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BOC studying 5

Organizational and Professional Health and Well-being

All the following forms are critical parts of the patient's permanent medical record, and should be completed before the patient can practice: Permission to treat form preparticipation physical examination form Release form for patients subjected to high risk medical history form
How would you define a policy? A broad statement of an intended action
What general topics should be addressed in an athletic training program policies and procedures manual? Who the AT program will serve facility use an maintenance Risk management plans chains of command and supervision
Maintaining up to date records is extremely important. How often should the athletic trainer document? Daily
An athletic trainer can release a patient's medical records to who? No organization or individual without the consent of the patient or legal guardian
A high school athlete is pitching during a baseball game and is hit in the head with a line drive. He is seriously injured and the assistant coach is also the father. In this situation who is legally responsible for immediate care? The athletic trainer
_ is a form of record keeping that allows the AT to list the athlete's injury information, the actions taken by the AT and the response of the athlete to the AT's treatment column form. Focus charting
You have been given the opportunity to assist in hiring a new team physician. What type of agreement should be drawn up between the school and the physician? A physician's letter of agreement
What best describes the AT in a nontraditional athletic training setting? Manager
What guidelines does the athletic trainer have to follow regarding maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in the AT facility? OSHA
What organization establishes standards of quality for organizations that provide rehabilitative services? CARF
Components of a well written SOAP note Legible, clear, and concise contains many objective measurements progress is expressed in functional terms describes a clear plan of treatment
What documents would most likely subpoenaed during a vivil litigation suit against an athletic trainer? Treatment log
Fixed payments made on a monthly basis to a managed care provider are known as what type of reimbursement? Capitation
What forms should the athletic trainer fill out to gain the quickest reimbursement from an insurance company? HCFA-1500 form
The AT may use any of the following to treat an injured or ill patient Hydrotherapy cryotherapy electrotherapy massage
Maintaining accurate medical records is the responsibility of whom in the high school setting Athletic trainer school nurse school physician
What type of analysis would be considered a useful tool in the strategic planning of an existing athletic training program? The WOTS UP analysis
What is the primary care physician who is appointed by an insurance company to oversee the medical care given to patient and assigns any speciality and ancillary services called? The gatekeeper
The _ is a charge that represents the maximum amount that an insurance company will pay a provider. UCR
The _ is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that gathers injury data from a number of sources including educational institutions. NSC
What organization must certify face masks that are used in ice hockey? CSA
_ supplies include such items as adhesive tape, gauze pads, and bandages. Expendable
_, _, and _, must be taken into consideration when developing a risk management plan. Security, fire safety, and management of emergency injuries
Large purchases for an educational institution are usually done through a process known as what? Bid process
What best describes a copayment? A percentage of the total amount the policy holder is required to pay for medical services rendered
You are in the position to hire an assistant AT. You have a specific person in mind, but your athletic director implies he is not comfortable with this person's gender. What level of the law mandates the hiring and firing of employees? Federal
What piece of information is not part of the athletic trainer's daily documentation? Patients insurance information
All of the following are important steps in avoiding legal problems when administering care to the patient Keeping accurate records staying familiar with the health history of the patient following orders of the team physician
What is not a responsibility of the AT? Diagnose and treat illnesses
What is not a characteristic of a managed care organization? They are based on fee-for-service model
All of the following are reasons why an insurance claim might be denied Lack of patient progress duration of care is considered excessive improper coding treating beyond the approved number of visits
What is the series of codes used by insurance agencies and providers alike to identify a patient's diagnosis for reimbursement purposes called? International Classification of Diseases or ICD-10 codes
Reasons why good documentation skills are an absolute necessity for the athletic trainer To protect the legal rights of the patient and AT to improve the communication between the AT and other health care providers enhance the care given by the AT and to determine when release is appropriate keeping an accurate log of treatment
You are building a new athletic training facility. 2 major elements must be addressed in these schematic drawings _ and _ Space needs and traffic patterns
When acquiring capital equipment for your AT facility, a decision must be made regarding leasing or purchasing. What might be a possible advantage in leasing the equipment? Less risk that the equipment will become obsolete
