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Circulatory sistem

cirtulatory system abreviations and definitions

angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance, plaque
atri/o atrium
brady slow
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
isch/o suppress, restrain
megaly enlarge
motor movement, motion
palpit/o flutter, throbing
phleb/o vein
sphygm pulse
stenosis narrowed, constricted
tachy fast
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ventricul/o ventricle of the heart or brain
venul/o venule
AED automated external defibrulator
Afib atrial fibrilation
AMI acute myocardial anfraction
A-V atrioventicular
AVB atrioventicular block
AVD aortic valve desease
AVR aortic valve replacement
AVS ateriovenous shunt
BBB bundke branch block
BCLS basic cardiac life support
BP blood preasure
bpm beats per minute
CAD coronary artery desease
CHF congestive heart failure
CO cardiac output
CRP cardiopulmonary ressusitation
DNR do not resucitate
ECG electrocardiogram
ECHO echocardiography
ETT exercise tolerance test
HBP hight blood preassure
HF heart failure
HR heart rate
HTN hypertation
IV intravenous
MI myocardial infaction
MVP mitral valve prolapse
P pulse
PAC prem,ature arterial contraction
PALS pediatric advance life support
vtach ventricular tachycardia
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance, plaque
atri/o atrium
brady slow
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
isch/o suppress, restrain
megaly enlarge
motor movement, motion
palpit/o flutter, throbing
phleb/o vein
sphygm pulse
stenosis narrowed, constricted
tachy fast
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ventricul/o ventricle of the heart or brain
venul/o venule
AED automated external defibrulator
Afib atrial fibrilation
AMI acute myocardial anfraction
A-V atrioventicular
AVB atrioventicular block
AVD aortic valve desease
AVR aortic valve replacement
AVS ateriovenous shunt
BBB bundke branch block
BCLS basic cardiac life support
BP blood preasure
bpm beats per minute
CAD coronary artery desease
CHF congestive heart failure
CO cardiac output
CRP cardiopulmonary ressusitation
DNR do not resucitate
ECG electrocardiogram
ECHO echocardiography
ETT exercise tolerance test
HBP hight blood preassure
HF heart failure
HR heart rate
HTN hypertation
IV intravenous
MI myocardial infaction
MVP mitral valve prolapse
P pulse
PAC prem,ature arterial contraction
PALS pediatric advance life support
vtach ventricular tachycardia
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance, plaque
atri/o atrium
brady slow
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
isch/o suppress, restrain
megaly enlarge
motor movement, motion
palpit/o flutter, throbing
phleb/o vein
sphygm pulse
stenosis narrowed, constricted
tachy fast
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ventricul/o ventricle of the heart or brain
venul/o venule
AED automated external defibrulator
Afib atrial fibrilation
AMI acute myocardial anfraction
A-V atrioventicular
AVB atrioventicular block
AVD aortic valve desease
AVR aortic valve replacement
AVS ateriovenous shunt
BBB bundke branch block
BCLS basic cardiac life support
BP blood preasure
bpm beats per minute
CAD coronary artery desease
CHF congestive heart failure
CO cardiac output
CRP cardiopulmonary ressusitation
DNR do not resucitate
ECG electrocardiogram
ECHO echocardiography
ETT exercise tolerance test
HBP hight blood preassure
HF heart failure
HR heart rate
HTN hypertation
IV intravenous
MI myocardial infaction
MVP mitral valve prolapse
P pulse
PAC prem,ature arterial contraction
PALS pediatric advance life support
vtach ventricular tachycardia
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance, plaque
atri/o atrium
brady slow
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
isch/o suppress, restrain
megaly enlarge
motor movement, motion
palpit/o flutter, throbing
phleb/o vein
sphygm pulse
stenosis narrowed, constricted
tachy fast
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ventricul/o ventricle of the heart or brain
venul/o venule
AED automated external defibrulator
Afib atrial fibrilation
AMI acute myocardial anfraction
A-V atrioventicular
AVB atrioventicular block
AVD aortic valve desease
AVR aortic valve replacement
AVS ateriovenous shunt
BBB bundke branch block
BCLS basic cardiac life support
BP blood preasure
bpm beats per minute
CAD coronary artery desease
CHF congestive heart failure
CO cardiac output
CRP cardiopulmonary ressusitation
DNR do not resucitate
ECG electrocardiogram
ECHO echocardiography
ETT exercise tolerance test
HBP hight blood preassure
HF heart failure
HR heart rate
HTN hypertation
IV intravenous
MI myocardial infaction
MVP mitral valve prolapse
P pulse
PAC prem,ature arterial contraction
PALS pediatric advance life support
vtach ventricular tachycardia
Created by: Vicente Cortesi
Popular Medical sets




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