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quiz words 7-8
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Question | Answer |
zygomaticus | muscles of the head and neck(side of face) elevates corners of mouth(smile sad face) |
trapezuis | muscles of the head and neck(posterior neck down back)elevates pectoral gridle |
sternocleidomastoid | muscles of the head and neck (passes across anterior sides of neck- deep to the playsma) flexion/rotation of head |
temporlis | muscles of the head and neck ( side of face temporal bone)elevates mandible |
playsma | muscles of the head and neck ( superficial overlabs the sternocleidomastoid entire neck)depresses mandible |
epicranius | muscles of the head and neck( above eyes on frontal bone)elevates the eyebrows |
buccinater | muscles of the head and neck ( between maxilla and mandible sid of face under zygomatius)compresses cheeks |
masseter | occupies the maxilla and the mandible on sid of face)elevates mandible |
orbicularis oculi | muscles of the head and neck( all around the eyes)( action not needed on test to close eyes) |
orbicularis oris | muscles of the head and neck circles around the mouth)closes lips ( kissing muscle) |
latissimus dorsi | muscles of the trunk ( posterior middle of the back partly covered by trapezuis)adduction of the humerus |
deltoid | muscles of the trunk (rounded cap of the shoulder) abduction of the humerus |
rectus abdominis | muscles of the trunk ( runs vertically down each side of anterior wall of stomach)tenses abdominal wall |
transverus abdominis | muscles of the trunk ( innermost of abdominal muscles beneath internal oblique)tenses abdonimal wall |
internal oblique | muslces of the trunk ( lies just beneath the external oblique)tenses abdominal wall |
external oblique | muscles of the trunk(most lateral and superficial of the abdominal muscles)tenses abdominal wall |
serratus anterior | muscles of the trunk( deep to the pectorlis muscle, on surface of upper 8 or 9 ribs on side of chest)scapula fixator (stabilize scapula)elevates pactoral gridle |
pectoralis major | muscles of the trunk (anterior upper chest muscle) flexs are medially |
extensor digitorum | muscles of the the upper extremities(posterior forarm extends to hand)extension of wrist and fingers |
triceps brachii | muscles of the upper extremities(back of upper arm)extension of arm at elbow |
biceps brachii | muscles of the upper extremities( anterior upper arm)flexion of the arm at elbow |
bracnialis | muscles of the upper extremities( lies deep to the biceps brachii on upper arm)flexion of the arm at elbow |
biceps femoris | muscles of the lower extremities(most lateral hamstring muscle posterior thigh)flexion of leg at knee |
semimbranosus | muscles of the lower extremities |