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History Exam

Mesoamerica Central Mexico to Honduras and Nicaragua
Society of Friends Criticized the use of slaves, known as the Quakers
Conquistadors Spanish explorers
Caravel Prince Henry's new ship which was faster
Old World Europe
New World The Americas
Treaty of Tordesillas divided the new world between Spain and Portugal
Triangular Trade Trade between Europe, Africa, and New World
Middle Passage Leg from Africa to New World carrying slave
Lateen Sails Allowed the ships to sail against the wind
Cartographers Mapmakers
Mayas used stucco an turquoise in their building
Olmec built colossal head statues
Olmecs worshipped the Jaguars because they thought rain came due to them
Aztecs had an empire over several million people-biggest in Central Mexico
Olmec known as the mother culture
Mayas used chocolate as money
Incas built building where the bricks were so close together that a razor cannot fit between
Incas paid taxes in gold
Olmecs invented the stone ball court game
Mayas had advances in Math, number system based on 5 and 20
Aztecs women were allowed to marry a commoner and children would inherit her wealth
Incas strong code of conduct, murderer thrown off a cliff
Incas small poxes killed most of their army of 40,000
Aztecs women allowed to join the priest hood
Incas, Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayas Used Human sacrifices
Mayas Used a ball game to decide who would be used in the sacrifice ceremony
Incas, Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayas use hieroglyphics as their writings
Aztecs Worshipped their main god Huitzilopochtli
Navigation Acts Regulations of trade coming out of the colonies
Mercantilism Economy system where the colonies supply the raw materials to the mother country
Favorable Balance of Trade Exporting more than importing goods
Jamestown 1st English permanent settlement in New World
Seven Years' War Final and most decisive war in New World
Columbian Exchange The exchange of food between New World and Europe
Lloyd's of London 1st insurance company to protect shipping losses
Portuguese Brazil was taken over by
Ming Dynasty sent a fleet further than ever before to East Africa
Portugal and Spain What two European countries led in exploration and colonization during the 15th and 16th centuries
slaves By the 17th century the chief export from Africa to the New World was
Import more than you export What was not a principle of Mercantilism
idea that a nation's power is related to its wealth and needs a favorable balance of trade and the colonies provide that Mercantilism can best be described as what
Potatoes What was not a plant that was transported from the Old World to the New World
convert natives to Catholicism, find riches for their country Why did Spain send explorers to the New World
Small Pox What disease was brought to the New World from Europe and is responsible for killing almost 90% of the natives in the New World
astrolabe tool that helped the explorers to use the sun and stars to find their location
Spain What country sponsored Christopher Columbus' journeys into the New World
Little Ice Age caused crops to fail and populations to drop
Witchcraft hunts the search for evil practices and devil's work
Peace of Westphalia ended the 30 Years' War
Absolutism the sovereign power rest in the hands of one ruler
Palace of Versailles used by King would give powers to Parliament
Interregnum Time between kings
Restoration Period Returning the King to the throne
Commonwealth new government sharing power with army and parliament
Declaration of Bredal stated that the King would give powers to Parliament
Test Act only Anglicans in the government and military offices
Habeas Corpus Gives the right to know why a person was arrested and a trial
Glorious Revolution the beginning of a Constitutional Monarch in England
Toleration Act of 1689 It ended religious persecution for people in England
economic recession in the Mediterranean area, decline in the amount of silver from the New World Inflation during the 16th and 17th century was caused by
fewer judges were willing to handle the trials what was a reason why the witchcraft trials slowed downed was due to
four How many phases in the 30 years' war
Germanic Phase that was not in the 30 years' war
Bourbon and Habsburg two dynasties involved in the 30 years' war
Cardinal Richelieu Who ruled for King Louis XIII when he first took the throne at the age of 9
Anne of Austria Who was King Louis XIV regency when he came to power at the age of four
Edict of Fontainebleau What did King Louis XIV issue to force the Huguenots to return to the Catholic Faith
Jean-Baptiste Colbert Who did King Louis XIV turn to when he was running out of money because he wanted to increase the wealth of France through the ideas of Mercantilism and encouraging industries to grow in France
Ending of 30 Years' War Ending of the Protestant Reformation is also
Gustavus Adolphus first to move cannons on a battlefield
Cardinal Richelieu worked under Louis XIII, chief minister
Cardinal Mazarin hired by Anne of Austria to help Louis XIV
King Louis XIV known as the Sun King
Frederick William known as the Great Elector of Prussia
Frederick III first King of Prussia known as Frederick I
Peter the Great had a goal of a warm water port for Russia
Thomas Hobbs believed absolutism was the best government
John Locke believed in nature rights of life, liberty, and property
Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter movement Why were the witch crafts started in the 16th and 17th century
last of the religious wars what is the 30 Years' War known as
France grew stronger, Holy Roman Empire is weaker, what happened after the 30 Years' War
Gustavus Adolphus known as the Father of Modern Warfare
King Louis XIV best example of absolute monarchy in the 17th century
Cardinal Mazarin not liked by the French people, foreigner in their government
Cardinal Richelieu strengthened the power of the French monarch through his policies and had a network of spies to keep the nobles from plotting to overthrow the monarchy
Peter the Great goal was to change the traditional customs of Russia, making men shave their beards and wear shorter coats
