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AG History Quiz #2

What is the "New Issue"? A New Revelation flares up on the West Coast. Minister John Scheppe received a new revelation about the name of Jesus. This led to a virtual denial of the Trinity. Modal Monarchianism
What is the "New Order" of the Latter Rain? "The most dramatic controversy to affect the Pentecostal Movement since WWII". Late 1940s - Early 1950s; initial lead in 1947 by George Hawtin and Percy Hunt; Many repots of healings and miraculous phenomena; imminent return of Christ Joel 2:28
What are the “Indigenous Church Principle”? Promotes the planting of overseas churches "that would take responsibility for their life and evangelism themselves"; this has also come to be known as the "Three Selfs"
What are the "Three Selfs"? "self-supporting", "self-governing", and "self-propagating"
Who was E.N. Bell? The chairman for the First General Council in 1914
Who is J. Roswell Flower? Led in resolving the “New Issue” controversy and in adopting a Constitution.
What did J. Roswell Flower and Alice Reynolds Flower produce? Produced the Christian Evangel, the first weekly paper for the A/G.
What is dispensationalism? Divided spiritual history in seven “dispensations”: Dispensation of Innocence; Dispensation of Conscience; Dispensation of Human Government; Dispensation of Promise; Dispensation of Law ;Dispensation of Grace; Dispensation of Divine Government
What is postmillennialism? Christ's second coming as occurring after the "Millennium"
What is premillennialism? 19th c. evangelical shift from postmillennialism to millennialism Jesus will physically return to the Earth before the Millennium, heralding a literal thousand-year golden age of peace
What is fundamentalism? Believed & defended 5 fundamentals of faith: Verbal inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture; Deity and virgin birth of Christ; Substitutionary atonement; Physical resurrection of Christ; Christ's bodily return to earth taught miracles aren't for now
Who was Pastor D.W. Kerr? Key contributor to the A/G Statement of Fundamental Truths in 1916 and led in resolving the Initial Physical Evidence controversy in 1918.
Who is F.F. Bosworth? Center of the Initial Physical Evidence controversy.
Who is Oral Roberts? Well-known healing evangelist in the Healing Movement.
Who is Melvin Hodges? authorized The Indigenous Church
Who is Noel Perkins? First A/G Missions Secretary, serving from 1927 – 1959
Who is Greg Mundis? Current missionary secretary
Who is Lillian Trasher? Missionary to orphans to Egypt
Who are Mark and Huldah Buntain? Missionaries to India
What was the Christian Evangel changed to? Pentecostal Evangel magazine
Where was the A/G national headquarters? Springfield, Missouri
What did the Gospel Publishing House produce? A/G Sunday school literature in 1919.
When was the first Central Bible Institute? 1922
When was the full Constitution adopted? 1927
What did the fundamentalist do to Pentecostalism? rejected Pentecostalism due to their position of cessationism.
When was the A/G accepted into the National Association of Evangelicals (N.A.E)? 1942
What is Assemblies of God a charter member of? National Religious Broadcasters
What is Transubstantiation? the change of the whole substance of bread into the substance of the Body of Christ and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of the Blood of Christ
When was the Pentecostal Fellowships of North America founded (P.F.N.A)? 1948
What was the P.F.N.A replaced with? Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of North America (P.C.C.N.A.) in 1994
What is the "Memphis Miracle"? Thus, the Memphis Miracle included the beginning of healing between Pentecostals and Charismatics as well as between blacks and whites.
What does A/G not approve of? The Ecumenical Movement
What were the errors found in the "New Order" that were disapproved by the Assemblies of God? 1) The Church was built on the foundation of modern-day prophets and apostles 2) Confession of sin to man 3) Impartation of languages as preparation for missionary service 4) Imparting or imposing personal leadings by the means of gifts of utterance
What did the Assemblies of God generally embrace? The Salvation Healing Movement in the 1950s and 1960s
What was one of the five purposes for calling the First General Council in 1914? To support overseas missions and missionaries
When did the Missionary Department begin? Began in 1919 The A/G first department
What is Speed-the-Light? The missions project of the A/G Youth
What is Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC)? The missions department of the A/G Children's department
How many departments does the Division of U.S. Missions have? Seven Departments: adult & teen challenge international; chaplaincy ministries; chi alpha campus ministries; church mobilization; intercultural ministries; U.S. missionaries specialized; and Youth Alive.
What are the primary means of raising missions support? Missionary itineration and Faith Promises
What is cessiationalist? Believed certain spiritual things ended in the apostolic age 1 Cor. 13:10
What is Trinitarianism ? God exists as only one Person, revealing Himself in three “modes.”; considered heretical since the early Church and has always been rejected by orthodox Christianity
What is Oneness? no distinction between the “Persons” of the Godhead; teach that Jesus can manifest himself in all three “modes” simultaneously, as was the case at Jesus’ baptism in Luke 3:22; led to the teaching that one must speak in tongues in order to be saved
Created by: Lydia011
Popular Religion sets




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