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ch 18 med term

med term

afterbirth the placenta, the amnion, the chorion, some amniotic fluid, blood and blood clots expelled from the uterus after childbirth
amenorrhea absence of menstrual flow
amnion the inner of the two membrane layers that surround and contain the fetus and the amniotic fluid during pregnancy
coitus sexual intercourse; copulation
amniotic fluid a liquid produced by and contained within
amniotic sac the double layered sac that contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid during pregnancy
areola the darker pigmented, circular area surrounding the nipple of each breast; also known as the areola mammae or the aeola papillaris
ballottement a technique of using the examiners finger to tap against the uterus, through the vagina, to cause the fetus to "bounce" within the amniotic fluid and feeling it rebound quickly
Braxton Hicks contractions irregular, ineffective contractions of the uterus that occur throughout pregnancy
cerclage suturing the cervix to keep it from dilating prematurely during the pregnancy. this procedure is sometimes referred to as a "purse string procedure". the sutures are removed near the end of the pregnancy.
cervix the part of the uterus that protrudes into the cavity of the vagina; the neck of the uterus
cesarean section a surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised and a baby is delivered transbdominally. also called cesarean birth or cesarean delivery
Chadwick's sign the bluish-violet hue of the cervix and vagina after approximately the sixth week of pregnancy
choloasma patches of tan or brown pigmentation associated with pregnancy, occurring mostly on the forehead, cheeks, and nose; also called the "mask of pregnancy"
chorion the outer of the two membrane layers that surround and contain the fetus and the amnitoic fluid during pregnancy
ejaculation the sudden emission of semen from the male urethra, usually occurring during sexual intercourse or masturbation
effacement thinning of the cervix, which allows it to enlarge the diameter of its opening in preparation for childbirth. this occurs during the normal processes of labor
edema swelling, with water retention
eclampsia the most severe form of hypertension during pregnancy, evidenced by seizures
Doppler a technique used in ultrasound imaging to monitor the behavior of a moving structure, such as flowing blood or a beating heart.fetal heart monitors operate on the Doppler sound wave principle to determine the fetal heart rate
dilatation (of cervix) the enlargement of the diameter of the cervix during labor. the calculation of the amount of dilatation is measured in centimeters. when the cervix has dilated to 10cm it is said to be completely dilated
culdocentesis needle aspiration, trough the vagina,into the cul-de-sac for the purpose of removing fluid from the area for examination or diagnosis.aspiration of unclotted blood from the cul-de-sac area may indicate bleeding from a ruptured fallopian tube.
corpus luteum a mass of yellowish tissue that forms within the ruptured ovarian follicle after ovulation. it functions as a temporary endocrine gland for the purpose of secreting estrogen and large amounts of progestrone-which will sustain pregnancy
copulation sexual intercourse; coitus
conception the union of male sperm and a female ovum ; also termed fertilization
colostrum the thin, yellowish fluid secreted by the breasts during pregnancy and the first few days after birth, before lactation begins
gestation the term of pregnancy, which equals approximately 280 days from the onset of the last menstrual period.the period of intrauterine development of the fetus from conception through birth; also termed the gestational period
gastroesophageal reflux a return or reflux, of gastric juices into the esophagus-resulting in a burning sensation
fundus superior aspect of the uterus
gamete a mature sperm or ovum
fimbraie the fingerlike end of the fallopian tube
fetus the name given to the developing baby from approximately the eighth week after conception until birth
fetoscope a special stethoscope for hearing the fetal heartbeat through the mother's abdomen
fertilization the union of a male sperm and a female ovum; also termed conception
fallopian tubes a pair of tubes opening at one end into the uterus and at the other end into the peritoneal cavity, over the ovary
estrogen one of the female hormones that promotes the development of the female secondary sex characteristics
episiotomy a surgical procedure in which an incision is made into the woman's perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for delivery of the baby.this incision is usually made shortly before the baby's birth to prevent tearing of the perineum
endometrium the inner lining of the uterus
embryo the name given to the product of conception from the second through the eighth week of pregnancy(through the second month)
lactiferous ducts channels or narrow tubular structures that carry milk from the lobes of each breast to the nipple
lactation the production and secretion of milk from the female breasts as nourishment for the infant. lactation can be referred to as a process or as a period of time during which the female is breast feeding.
labor the time and the processes that occur during birth, from the beginning of cervical dilatation to the delivery of the placenta
hypovolecmic shock a state of extreme physical collapse and exhaustion due to massive blood loss; "less than normal" blood volume
hypotension low blood pressure;an abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal passage through the blood vessels or for normal oxygenation of the body cells
hypertension high blood pressure; a common often asymptomatic, disorder in which the blood persistently exceeds 140/90 mmHg
hyperpigmentation an increase in the pigmentation of the skin
Hegar's sign softening of the lower segment of the uterus a probable sign of pregnancy
gravida a woman who is pregnant. she may be identified as gravida if this is her first pregnancy, gravida II for a second pregnancy and so on
graafian follicles a mature, fully developed ovarian cyst containing the ripe ovum
Goodell's sign the softening of the uterine cervix, a probable sign of pregnancy
gonads a gamete-producing gland, such as an ovary or a testis
glycogen the form of sugar stored in body cells, primarily the liver
gestational hypertension a complication of pregnancy in which the expectant mother develops high blood pressure after 20 weeks gestation with no signs of proteniuria of edema
laparoscopy visualization of the abdominal cavity with an instrument called a laproscope through an incision into the abdominal wall
leukorrhea a white discharge from the vagina
lightening the settling of the fetal head into the pelvis, occurring a few weeks prior to the onset of labor
linea nigra a darkened vertical midline appearing on the abdomen of a pregnant woman, extending form the fundus to the symphysis pubis
lithotomy postion a position in which the patient lies on her back, buttocks even with the end of the table, with her knees bent backward toward her bottom & the heel of each foot resting in an elevated foot rest at the end of the examination table
lordosis a forward curvature of the spine, noticeable f the person is observed from the side
lunar mouth four weeks or 28 days; approximately the amount of time it takes the moon to revolve around the earth
ovum the female reproductive cell; female sex cell or egg
ovary one of a pair of female gonads responsible for producing mature ova(egg) and releasing them at monthly intervals(ovulation);also responsible for producing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone
obstetrics the field of medicine that deals with pregnancy, the delivery of the baby and the first six weeks following the delivery (known as the immediate postpartum period)
obstetrician a physician who specializes in the care of women during pregnancy, the delivery of the baby, and the first six weeks following the delivery (known as the immediate postpartum period)
nullipara a woman who has never completed a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks gestation
neoatology the branch of medicine that specializes in the treatment and care of the disease and disorders of the newborn through the first four weeks of life
Nagele's rule a formula that is used to calculate the date of birth;subtract 3 months from the 1 day of the last normal menstrual period & add 1 year & 7 days to that date to arrive at the estimated date of birth
multipara a woman who has given birth two or more times after 20 weeks gestation
multigravida a woman who has been pregnant more than once
mask of pregnancy patches of tan or brown pigmentation associated with pregnancy, occurring mostly on the forehead, cheeks, and nose;also known as cholasma
mammary glans the female breasts
Created by: Courtne
Popular Medical sets




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