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Trans Saharan: How -Camel -Saddle
Trans Saharan: Who -North Africa -Mediterranean -Interior West Africa
Trans Saharan: What Goods -Salt -Gold, metal, copper -Horses -Slaves
Trans Saharan: What Culture Diffused -Religions -Languages -Art -MUD MOSQUES
Trans Saharan: What Intellectual Impact - West African intellectual growth occurs (Timbuck Tu)
Timbuck Tu - Starting point for camel caravans which transported goods northwards - One of the most important cities in the Mali Empire due to location near the Niger River bend, it was fed by the trade at the east and west branches of the great water highway.
Silk Road: -Major land based trade network
Silk Road: Where -China -Though Central Asia -To the Middle East
Silk Road: How -Camels, Horses -Caravan Sari (group movement, safety in #) -Stopped at oasis’s (cities to trade, sell, get food, water, and rest)
Silk Road: What -Luxury Goods -Silk -Spices -Porcelian/ Tea
Silk Road: Why? -Make money
Silk Road: Banking -China will develop a currency becuase trading can lead to thing you mau not want -Might not have enough money/ credit system
Silk Road: Tech -Paper -Gunpowder
Silk Road: Culture -Buddhism
Indian Ocean Trade Network: Where/ Who -East Africa to Indonesia - Indians, Arabs
Indian Ocean Trade Network: How - Monsoon winds (knowlage of larger ships), - Compass/ Astroblade
Indian Ocean Trade Network: What -Luxury goods -BULK GOODS (Timber, food)
Indian Ocean Trade Network: Culture -Islam (Indonesia -Hinduism -Buddhism
Indian Ocean Trade Network: Diasporic Communities -Groups living in new trade hubs on the IOTN
Marco Polo: -Traveled Italian and China Silk Road -Traveled Buddhist route
Ibn Batuta: -Traveled the Trans Saharan dessert -Traveled the Islamic words (everywhere that is Arabic and follows the quaran)
Similarities of Ibn Batuta and Marco Polo: -Traveled + wrote over Afro-Eurasian regions
Trade Networks: Why do they Increase? -Transportation tech increases -Rich civilizations/ Empires emerge
Trade Networks: Economics -Boost economic productivity -New goods= New profits -INcrease production of goods that are traded
Trade Networks: Cultural -Spread of religion -Language -Architecture -Art
Trade Networks: Intellectual/Tech -Math -Gunpowder
Trade Networks: Vegatives -Disease
Islamic World: -Happened in the 7th Century Arabia -Lead by a Caliph (Religous+ political leader of Islam) -Within 100 years, the Islamic Empire will control Spain -Rich -Educated (Lead to trade)
Comparison (Silk Road/Indian Ocean TN): Similarities -Both spread culture Silk Road/ Trans Saharan -Both used camel caravans
Comparison (Silk Road/Indian Ocean TN): Differences Silk Road/ Indian Ocean TN- land based, ocean based Silk Road/ Trans Saharan- didnt trade slaves (Islam), traded slaves (Buddhism)
Tang/ Song Dynasty: Context -Previous Dynasty:Han -Emperor -Confusion Government -Production (trade through Silk Road) -Collapse -Warring states
Tang, Song China: -Unification of China under a single dynasty -Government lead by an Emperor -Install a confusion burrocraccy based on passing the exams New-Confucianism -Blends elements of daoism/bhudism w/confusionism -Extra Patriarchical
Golden Age: How? -Military expansion -Tribute system (other states recognize Chinas strength and gives them gifts) -Tech advancements (manufacturing “mini industrial” -Culture (Art+Poetry)
Golden Age: Agricultural Production -Chiampa Rice
Golden Age: Grand Canal -Money from trade
Medieval Europe/“Middle Ages”/“Dark Ages”: -Collapse of Western Rome in 476 C.E (Smaller states/ kingdoms emerge “decentralized”) -Lack a single central culture -Trade goes down -Urban life goes up (fear of raids from violent groups of Vikings) -Intellectually not advanced
Medieval Europe/“Middle Ages”/“Dark Ages”: Hierarchically -King, lord or Nobel, knights or church officials, town people, serf
Fedalism: -Smaller weaker kingdoms -Relationships between social groups -Serfs: gives up their land for protection -Protection: walls, knights, castles
Western Europe: -Collapse following Roman Empire -Small Kingdoms/ common cultures -Roman Catholic (Christian) -Latin -Started in the Roman Empire -Feudal Manor (No trade, local production)
Eastern Europe: -Byzantine Empire -Constanople City -Single ruler -Larger more unified ruler -Split from Roman Catholic -Orthodox (Christian) -Greek -Internationally trading
Byzantine Empire: Polotics -Emperor
Byzantine Empire: Economics -Trade (Constanoples locations, good trading location) -Great farm land
Byzantine Empire: Culture -Hagia Sophia (amazing church)
Byzantine Empire: Problems -Invasions, conquests & treats from Islamic empire, western catholics
Cesaropapism: -Political leader in charge over Religious leader
Spread to kiev/ City states: -Adoption of orthodox religion _didnt chose other religions due to no drinking
Created by: 21violap
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