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ap cell

ch 3-4

Diffusion molecules from greater to lesser concentrations
osmosis diffusion or movement of water through membrane
active transport molecules from lesser to greater concentration with the use of atp (opposite of diffusion)
filtration molecules and water from higher pressure to lower pressure areas with the energy of pressure NOT ATP
phagocytosis ingestion of a foreign substance WBC is moving
pinocytosis ingestion of a foreign substance WBC is stationary
simple squamous alveoli (air sacs) of lungs
stratified squamous epidermis of the skin, multiple layers, top = squamous
transitional - urinary bladder empty bladder - relaxed- higher structure height full bladder - stretched - lower structure height
cell shapes simple squamous, stratified squamous, transitional
cell shapes simple cuboidal, simple columnar, ciliated
simple cuboidal thyroid gland & salivary glands
simple columnar stomach lining; microvilli in the intestines for absorption
ciliated usually found in TRACHEA, sweeps object such as mucous
what is a one cell gland goblet cell
endocrine glands ductless secretes hormones
exocrine glands ducts secrete sweat gland, saliva gland
nerve cell are neuron transmits electro chemical impulses
nerve cell identification and fxn dendrite, cell body, axon
dendrite carries impulse to the cell body
cell body contains nucleus to regulate neuron fxn (the brain center)
axon carries impulse away from the cell body
synapse gap between dendrite of one cell and the axon of another cell
connective tissue are blood areolar connective tissue adipose fibrous connective tissue elastice connective tissue
connective tissue - blood cells, plasma - fxn trans materials hemopoietic tiss: blood froming organs ( RBC - carry oxygen bonded to hemoglobin WBC - destro pathogens by phagocytosis & produce antibodies for immunity Platelets - prevent blood loss by clott process
areolar connective tissue loose connective tissue which produces protein fibers. cells called fibroblasts (producting dells) which produce protein fibers. located beneath the dermis and epithelial tissue
adipose fat, adipocytes specialized to store microscopic fat droplets for use when food intact decreases. provides cushioning for organs and tissue s/a eyes kidneys
fibrous connective tissue parallel collagen fibers located where the body needs flexible strength artery walls to prevent blood vessel rupture tendons to connect muscle to bone ligaments to connect bone to bone
elastic connective tissue made of elastin fibers & located in large artery walls for stretching. also in lungs for stretching with inhalation
elastic connective tissue - bone osteocytes strong hard and not flexible storage site for calcium salts, supports the body and protects organs
elastic cartilage chondrocytes, no capillaries for blood supply, nutrients by diffusion, provides smooth surface on joint surface
mytosis 1 cell with diploid number of chromosomes (46 divides into 2 identical cells eh w/ a diploid number this is needed for body growth & repair no a sex cell
meiosis sex cell 1 cell with a diploid number of chromosomes 46 divided twice to form 4 cells w/ the haplois 12 # of chromosomes only in egg and sperm
Created by: mary t
Popular Medical sets




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