King Louis XIV built a palace that set the standards for court life throughout Europe
King Louis XIV wanted only one religion in his country, he believed in "One King, One law, One Faith"
Peace of Augsburg states that "who is in charge is religion", saying that whoever is ruling that is the religion of the country
Edict of Nantes allowed the Huguenots to worship in France and have schools and churches
Defenestration action of throwing someone out a window
Charles I only English King to be beheaded in their history
James I started the Stuart Dynasty
Charles II known as Merry Monarch, was returned to the throne
Mary II passed acts that extended rights to the English people
Charles I rules England alone for 11 years after kicking Parliament out of power
Anne I ended the Stuart Dynasty
James II old Catholic that Parliament allowed to rule England to avoid another civil war
Oliver Cromwell took the title Lord Protector of England
James I cousin to Queen Elizabeth I, and she left him her throne of England
Mary II took the throne from her father and rule together in a partnership
Toleration Act of 1689 Catholics were not included, freedoms for other Protestants
English Bill of Rights served as the foundation of the constitutional monarchy
Bloodless Revolution another name for the Glorious Revolution
Roundheads Parliamentarians
Royalist Cavaliers
Divine Rights of Kings Total power from a higher power
Social Contract Believe that the government must protect the people's rights
Thomas Hobbs believed that the best form of government was one leader in control to maintain law and order
John Locke believed that the government got their power from the people and if the government was not protecting the people, the people had the right to overthrow the government and start a new one
John Locke beliefs in government influences the Founding Fathers and the writing of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson
the discovery that women had small skulls therefore small brains what was the setback for women in the 17th century
Margaret Cavendish believed that humans could never "control" or "master" nature, she wrote two books on scientific matters
Maria Winkelmann trained astronomer by her father and her husband, made several discovers and yet the Berlin Academy would not hire her to be the official assistant astronomer
Maria Merian known for her illustrations of insects and plants from South America, had over 60 illustrations in her book Metamorphosis
Rene Descartes known as the Father of modern Rationalism
Philosophes leaders of the Age of Enlightenment
Age of Enlightenment time period when people asked question why?
Unalienable rights rights everyone is born with no matter the social class
Encyclopedia collection of philosophes essays on all topics
salons gatherings for men and women to discuss Enlightened ideas
Rococo stressed grace and rejected strict geometrical patterns
Neoclassicism stressed the classical Greece and Rome style
Bach believed that music was a way to worship the Lord, his task in life was to make music to "honor" God
Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations, believed the government should not interfere with the economy
F. Quesnay believed that the true way to measure the wealth of a country was the amount of land the empire had and not the amount of gold and silver
Protestant Reformation main reason for the increase in literacy rates during this time was
Paris capital of the Enlightenment movement was
F. Quesnay rejected the ideas of mercantilism with colonies
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2nd generation thinker who supported Locke's beliefs
Baron de Montesquieu his beliefs influenced the framers of the U.S. Constitution's division of power and T. Jefferson
Baron de Montesquieu wrote letters about Persian traveling in western Europe where he openly criticized the French government and the Catholic church
Baron de Montesquieu believed the English government was the best example of government at the time
Voltaire he was known saying "I disapproved of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say It"
laissez-faire hands off the economy, let supply and demand set the economy
use of the scientific method to foster progress toward a "better" society what did the intellectuals of the Enlightenment advocate
the rural serf/lower class who did the philosophers not generally include
India and North America what was the major scenes of battle in the Seven Years War
Hanoverian what was the British royal dynasty that followed the Stuarts
Berlin, Germany what place opened new schools where students were taught modern language; geography and bookkeeping to prepare the students to take over their parents' shops and for the real world
Austria first country to have state sponsored primary schools was
Joseph II believed that he was not successful in anything he attempted during his time as a ruler
Seven Years' War first world war for some historians
Pragmatic Sanction made by Charles VI to protect his daughter
Silesia land taken by Prussia and refused to give it back
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war over the Austrian succession
Status quo to return to original way before the war
Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the Seven Years' war in North America
Treaty of Hubertusburg ended the Seven Years' War in Europe
Toleration Patent of 1781 recognized religions rights to be worshipped in private
Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed in an education for boys and girls to foster their natural instincts however he sent his own children to an orphanage
Voltaire believed that God was like a clock maker and had no direct involvement in the world he had created
Mary Wollstonecraft believed that women did not need to obey their husband and she wrote Vindication of the Rights of Women
Mary Astell believed that there was no place for an absolute sovereignty in government then it cannot exist in marriage
Voltaire known as the greatest figure of the Enlightenment movement
Adam Smith believed that the government had three major functions of protecting the people from invasions and injustices and to keep up the public works
