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Donahay Final Study

Topics etc. from semester 1 units 1-3 and some of unit 4

Why do we study history To know how and why the world is the way it is
Cradles of civilization Rivers, Mesopotamia, the fertile crescent
Philosopher king Plato's Ruler. A person with power who gives to those who need it most
Direct Democracy Athens government during its golden age. People vote for everything. decision by the people
Indirect Democracy United States uses this type of gov. People vote for representatives who make decisions.
Authoritarian Government When 1 group has all power. ex. Monarchy, dictatorship, etc.
Patricians and plebeians Used in feudalism. Who is your daddy and what does he do? fixed places in society.
Causes for the fall of rome Barbarians, Assassination culture, people not wanting to be in military
Middle Age Weltanschauung Faith, Authority, Collectivity, and Tradition
Feudalism Monarch, lords and peasants. the Church was first then nobility then everyone else. Church state almost equal.
Why did the Renaissance happen in Italy? City states caused competition, independent patrons, merchants, it was urban and had classical heritage.
Renaissance Rebirth of Greek and Roman classics, interest in ancient ideas instead of medieval
Patron someone who spends money to support something, they do not necessarily do the thing they support. ex art, exploration etc.
Machiavellianism ends justify the means. safer to be feared than loved. The Prince
Renaissance Man well rounded, charming, and educated man.
War of dynastic succession when people fight over who will reign. usually not a problem if there is an adult male heir.
Vernacular Common language of a region
Emperor Constantine First roman emperor to be converted to Christianity and make it legal in Roman empire
Avignon Papacy "Babylonian captivity" French king got the pope to live in a castle in France. people compared it to him keeping the church hostage. "He who pays the piper calls the tune"
Great Schism 1054 first split of the church. Separated eastern orthodox and Catholicism. It is ongoing
French Schism Catholic church had problems with multiple people claiming to be pope. peacefully resolved. caused doubt in church
He who pays the piper calls the tune the person who gives gifts/money to the person in charge gets them to do what they want
Tomas Aquinas Summa theologica. Unmoved mover, uncaused cause, necessary being, degree, laws of nature
Monastery where monks live and study scholasticism and theology
Lay investiture king chooses bishop, Caesaropapism
Indulgences people buy something they can do to help speed up or skip purgatory
Simony clergy sin of bribing for a better job
Absenteeism clergy sin of not being in the place they are assigned to be over
Peasant revolt people moved by the ideas of Luther's 95 theses. they revolt but Luther doesn't agree with them and supports the guards
Peace of Augsburg Charles V says whoever is in charge decides the religion. This ended the war of religion
Catholics belief unity, faith and work together. Sacraments, purgatory, saints, and indulgences. clergy hierarchy. tradition
Lutherans Believed catholic corruption was unfixable. 3 solas: Faith alone, grace alone, scriptures alone. Bible based.
Anglicans Catholics + divorce. sermons in vernacular. King Henry VIII. priests can marry
Calvanists John Calvin's teachings. Predestination. Super strict, theocracy at Geneva
Anabaptists Be baptized again as an adult. They were pacifists. Hated by both Catholics and protestants
Henry VIII Created the Anglican chruch, feared dynastic succession, had 6 wives.
Catholic Countries Spain, Italy, France, Ireland, Belgium
Protestant countries England, Netherlands, Switzerland, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.
Jesuits German catholic group worked really hard to come close to Jesus and get protestants to convert to Catholicism
Imperialism When a powerful country spreads its power by taking over a smaller/less powerful place, usually far away.
First wave imperialism trends India: trade. China: Trade. Africa: Trade. Japan: Trade. Americas: conquest
Mercantilism gov in charge of economy. a country's power is based on wealth. Make as much money as possible.
tariff tax on imported goods to discourage imports
Net income the profit after all of the expenses
Gross income all the money coming in before expenses
Salary yearly income
Capital something that has value or brings in money to the owner such as a business or patents. Invested money
Overhead Expenses that must be paid no matter what to keep a business running even if it doesn’t produce money itself such as heating, water, electricity etc.
Imports goods you buy and bring into the country
Exports things you sell and ship out of the country
Favorable balance of trade you sell a lot of stuff and buy few stuff
Inflation the general increase in prices of goods and services in the economy also the decrease of money’s value
Deflation the decrease in prices for goods and services and the increase in money’s value but is very unstable
Maharaja Indian princes ran their own little show kinda like the holy roman empire princes.
