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Religion Unit 3
Term | Definition |
capital sins | the seven deadly sins that separate us from God and others |
Cardinal Virtues | the virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance |
Chosen People | a term for the Israelites, whom God chose to be his people, and he would be their God |
conscience | a God-given "interior voice" that enables us to know what is morally right or wrong |
conversion | a turning to God with all one's heart |
free will | the freedom to decide when and how to act |
justification | the gift by which, through Jesus' Death and Resurrection, and the grace that comes to us from it, we are forgiven of our sins and put into a right relationship with God |
morality | the goodness or evil of our actions |
mortal sin | very serious sin that breaks a person's friendship with God |
natural law | our God-given desire to be in right relationship with him, others, and ourselves; the moral law we are born with, placed in our hearts by God |
Precepts of the Church | laws that help us know and fulfill our responsibilities as members of the Church and unite us as followers of Jesus Christ |
sanctifying grace | the gift of God's life infused into our soul to heal us of sin and make us holy |
sin | a thought, word, or deed, or a failure to do what we ought against God's law |
society | a group of people bound together by a principle of unity that goes beyond any one individual, whose spiritual purpose is to fulfill the human vocation |
solidarity | the Christian virtue that involves a love for all people and involves actions that work for peace, justice, and the common good |
Theological Virtues | God's gifts of faith, hope, and charity that enable us to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity |
venial sin | less serious sin that weakens a person's friendship with God |
vice | a habit of sinful behavior |
virtue | a good spiritual habit that helps us act according to God's plan for us |