As the director of a free-standing sports medicine clinic, it is important to keep accurate records of an employee's personnel record. All of the following would be found in this record: Performance evaluation records Salary and promotion records employee contract
In athletic training, database software has been primarily used to perform what function? Merge lists and develop spreadsheets
Which of the following describes an insurance 'rider'? A supplementary clause to an insurance contract that covers the cost of conditions that extend beyond those associated with the standard policy
Methods of enhancing a budget plan Keep an accurate inventory of disposable and non disposable supplies figure how much supplies have beens used to estimate how much more will be needed Consult with several vendors Determine how many athletes
When developing an emergency plan, all of the following should be established AT and coaches have appropriate keys to important gates and locks should be a phone accessible for immediate use AT should be familiar with the community emergency medical system
What is a prudent action that the AT should take prior to an emergency arisign? The AT should arrange a meeting with the local rescue squad , team physician, and any other individual involved in handling and injured athlete at least once per year to establish practice procedure that will be used in emergency
What is the biggest budgetary obstacle that many high school ATs must face? Lack of a room and special facilities/equipment necessary to operate an adequate athletic training program.
There are different model of supervision that may be used by a head AT when managing an athletic training staff. Two of these models are known as _ and _ supervison Clinical, developmental
3 phases of needs assessment - related to budget planning Exploration information gathering decision making
What is the process in which health care practitioners are reimbursed by a policyholders insurance? Third-party reimbursement
What is a growing concept in the insurance industry stressing cost control through coordination of medical services? Managed care
What are errors in planning the design of a sports medicine facility? Use of wood for the main flooring material having the adaptive access on the other side of the building non-ground fault interrupter receptacles within the hydrotherapy area having only one entrance/exit
What are types of insurance policy that is offered to organizations seeking to purchase insurance for athletic teams? Accident insurance indemnity policy basic medical coverage group insurance
What is one of the most important steps in athletic trainer needs to take when started a new high school athletic training program? Make an emergency plan
What is a priority when developing a sports medicine center for the local community? A mission statement
The codes that were established by the AMA for health car providers to receive third-party reimbursement are CPT codes, What does CPT stand for? Current procedural terminology
What is a type of organizational culture characterized by autonomy in decision making and problem solving? Personalistic culture
Basic steps in purchasing process Request a quotation negotiation purchase order bid requests
An ICD-10 code identifies what A diagnosis
When developing preparticipation physical examination forms, it is important to make sure all patients have the following: History of any previous conditions documented documentation of medications being taken assumption of risk forms
Who should be involved in making the decisions about transporting an injured athlete? Athletic trainer team physician paramedics emergency medical technicians
What is the state law that gives and individual the length of time (years) to file a claim? Statute of limitations
If a patient who is covered by an HMO insurance policy needs to see a specialist, who must make the referral in most cases? The primary care physician
According to program management theory, which of the following is defined as a decision making process in which a course of action is determined in order to bring about a future state of affairs? Planning
Which of the following describes a person or organization that supports a program but has a history of untrusting behavior (these people tend to be manipulative in their dealings)? Bedfellows
The process by which something is done in a sports medicine program is defined as a(n) _ Procedure
What are cost-based providers contracted by the federal government and charge with reviewing Medicare claims made by hospitals called? An insurance 'carrier'
What is the potential to influence the behavior of a superior called? Personal power
Which of the following are types of budgets? Fixed Variable Lump-sum Line-item
Primary coverage is defined as what? A coverage that begins to pay for covered expenses after the deductible has been met
Medical records are defined as what? Cumulative documentation of a person's medical history and health care interventions
What is not a part of a SOAP note? Plan
All of the following are ways AT's can help keep insurance premiums to a minimum Insist that the athlete purchase their own personal insurance spread the risk among all concerned parties pass the cost or some fraction of the cost to the athlete have the team physician see athletes in the AT facility
What is a contact between a policyholder and an insurance company to reimburse a percentage of the cost of the poilcyholders medical bills? Medical insurance
Exceptions to the rule of confidentiality When there is clear and imminent danger to the athlete When there is clear and imminent danger to other persons When legal requirements demand that confidential information be released