Salons allowed women to elevate their position in society because the organized these
Italy what country was the leading country in the rise in the number of operas and oratorio during the 18th century
Frederick II War for the Austrian Succession was started by
Jethro Tull known for starting the Agricultural Revolution
Pragmatic Sanction when the Austrian Succession started it broke what
Diplomatic Sanction turn of events that led to France joining with Austria and Russia and Great Britain joining with Prussia is known as
The French and Indian War known as the greatest conflict of the Seven Years' War
French Revolution belief in the ideas of equality for all and discontent within the 3rd estate were causes of what
instituting the Reign of Terror Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins are best know for what
Nationalistic feelings were stimulated one of the effects of the French Revolution
commoners under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on who
signing of the Declaration of Independence formal event which led to the break between the Americans colonies and England was what
employed Montesquieu's conception of the separation of powers new United States Constitution of 1787
the peasants were enthusiastic and led the way for revolutionary change on the eve of the French Revolution what happened
near bankruptcy of the French Treasury The Estates-General was convened in 1789 in order to deal with what
action of the 3rd estate in declaring itself to be a national Assembly the event that constituted the start of the French Revolution was
Louis XVI was an enthusiastic supporter of the revolutionary events what is incorrect regarding developments in the French Revolution prior to September 1792
combat the dual threat of internal rebellion and foreign invasion the Committee of Public Safety was established to do what
Louis XVI called the Estates General into session what event related to the French Revolution occurred first
demand of the 3rd Estate for more political power What issue was the cause of the French Revolution
restore the Old Regimes to power At the Congress of Vienna, the governments of Europe reacted to the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon by attempting to do what
inspired other people seeking democracy and independence the American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the results of what revolutions
maintain a balance of power in Europe what was the major goal of the Congress of Vienna
increasing dissatisfaction of the 3rd estate what was the primary cause of the French Revolution
Louis XVI to Robespierre to Napoleon what is the list of the French leaders in chronological order
there was social inequality among the three estates what was true about France's social structure
Declaration of Independence Declaration of Rights of Man is most similar to which document
provided ideas for making political changes how did the American Revolution impact the French Revolution
3rd estate the majority of the people in France in the late 1700's belonged to which of the following social groups
all men were born free and equal in rights the Declaration of Rights of Man stated that
the king using force against the National Assembly the citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille because they feared
the spread of revolutionary ideas Austria and Prussia declared war on the French because they feared
systematic law code Napoleon created the Napoleonic Code which was France's first
a huge defeat for his army Napoleon's invasion of Russia resulted in
to write a Constitution for France the National Assembly took the Tennis Court Oath which stated their goal was
seizing power in a coup d'etat Napoleon gained control of the executive authority of the French government to do what
it was more autocratic than that of Louis XVI, which had initially sparked the Revolution the most ironic aspect of Napoleon's career or rule in France was that
Britain's ability to sustain its military and economic power Napoleon was ultimately defeated because of
Ole Regime time the nobles and king handled all the power
Age of Enlightenment influenced the revolutionary movements
Declaration of Pillnitz united European leaders to help King Louis XVI
unalienable rights God given rights, ones that cannot be taken away
Social Contract government gets power from people and people can take power
Quadruple Alliance Group of countries to enforce the Congress of Vienna
Laissez-Faire "hands off" government involvement
John Dickerson writer of the Articles of Confederation
Declaration of Independence document by Thomas Jefferson containing enlightenment ideas
Taille general tax in France
Bourgeoisie French upper middle class-professional people
National Assembly 3rd estate who met at the Tennis Court
Tennis Court Oath A pledge to make a constitution for France
Bastille political jail
Girondists wanted a middle-class republic like U.S.
Jacobins radical city workers who wanted to dominate rule
National Convention wrote a new constitution without a king in power
Reign of Terror Bloody time when enemies of revolution were killed
Nationalism love of one's country
Congress of Vienna peace conference after fall of Napoleon
1st amendment Freedom of speech, press and religion
2nd amendment right to bear arms as part of the state military
3rd amendment cannot be forced to house troops
4th amendment all searches must have a warrant
5th amendment no double jeopardy or incriminate one self
6th amendment right to speed trial and unbiased jury
7th amendment jury in a civil case
8th amendment no cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment safety net for the power of the people
10th amendment reserved powers for the states
Estates-General, National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention What is the order for the things that happen during the French Revolution
National Convention What group is responsible for the trial and the execution of King Louis XVI
Marie Antionette who is the first victim of the Reign of Terror
Maximillian Robespierre who is the last victim of the Reign of Terror
Created by: Shaba21
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