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Oriental week3

It is not our place as Massage Practitioners to ? preach spiritual issues to our clients. We must remain objective and allow our clients to form their own beliefs about spiritual issues.
Oriental Medicine approaches the dysfunction of the body through a series of ? observations & assessments. Only a trained Physician can make a diagnosis.
Oriental Physicians use ?*** Comprehensive Observation, which is the elements found in the 5 element theory, and Yin & Yang theory govern overall body dimensions and certain tendencies of individuals.
Remember that in Oriental Theory, ? ALL THINGS ARE INTERCONNECTED!
Oriental Doctors use a ____? when making a diagnosis on an individual. 7 Step Order
Destiny is what? Whether a person is happy or not, and if they will become happy.
Personality is what? Their ideals, views of life, nature, and character.
Disorders are what? History of disorders & current conditions.
Recommendations are what? What changes are needed to change disorders into health & well-being.
Orientation is what? To what kind of future should client be orientated to realize happiness & well-being.
Inspiration is what? What encouragement should be given to develop clients happiness & well-being.
Shi Wen refers to the ? 10 questions.
1)Heat/cold 2)Perspiration 3)Head/trunk/limbs 4)Urination/defecation 5)Appetite 6)Condition of Chest/abdomen 7)Hearing&sleeping 8)Thirst 9)Menstruation 10)Growth & Medical history are all ? SHI WEN (10 questions Doctors use)
The method of classifying pathogenic(Disease) factors in terms of point of origin. Internal, External, & Neutral. SAN YIN
The three treasures are ? Qi, Shen, and Jing.
Pure qualities which preceded birth and infuse the fertilized embryo at the moment of conception. Our Genetics, so to speak. Prenatal Aspects***
Manifestations/qualities that develop after birth, and are fueled from food, water, and air. Postnatal Aspects
Jing = Essence (source of life);Genetics***
Qi = Energy (vital force that activates and moves every function of the body)Voluntary/involuntary.
Shen = Spirit (Mind, consciousness) Our thoughts, emotions, personality, and ego.
? is the vitality behind Jing and Qi. Shen
"Make-up"/The condition of the parts that make up the whole person. The Human PHYSICAL & MENTAL condition. Constitution***
Tao = Way of Life or "The Way"
_____? is the goal of all Eastern(Oriental) Medicine. Balance (Harmony)
A person is either "IN HARMONY" or ? is "NOT IN HARMONY"
It becomes the practitioners desire to have the person become "in harmony" with their ? Behavior, Emotions, and Mind.
The burning of Mugwort on Meridian points is called? Moxibustion
The system of visual observation method utilized by TCM physicians to evaluate characteristics of a patient. Comprehensive Observation
Additional Acupuncture points related to TRIGGER POINTS. Ah Shi points
Eastern/Western medical practices were joined in 1950 under this man? Chairman Mao Zedong
Cai Bei is what? Massage using the feet on a clients back.
Tuina literally translates "Pushing & Grasping"; Prior to 1368 AD, ANMO was the term used meaning this ??? "Pressing & Rubbing"
The recorded history of Acupuncture goes back as far as ??? 1000 BC during the Shang Dynasty
Specific Qi points to AVOID during pregnancy!!! SP 6(On the medial side of the Tibia, 3 Cun above medial ankle bone. LI 4(Located at the V of the hand in between thumb and index finger.
The Meridians which flow Superior to Inferior in Traditional Chinese Anatomical position. Yang
Third level Reiki practitioner is a what? Master
Translated to Breath(Energy)Exercise. Can be understood as exercise designed to strengthen, and harmonize Qi, regulate the body and mind, and calm the spirit. Long history dating back to 1122B.C. Qi Gong
Acupuncture without needles. Acupressure
Some Contraindications for Tui Na include : Osteoporosis, Broken bones, and 1st Trimester pregnancy.
Philosophy concerned with "THE WAY". Taoism
One form of "Laying on of hands" utilizing Universal Life Energy. Reiki
A Martial Art which utilizes "FORMS". Popular as a moving meditation. Dates back to 618 A.D. in China under the Tang Dynasty. Tai Chi
Unit of measurement equal to the width of the second knuckle of the thumb. Cun
"Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" (c.200B.C.) *earliest surviving canonical text of TCM. Huangdi "NEI JING"
The Meridians which flow Inferior to Superior in Traditional Chinese Anatomical position. Yin
10-Volume work; supposedly the earliest Chinese medical text devoted entirely to the practice of Tuina. Huangdi "QIPO ANMO"
In the Modern era, Tuina has evolved into many techniques, such as ??? Effleurage, Petrissage, Vibration, Shaking, Rocking, Tapotement, Friction, and unique oscillating compressions "Gun Fa/Rolling"
Created by: Kaleta
Popular Massage Therapy sets



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