Athletic training equipment can be either leased or bought. What of the following is an advantage to leasing equipement? Lower initial cost
What is a type of organizational culture characterized by consensus, teamwork, and participatory decision making? Collegial
What is the most common order of steps in recruiting and hiring sports medicine personnel? Request for postion, telephone interviews, hiring
Which of the following is a method that allocated a fixed amount of money for an entire program without specifying how the money will be spent? Lump-sum budgeting
Which type of budgeting model requires justification for every budge line item without reference to previous spending patterns? Zero-based budgeting
What is a type of tort in which an AT fails to act as a reasonable prudent AT would act under the same circumstances? Negligence
Which of the following standards are performance evaluation standards intended to help foster practicality in the employee appraisal process? Feasibility standards
You were just given permission to hire a new staff AT. What order should these components follow when conducting staff selection activities 1- retention 2-hiring 3-promotion 4-performance eval 5- demotion 2-hiring 3-promotion 1-retention 4- performance eval 5-demotion
An 'operational plan' is a plan that defines organizational activities in the short-term and should be no longer than what? 2 years
The equal employment operation chief works with employees who have filed what types of complaint? Discrimination sexual harassment racism
A patient with a disability should not be discriminated against, but needs to have proper documentation. How can they justify the disability? Needs to have a record of such impairment with medical documents
You are building a new athletic training facility. In order to expedite the process and cut down the number of individuals you have to deal with what construction process model should you use? Design/build model
What would help an AT determine space needs when planning to build a sports medicine center? Developing a traffic pattern chart
Which of the following methods for funding public sector sports medicine facilities utilizes an institution's assets in cash and investments not normally used for operational purposes? An endowment
Which of the following is covered in a 'rider' in an athletic accident insurance policy? Chronic overuse injuries
What is a deductible? An out-of-pocket expense before the insurance policy begins paying
What is a type of athletic insurance that pays for covered medical expenses only after all other insurance policies has reached their limits? Secondary coverage
What organization publishes CPT codes on an annual basis? AMA
What would be included in the capital expenses of an AT program? Buildings and room construction
A properly organized athletic training facility should have separate designated areas for all of the following Modality area hydrotherapy area storage facilities Physician treatment
Which of the following are factors that influence space requirements when designing a sports medicine facility? Number of clients Types of clients amount and type of equipment needed projected growth of the program
How high should the electrical outlets be placed above the floor in the AT facility? 4-5 feet
Which of the following could present a problem for the AT when using a computer to store medical records? Maintaining security
How many hours of evidence-based practice continuing education is a certified AT required to get every 2 years? 10
The BOC consists of 2 sections Practice Standards Code of professional responsibility
What organization has identified the domains of AT as defined by the Role Delineation study? BOC
What pieces of information are important for the AT to keep on record in the athletic training facility? Injury reports injury evaluations and progress notes daily treatment logs
What type of budget allocates a fixed amount of money for specific program functions and activities? Line-item budgeting
To be a successful AT, and individual must possess all of the following personal qualities Ability to adapt to a changing environment a good sense of humor empathy
What best describes the function of the school nurse in the sports medicine program of a high school? As a liaison between the AT and the school health services
What organization was established in 1950 and created a ode of ethics and standard for the profession of athletic training? NATA
You find out that a certified AT in your conference is selling a protein shake to his athlete for personal profit. What code is this individual violating? NATA Code of Ethics
When explaining to a parent the difference between an AT and a PT the expertise of a PT might best be described by: Those individuals trained in the rehabilitation of a diverse population
Over the past 6 months, you notice on of the ATs on your staff exhibiting some behaviors that are out of character. You recognized these are signs of 'burnout' What are the signs? Insomnia angry behavior self-preoccupation daily feelings of exhaustion
What are the best means by which an AT may education the general public and other health care workers regarding the profession of athletic training? Organizing professional seminars and conferences providing high-quality care to the physically active individual publishing articles in professional journals and participating in research
What is the most important thing and AT should do when taking a history from an athlete after and injury has occurred? Be an active listener
When assisting the general public in understanding the term 'sports medicine' , the definition should include what? Multidisciplinary
