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exploration study

exploration study guide for world history

New technologies used to help explorers sail? Magnetic compass, lateen sails, astrolabe, etc.
How did joint-stock companies raise money? Similar to modern day corporations, they bought into shares of stocks in a company
What was the purpose of Mercantilism? It had the country’s government provide for the purpose of exploration by seeking wealth and land to claim
Which European country was the first to explore the seas? Portugal
Who sailed around the world? Magellan
Who sailed around the Cape of good Hope? Bartolomeu Dias
Who sailed to India? Vasco de Gama
Who discovered the New World? Christopher Columbus
Who is the New World named after? Amerigo Vespucci
Who conquered the Aztecs? Hernán Cortés
Who conquered the Incas? Francisco Pizarro
What are some negative and positive exchanges during the Columbian Exchange? Some positive exchanges include vegetables, crops, horses, and explorers; some negative exchanges include disease and slaves.
Under the treaty of Tordesillas, the Portuguese claimed what land in South America? Mostly what is modern day Brazil.
What part of the Triangular Trade was known as the Middle Passage? The Slave Trade, the trade of slaves from the west coast of Africa exported to the Americas
What helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs? More advanced weapons as well as the spread of European disease.
Created by: BurkeNHI
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