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Social Studies-Vocab

Unit 2 vocabulary

Agricultural Revolution the transition of humans from hunter-gatherers to farmer
City-State a governmental unit that is a center of political, economic, and cultural life
Civilization a complex, organized large group of people with a defined and well-organized culture, inhabitants of a civilization share certain things in common such as government, language, types of clothing, foods and religion
Code of Hammurabi the first set of written laws in human history
communal farming fertile lands, farm work, and crops are shared by the people in an area
cultivate to raise or grow, especially plants
Cuniform a form of ancient writing in Ancient Mesopotamia
domesticate to tame wild animals or grow plants for food
dynasty when one family rules a country or region for a long period of time
environment our environment is everything that is around us. This includes both living and non-living things such as soil, water, animals and plants.
excavate dig up (such as archaeologists digging up an ancient city
export to send out to a foreign location (in simple terms, foreign means located outside your country )
geography the science of the earth's surface Physical geography focuses on Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans. Human geography or cultural geography is the study of where people live, what they do, and how they use the land.
Great Wall of China a series of walls build over many years to protect China from outside invaders
hieroglyphics a form of ancient writing in Ancient Egypt
import to bring in from a foreign source (in simple terms, foreign means located outside of your country)
irrigation system a system used to water plants/crops In ancient civilizations, farmers built large canals to bring water from the river to the fields.
mummification a procedure that includes drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting
papyrus a paper made from reeds (plants) that grew along the Nile River
pharaohs a special title for kings and queens of Egypt
plow an important farming invention that softens the ground so plants can grow
pyramids large structures build as stone tombs for Egyptian pharaohs
resources something that can be used for a particular purpose Resources can be natural or man-made. Resources can be renewable or nonrenewable.
scarcity not enough of a particular resource / a shortage Scarcity is the opposite of surplus.
scribe a specialized job for an ancient person who could read and write. Scribes kept business, legal, government and other historical records for the civilizations
sedentary staying in one place, not nomadic
silk a natural animal fiber (like a thread) that can be woven into cloth. Silk thread comes from the cocoon of a special moth larvae (called a silk worm)
Silk Road a network of trade routes that connected Asia, Africa, and Europe. The ancient Silk Road is similar to our Interstate Highway System in modern times.
silt rich, fertile soil that is deposited on the land by river flooding
Terra Cotta Warriors over 8,000 life size soldier statues built for the tomb of Emperor Qin She Huang
Ziggurats temples built in Ancient Mesopotamia for the ancient gods and goddesses
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