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Chapter9 Vocab Study

Used to study for AP Human Geo test for Chapter 9

the largest political unit, the formal term for a country. • has a defined boundary • contains a permanent population • maintains sovereignty over its domestic and international affairs • is recognized by other states State
the power of a political unit to rule over its own affairs Sovereignty
a group of people who have certain things in common - share common cultural heritage - have beliefs/values that help unify them - claim a space based on tradition/their homeland -desire to establish their own state (self determination) Nation
A singular nation of people who fulfill the qualifications of a state Nation-State
a country that contains more than one nation Ex: Canada Multinational State
A defined area within a state that has a high degree of self-government and freedom from its parent state Autonomous Region
the world consists of far more nations than states, many nations do not have a state of their own but often have a political organization. These cultural groups that have no independent political entity Stateless Nation
when a nation has a state of its own but stretches across borders of other states. Multistate Nation
A nation's desire to create and maintain a state of its own Nationalism
A force that unifies people via a shared religion, external threats, or a common language (Hint: a flower p___l) Centripetal Forces
forces that tend to break apart states or keep them from forming (Hint: feud) Centrifugal forces
influencing another country or group of people, by direct conquest, by economic control, or by cultural dominance (Hint: Star Wars) Imperialism
a particular type of imperialism in which people move into and settle on the land of another country (Hint: colonizing) Colonialism
In 1884 and 1885 , representatives from the major empires of Europe met in the German capital of Berlin to lay out claims made on the continent of Africa and used these claims to form state boundaries in Africa Berlin Conference
almost all European colonial territories had won independence. changing from colonial to independent status Decolonization
control over developing countries was exerted through indirect means, whether economic, political, or even cultural power. Neocolonialism
A type of mass, organized killing, in which people are targeted because of their race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality (ex: the Holocaust) Genocide
A period of diplomatic, political, and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. It started at the end of World War II continued through the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and ended with the breakup of the Soviet Union Cold War
A type of state that is dominated by another state politically and economically (ex: Vichy France and Manchukuo) Satellite State
The forced removal of a minority ethnic group from a territory (ex: the breakup of Yugoslavia) Ethnic Cleansing
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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