Kowtow ritual of bowing and touching the forehead to the ground that the Chinese required European traders to perform
Tribute Port the Chinese only allowed europeans to trade at certain ports and had to pay tribute
Tokugawa Shogunate Changed the Japanese gov to Shogun (kinda like prime minister). Then they put in place the Japanese closed door policy
Conquest/extraction pattern of colonization Spain and Portugal sent men to the Americas to conquer. men took "wives" as they went causing south america to have very mixed heritage
Trade pattern of colonization France and Netherlands. People went over to Americas to trade but wouldn't have much else to do with natives
Settlement pattern of colonization Mainly england. people went to americas fleeing religious persecution. came in families and kept to themselves
Caravel a ship that could travel against the wind (basically) made travel to americas possible
Amerigo Vespucci made maps, claimed that columbus went to "Novus Mundi" (the new world) not Asia. he signed his maps of the new world so it was named after him
Closed door policy when a country decides to no longer trade with anyone. practied by china and later japan
Quetzalcoatl Aztec God, super important. depicted as a feathered serpent. supposedly Aztecs thought Columbus was him
Triangular trade the trade between europe, americas and africa. spread new world goods fueled slavery
Middle Passage the part of triangular trade where slaves went from africa to americas
Black Legend of spain Bartolome de las casas wrote about how spain messed up the americas
Hapsburgs Big royal family. was in charge of many countries including spain and france. ultimately ended because of incest. Charles V split power into spanish and austrian powers. Catholic
absolutism Kings gain more power at expense of church and nobility. end of serfdom
Divine right theory Kings have been ordained by God to rule. no one can go against a king's god given right to rule
Popular Sovereignty a ruler in charge because the populous likes them or they are popular with the people
Charles V super important Hapsburg king, buddy with the pope, decided the peace of Augsburg. Inherited a HUGE empire and split it up
Philip II Son of Charles V, married Mary I of england, attempted to Mary Elizabeth I, launched spanish armada made the grill shaped Escorial palace. Siglo de oro
Absolute monarch the king making decisions himself, not through nobles or ministers.
Escorial palace made by Phillip II. shaped like a grill in honor of his favorite saint Saint Lawrence. the Church was central in the palace. It was in the new capital of Madrid
Spanish armada 1588 Philip II was trying to take over england after Elizabeth refused to marry him. Spain loses and england is new naval power
Guise Family one of the two families fighting over control of france. were catholic. massacred people at a protestant wedding. most of the people of france were catholic
Bourbon one of the two families fighting to control france. They were Huguenots or french protestant. Gained the upper hand
"Paris is worth a Mass" this was Henry Bourbon's reaction to comming to power in catholic france while he was protestant. He switched his religion for power
Bureaucracy running country through laws instead of men
King Louis XIII not a very present king. instead has Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin. the king's power was strengthened, france pushed into 30 years war
King Louis XIV the Sun king. possibly witnessed his attendants killed at an early age. quoted as saying "I am the state" created the palace of Versailles
repudiation of debt when, instead of paying their debt, someone says "I don't have any debt" super bad people charge massive interest and loss of trust
Royal bond king asks for money from nobles to "show loyalty" if you don't pay it you're disloyal and can be punished. king probably won't pay you back
Free monarch king free from interference from nobles, parliament, the church. absolute monarch
James I Scottish Tudor cousin. believed in a free monarch. would dissolve parliament when they disagreed with him. King James Bible
Charles I King who showed disregard for habeas corpus. demanded many taxes. forced anglican books of prayer on Puritans (caused pilgrims) Accused of tyranny
Habeas Corpus The right of the accused to have a fair trial to be charged and not just thrown in jail because of an accusation
Regicide the killing of a king or monarch. big deal labels the people who do it forever
Roundheads The new model army. named for their haircut. lead by Oliver Cromwell. supported by Puritans. Take over and put Charles I on trial. commit Regicide
Oliver Cromwell leader of the New Model army. takes over England in his Commonwealth. closed down taverns dance halls etc. puritan
Glorious revolution Mary and William new kings invited by parliament and prior king James II flees. bloodless change in power . the new monarchs accept a limited monarchy
mercenaries armies that are loyal to whoever will pay them
Created by: fercabbit
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