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Revelations Test
Part One Two and Three
Question | Answer |
Who is writing revelations? | John |
To whom is Revelation written? | Persecuted Christains |
Where was the author of Revelation when he was told to write the book? | Asia Minor |
The Seven Golden Lamp Stands | The Seven Churches Of Asia |
Man Dressed In A Robe | A Covering Is Belief |
White Hair | Crown Of Glory |
Blazing Eyes | Wisdom |
Golden Sash | Glory And Beauty |
Sword Coming Out Of The Mouth | Word Of God |
Seven Stars | Gifts For Man |
What does Jesus tell John is wrong with the Church at Ephesus? | It Has Become Corrupt With Politics |
What does Jesus tell John is wrong with the Church at Laodicea? | It Has Become Lukewarm And Useless |
What do the 24 elders possibly represent? | Twelve Tribes Of Israel And The Twelve Apostles |
What does John witness when the 1st seal is opened? | A White Horse |
What does John witness when the 2nd seal is opened? | Beast That Says Come And See |
What does John witness when the 3rd seal is opened? | The Rich Getting Richer And The Poor Getting Poorer |
What does John witness when the 4th seal is opened? | A Pale Horse With Hell Behind Him |
What is the number 144,000 thought to represent? | The Amount Of Says Christ Must Find |
What are the 7 trumpets thought to represent? | To Signal The Start Of The Apocalypse |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 1st trumpet? | Hail And Rain Of Fire Shall Come Down |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 2nd trumpet? | Ships And Sea Life Shall Be Destroyed |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 3rd trumpet? | A Star Shall Fall To The Earth |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 4th trumpet? | The Sun, Moon, And Stars Shall Go Dark |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 5th trumpet? | A Personified Star Shall Fall From The Heavens |
What does John prophesy will happen at the sound of the 6th trumpet? | Horses Shall Spit Fire And Brimestone |
What is thought to be the purpose of the angel with the little scroll? | To Show Access To God's Knowledge |
Why is John’s stomach thought to turn sour when he eats the scroll? | Because It Is As Bitter As Honey |
In the story of the Woman and the Dragon, whom is the woman thought to represent? | Israel And Her Child Represents Christ |
What is the crown of 12 stars on the woman’s head thought to represent? | The Twelve Tribes Of Israel |
Whom is the red dragon thought to represent? | Satan |
Whom are the beast of the sea and the beast of the earth thought to represent? | Beast Of The Sea- The Roman Empire Beast Of The Earth- Minister Of Propaganda |
Satan and his two beasts are thought to represent what? | To Persecute Believers And To Conquer Them He Is Considered The High Priest On Anarchies |
What number is representative of Satan? | 666 |
When the 1st bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | Malignant Sore On The People Who Had The Mark Of The Beast |
When the 2nd bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | The Sea To Turn Into Blood |
When the 3rd bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | The Turning Of All Rivers And Springs To Blood |
When the 4th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | The Sun Was Allowed To Scorch People With Fire |
When the 5th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | Poured On The Throne Of The Beast |
When the 6th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | The Battle Of Armageddon |
When the 7th bowl was poured out, what did it cause? | It Is Done |
The woman on the beast is thought to be representative of what? | Babylon |
Why is the woman on the beast a prostitute? | She Represents The Babylonian Religion Of ideology |
The 7 heads and 7 hills on which the woman sits are thought to represent what? | The Seven Heads Represent The Seven Kings Of Rome The Seven Hills Represent The City Of Rome |
Who is the rider on the white horse thought to be? | Christ |
Where else is the tree of life mentioned? Why is it in the “new Jerusalem”? | It Is In The New Jerusalem |
To whom is chapter 22 referring when it says “’Blessed are those who wash their robes’”? | Those Who Have Repented Shall Be Saved |
Heaven | Twelve Gates Of Pearls Gold As Transparent As Glass |