What quality is needed in order to be and effective educator in an athletic training program? Competence in classroom teaching methods
Torts are legal wrongs committed against a person or his or her property. Such wrongs may be a direct result of _ or _ Omission, commission
AT's should carry what type of insurance? Professional liability insurance
What model of supervision for a head AT could be describes as a 'mentoring' approach? Developmental supervision
You have been asked to initiate an athletic training program in the high school in which you work. One of the areas you are covering is sexually transmitted diseases. The following topics relating to AIDS should be included: Blood-borne pathogens HIV testing Universal precautions OSHA guidelines
An AT discovers that he is infected with HIV. What would be prudent steps for the AT to take? Take the necessary steps to avoid infecting others make sure he has ongoing medical evaluations inform, if or when it becomes appropriate to do so, his patients, coworkers, supervisors
The statute of limitations involving a negligence suit has a limit up to how many years? 1-3 years
What type of insurance should the AT carry in case of a criminal complaint involving negligence? Professional liability insurance
An athlete (who has been diagnosed with impetigo) and his coach from your wrestling program have been trying to convince you the athlete can return early to wrestle. Your response is based upon what NATA code of ethics? 1: members shall practice with compassion, respecting the rights, welfare and dignity of others
What are types of state regulation statuses for ATs? Certification licensing registration
Steps an AT can take to avoid litigation Develop a comprehensive emergency plan establish a detailed, written job description establish a yearly plan for modality maintenance
An AT is working in a clinical setting. What population is the AT best suited to treat? Physically active
What is the state of being legally responsible for the harm one causes another person? Liablility
An athlete steps out of a whirlpool onto a slippery, wet floor and falls, fracturing his wrist. The AT may be considered _ in this case. Negligent
The AT can avoid the risk of litigation by doing Keeping medical records confidential establish positive personal relations with athletes create a safe playing environment with documentation
A certified AT is observed to be intoxicate while at work. This is in violation of what principal of the NATA code of ethics? 2: Members shall comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of athletic training,
A certified AT refuses to treat an athlete based on the athletes' ethnicity. This is a violation of what principle of the NATA code of ethics? 1: members shall practice with compassion, respecting the rights, welfare and dignity of others
'Sports medicine' is a term that includes the following specializations related to the study of sport Exercise physiology biomechanics sports psychology sports nutrition
In what year were certified ATs recognized by the AMA as 'allied health care professionals"? 1990
Athletic training scope of practice parameters set by legislation fall into the following areas Restrictions regarding site of practice modality use restrictions the definition of athletic training or athletic trainer supervision of ATs
Which of the following health care providers would be known as a primary care provider? A physician
Which of the following would be and example on a component of evidence based practice? Defining a clinically relevant question
When taking a histroy from an athlete regarding and injury, at what level of listening should the AT be functioning? Analytical
_ and _ are 2 major components of 'professionalism' Commitment, open mindedness
Continuing education units may be obtained through all of the following Attending a BOC approved seminar Completing a NATA journal quiz Completing postgraduate course work Home study courses
The only individuals who should have access to databases containing and athletes medical records are _ and _ Athletic trainer, Physician
_ and _ are 2 signs of occupational burnout Exhaustion and anger
Which of the following professionals possesses expertise in the analysis of human motion? A biomechanist
One of your patients is having significant pain as a result of a hallux valgus deformity. Whom should the AT consult with in the care of this patient? A podiatrist
Although an AT has successfully passed the BOC, they must be educated on the rules and regulations on the state they intend to practice. They must be knowledgeable of the states: Medical practice act
Which of the following should a certified AT be concerned with when treating athletes? Malpractice
One of your high school baseball players is having elbow surgery at the end of the season. He is a major league prospect, and a scout has asked you of the details of his surgery and anticipated rehabilitation. What should you do? Tell him nothing
As a head AT at a Division 1 university, you are charges with designing a drug testing procedure. it is up to you how to design and implement the procedure and select the individuals. What is the best way to select subjects? Random selection
All athletes are required to a preparticipation physical prior to any athletic related activity. During this exam, an athletes should also be required to fill out pertinent paperwork. What is one of the most important forms the athlete must complete? Assumption of risk form
What is a medical condition called that is not covered by health insurance? An exclusion
The NATA Code of ethics, is defined as what? A set of rules by which and AT should conduct themselves.
