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BOC studying 12


Lomotil is what type of medicaiton? Antidiarrheal
Which of the following medications is often used for depression? Prozac
Substances that have stimulant properties Nicotine theophylline pseudoephedrine caffine
Ibuprofen is available in what dosage? 400mg 200mg 600mg 800mg
What is the brand name for the NSAID diclofenac? Volteren
What is the recommended dosage for the NSAID Naprosyn? 250 - 500 mg twice a day
Frequently abused drugs include stimulants such as amphetamines, cocaine and depressants. And athlete who has overdosed on a stimulant would manifest what signs? Agitation rapid pulse and respirations convulsions arrhythmias
Beta-blockers inhibit the action of catecholamines and decrease cardiac output. In what sport would the effects of beta-blockers potentially enhance performance? Archery
In moderation, caffeine stimulates the _ and _ centers of the brain, causing increased alertness Cerebral cortex, medulla
Which of the following is not an adverse effect associated with the abuse of human growth hormone? Diarrhea
When 2 drugs are combined and there is a response that is 2 times the response as when each drug is used alone, this is known as what type of effect? Synergistic
Drugs may be classified according to all of the following Chemical mechanism of action therapeutic effect legal classification
Which of the following may be liked to Reye's syndrome in children and teens when treating a viral infection? Aspirin
What is the primary mechanism of action of penicillin? Inhibits cell wall synthesis
Opioid analgesics do all of the following Causes drowsiness reduces anxiety and distress causes constipation suppresses coughing
Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal Fatigue headache irritability yawning
Which of the following drugs are anticonvulsants? Klonopin, tegretol
The abbreviation GERD stands for Gastroesophageal reflux disease
The abbreviation IBS stands for Irritable bowel syndrome
Diuretics increase the excretion of Sodium (Na+) and Chloride (Cl-) ions
Medication routes of administration Oral rectal parenteral buccal
Hemorrhoids may be treated by Corticosteroids local anesthetics astringents vasoconstrictors
According to the hypertension guidelines set in 2014 by the Joint National Committee (JNC8) panel, the blood pressure threshold for initiating drug therapy for an individual younger than 60 yo: Systolic BP>= 140mm Hg, diastolic >= 90mm Hg
Which of the following drugs is an appropriate treatment for a panic disorder? Xanax
Which of the following drugs is used to treat Type 2 diabetes? Clucophage
Which of the following drugs is used to treat the herpes simplex virus? Acyclovir (Zovirax)
To avoid gastric upset, NSAIDS should be taken with what? Food or milk
Adverse reactions related to skeletal muscle relaxants Drowsiness dizziness decreased liver and kidney function physical dependence
Which of the following drugs is commonly used to treat hyperlipidemia? Crestor
Adverse effect of insulin use Hypoglycemia weight gain immune-base responses lipohypertrophy
Created by: opaltafe
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