As Transparent As Glass
Created by: meg_powell_
Popular Religion sets




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