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Question | Answer |
“Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint…How long, O LORD, how long?” | Psalm 6 |
“Boast about this…that he knows me…I am…” | Jer 9:23-24 |
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love…” | Deut 6:4-5 |
“In that day…no longer call me Master, but husband…covenant with them” | Hosea 2 |
“Lord is my light and salvation…one thing I ask…dwell in the house…” | Psalm 27 |
“my foot had almost slipped…I envied the arrogant…till I entered the sanct” | Psalm 73 |
“my God my God why have you forsaken me?” | Psalm 22 & Matt 27:46 |
“So I have come down to rescue them” | Exodus 3:8 |
“the nations conspire…kiss the Son lest he be angry” | Psalm 2 |
“up from the grave…mountain stand firm…wailing into dancing” | Psalm 30 |
“you are living stones…spiritual household…holy priesthood” | 1 Peter 2 |
10 Commandments: summarized by Jesus | Mark 12 (Lk 10 by law expert) |
10 Commandments: what are 1-4? | No other gods, No idols, No misuse of God’s name, Keep the Sabbath |
10 Commandments: what are 5-10? | 5) Honor your parents, 6) no murder, 7)no adultery, 8)no stealing, 9)no false testimony, 10)no coveting |
10 Commandments | Ex 20 and Deut 5 |
Baptism: Circumcision fulfilled | Gen 17; Rom 4:11; Col 2:11 |
Baptism: Commanded by Jesus | Mt 28 |
Covenant—New: I will make a new covenant with…not like the covenant that I made… | Jer 31:31 |
Covenant: “everlasting covenant with them… I will be their God, they shall be my people” | Ezek 37 |
Covenant: children of Hagar and Sarah | Gal 4 |
Covenant: with Abraham | Gen 15 |
Covenant: with Adam | Gen 3:15 |
Covenant: with Moses, to be God’s people | Ex 19-24 |
Covenant: with Noah | Gen 9 |
Deity: "before Abraham was born, I am!" | John 8:58 |
Deity: “in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form” | Colossians 1:19 |
Deity: Thomas calls Jesus “my God” | John 20:28 |
Encouragement: rest in God’s faithfulness | Psalm 77 |
Eschatology: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” | 2 Peter 3 |
Eschatology: millennial stuff | Rev 20 |
Eschatology: new heaven and new earth, holy city, alpha omega | Rev 21 |
Eschatology: the paraousia | 1 Thess 4 |
God made you hunger…to humble you…and teach you… | Deut 8:3 |
God saves sinners: resurrected in Christ | Eph 2:1-10 cf Ezek 37 dry bones & covenant |
Godly living: “make your calling and election sure” | 2 Peter 1 |
Godly living: “man cleanses himself from latter, be instrument for noble purposes” | 2 Tim 2 |
Good Samaritan | Luke 10 |
Jesus the Good Shepherd | John 10 cf Ezek 34 |
Jesus the True Vine | John 15 |
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet | John 13 |
Lord’s Supper: “I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you…on the night…” | I Cor 11 |
Marriage: “do not be yoked with unbelievers” | 2 Cor 6 |
Marriage: submit to one another | Eph 5; Col 3 |
Messiah: "I who speak to you am he." | John 4:26 |
Revelation of God in nature | Ps 19; 104; Rom 1; Acts 17 |
Suffering: “do not be surprised at painful trial…participate in sufferings of Christ” | 1 Peter 4 |
The church: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” | Matt 28 |
The Exodus & Passover | Exod 12 |
The Holy Spirit: Promised by Jesus | John 14 and 16 cf Ezek 36 |
Women’s headcoverings | 1 Cor 11 |