What is a way for an AT to protect themselves from negligence? Good documentation
Which of the following is a form of state credential, established by statute and intended to protect the public, that regulates the practice by specifying who may practice and what duties they may perform? Licensure
Which of the following is a legal defense that attempts to claim that an injured plaintiff understood the risk of an activity and freely chose to undertake the activity regardless of the hazards associated with it? Assumption of risk
Approaches to ethical decision making? Egoism utilitarianism formalism
Sports medicine encompasses all of the following fields of study Biomechanics massage therapy sports nutrition sport psychology
Support personnel that work along with the AT to ensure the health and safety of the athlete Nurse sport psychologist social worker
All of the following are guidelines and postion statements released by NATA Exertional heat illnesses fluid replacement for patients lightning safety for athletic and recreation asthma in athletics
Members of the primary sports medicine team Coach, athletic trainer team physician
What was NATA officially formed? 1950
Who is responsible for compiling medical histories and conduction physical examinations for each athlete on a team? Team physician
Classification of regulation for an AT to have the right to practice within a specific state? Certification licensing no regulation registration
Who is the accrediting body for entry level athletic training programs? CAATE
Domains of athletic training injury prevention, clinical evaluation and diagnosis, immediate care, treatment, rehabilitation and reconditioning, organization and administration, and professional responsibility.
Athletic trainers are which type of decision maker? Secondary
What is negligence? A situation in which and AT fails to act as a reasonably prudent AT would act under the same circumstances
Part of professional development is networking within your profession. This is accomplished by what? Going to professional meetings
Using a best practices approach suggests that medical documentation of all physician referrals, initial evaluation, assessment, treatments, and dates of follow up care for all patients is a good idea for what reasons? Professional standards of practice legal protection is sued improved communication between the team or family physician
The rules, standards, and principles that dictate proper conduct among members of a society or profession are known as which of the following? Ethics
An AT shares a patients electronic medical record(EMR) via email with a local podiatrist for his medical opinion without the patient's consent. This violates what principle of the code of ethics? 1- members shall practice with compassion, respecting the rights, welfare and dignity of others
The following are components of outcome assessment methods from the Agreement-trust matrix Patient chart documentation randomized clinical trials patient review
What does it mean when one fails to act when there is a legal duty to do so? Omission
Which word defines a person who is highly cooperative in a support plan? Ally
Athletic directors, owners, staff, and _ are all part of a major inside interest group Coaches
A sports medicine program should include which of the following to be successful? Provide the best possible health care Good communication among members of the sports medicine team good communication between the AT and parents
One of your soccer players is requesting to play in the conference championship in 2 days. This athlete is 2 days post concussion. Who should make the final decision of an athletes eligibility for participation ? The physician
The athletic administrators role include what? Establishes the chain of command for the sports medicine team makes certain that each member has appropriate credentials is responsible for having appropriate personnel for the appropriate postions
Created by: opaltafe
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