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Acting-out Being haunted or possessed by the past, and compulsively reliving the traumatic events of the past in the present
Acting-out for example in flashbacks or nightmares. The distinction between past, present, and future collapses; one exists in the present as if one were still fully in the past, without any prospect or hope about the future.
Collective trauma A group response to a violent or overwhelming occurrence.
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop in response to prolonged and repeated trauma, such as chronic sexual abuse or domestic violence.
cultural trauma refers to the representational processes through which a particular memory or event is labelled as traumatic by a given social group
dissociation describes the separation of normally related mental processes, which leads in extreme cases to disorders such as multiple personality
Ecological grief felt in relation to actual or expected ecological losses such as the disappearance, degradation, or death of species, ecosystems, or landscapes
Historical trauma identifies specific instances of suffering and loss (e.g. the Holocaust or 9/11).
structural trauma refers not to a specific event or experience, but to an originary absence that cannot be overcome
hysteria was a catch-all term for a wide range of mental disorders that resulted in symptoms including, but not limited to, nervousness, hallucinations, ungovernable emotional outbursts, various libidinal desires, and dissociation.
Implicated subjects various categories of people who enable and benefit from traumatic violence
insidious trauma names the psychological effects of experiences of normative, everyday forms of oppression (such as sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, and ableism)
Latency The period of time that elapses between the occurrence of a traumatizing event and its registration as a psychological experience
Melancholia A response to loss characterized by an inability to let go of the lost object and to re-engage with life.
Microaggressions Everyday and often unintentional verbal or behavioral slights, insults, and indignities that reveal biases against marginalized groups such as people of color, women, or LGBTQ individuals
Moral injury The psychological distress associated with perpetrating, failing to prevent, or witnessing acts that violate one’s moral code, typically in the context of military combat
Mourning A response to loss in which a person deals with the grief of losing a loved one or an ideal by letting go of the lost object and eventually replacing it.
Multidirectional memory marked by transcultural borrowing, exchange, and adaptation
Oedipus complex around the ages of three to five, a child will experience feelings of desire for his or her opposite-sex parent while sustaining jealousy and anger towards their same-sex parent
Perpetrator trauma being traumatized by their own violent actions.
Postmemory children of trauma survivors inherit traumatic memories of events from their parents.
Post-traumatic growth individuals can experience positive effects following traumatic events. These effects can manifest in the domains of self-perception, interpersonal relationships, and life philosophy.
Pre-traumatic stress The traumatizing impact of future (rather than past) catastrophic events. The idea of a psychic wounding produced by anticipation of violence
Prosthetic memory argues that the technologies of mass culture (films, novels, museums, etc.) have made it possible for individuals and groups to acquire memories of events of which they have no direct lived experience.
Railway spine the spinal damage that was sustained by victims of railway accidents had both physical and psychological consequences.
Repetition compulsion ‘the desire to return to the earlier state of things’
Resilience Positive adaptation to distressing life circumstances ( post-traumatic growth)
Secondary or vicarious traumatization may occur when an individual or group experiences traumatic symptoms after having been exposed to a representation of an event that they have not themselves lived through.
Secondary or vicarious witnessing Similar to secondary or vicarious traumatization, secondary or vicarious witnessing describes an encounter with the memories of another person or group
Shell-shock is the most common label used to refer to the trauma suffered by soldiers in the First World War.
Structural trauma denotes the psychological impact of foundational absences.
Transference an individual unconsciously redirects emotions from one person to another.
Trauma envy of the moral authority supposedly bestowed by trauma on anyone who can lay claim to a significant wound, which is seen to give them the power to silence the political demands or resentments of others
Traumatic neurosis used to describe the lasting pathological symptoms that derive from an intense emotional shock, which often manifests as a kind of repetition compulsion
Trigger warning A message presented to an audience, often in an educational context, to warn it that a literary text or other work of art contains potentially distressing content
Working-through A process of coming to terms with trauma and moving beyond it.
Wound culture contemporary society introduced by Mark Seltzer in the late 1990s that sees it as addicted to spectacles of violence and public displays of trauma.
Created by: james22222222
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