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Name Description Category Updated User Cards Stars
evol psy 307Ch12p361 evol psy 307Ch12p361-74 Psychology 2018-08-23 james22222222 48 0 edit
Soc+vocab Ch 1-7 Vocab in the Soc+ text Social Studies 2018-06-27 james22222222 36 0 edit
Soc+ Ch.8-10 New vocab Social Studies 2018-06-27 james22222222 37 0 edit
Soc+ Ch 11-13 Soc+ Ch 11-13 Social Studies 2018-06-27 james22222222 28 0 edit
Psyc307 Evol. p.1-12 Evolutionary psychology Psychology 2018-07-13 james22222222 32 0 edit
Psy307 Evol p.12-22 vocab Psychology 2018-06-25 james22222222 33 0 edit
Psy 307 p.22-34 End Ch. 1 Psychology 2018-07-16 james22222222 24 0 edit
Psy Evol Ch2 P.35-51 vocab Psychology 2018-06-29 james22222222 38 0 edit
Psy Evol Ch2 P.51-69 Psy Evol Ch2 P.51-69 Psychology 2018-07-02 james22222222 44 0 edit
psy 307 evol psy ch 3 p 71-82 Psychology 2018-09-10 james22222222 38 0 edit
psy 307 evol. Ch 3 Evolutionary Psychology ch 3 p. 82-96 Psychology 2018-09-10 james22222222 36 0 edit
evol. psy. Ch.3 ch3 p. 96-103 Psychology 2018-09-10 james22222222 15 0 edit
evol. psy. Ch.4 ch4 p.106-131 Psychology 2018-07-10 james22222222 38 0 edit
Evol. Psyc Ch.4 end ch. 4 P. 131-end Psychology 2018-07-26 james22222222 17 0 edit
Evol. Psyc Ch.5 139- Evol.PsycCh.5 139-152 Psychology 2018-07-13 james22222222 35 0 edit
evol. psy 307 ch5 p. 152-172 end ch 5 Psychology 2018-07-17 james22222222 42 0 edit
evol. psy. Ch6 P.174 ch 6 p 174-8 Psychology 2018-07-20 james22222222 37 0 edit
Evol. psy. Ch. 6 p. 186-95 Psychology 2018-09-07 james22222222 40 0 edit
evol.psyc.ch.6 p.195 ch. 195-99 Psychology 2018-07-22 james22222222 31 0 edit
evol.psy.ch7 P. 204 ch7 P. 204-221 Psychology 2018-07-25 james22222222 39 0 edit
evol psy 307 ch7 ch7 p. 221-36 Psychology 2018-07-28 james22222222 27 0 edit
psy.307 Evol. ch 8 ch8 p. 237-48 Psychology 2018-07-30 james22222222 32 0 edit
psy307 evol ch9 ch. 9 p267-85 Psychology 2018-08-05 james22222222 36 0 edit
psy.307evolCh8 248- Ch8 248-62 (end) Psychology 2018-08-02 james22222222 37 0 edit
psy307 evol ch9 p285 ch. 9 p285-96end Psychology 2018-08-07 james22222222 39 0 edit
psy307evol ch.10p297 evol. psy. 307 ch 10 p. 297-302 Psychology 2018-08-10 james22222222 35 0 edit
psy307 evol ch10p305 psy307 evol ch10p305-316 Psychology 2018-08-13 james22222222 42 0 edit
psy307Ch10p316 Ch10p316-327 Psychology 2018-08-14 james22222222 26 0 edit
psy307ch11p328 psy307ch11p328-38 Psychology 2018-08-17 james22222222 44 0 edit
psy307evol ch11p338 psy307evol ch11p338-354 Psychology 2018-08-21 james22222222 50 0 edit
evolpsy307 ch11p354 evolpsy307 ch11p354-end Psychology 2018-08-20 james22222222 19 0 edit
evol psy 307Ch12p374 evol psy 307Ch12p374-77 Psychology 2018-08-25 james22222222 36 0 edit
evol psy 307Ch12p380 evol psy 307Ch12p380-82 Psychology 2018-08-26 james22222222 41 0 edit
evol. psy307Ch13p389 evol. psy307Ch13p389-398 Psychology 2018-08-28 james22222222 38 0 edit
evol. psy307Ch13p398 evol. psy307Ch13p398-406 Psychology 2018-08-30 james22222222 43 0 edit
evol. psy307Ch13p406 evol. psy307Ch13p406-14 Psychology 2018-09-01 james22222222 48 0 edit
evol. psy307Ch13p414 evol. psy307Ch13p414-121 Psychology 2018-09-03 james22222222 42 0 edit
evol. psy307Ch13p422 evol. psy307Ch13p422-223 Psychology 2018-09-04 james22222222 8 0 edit
evol. psy 307Slide2 Evolution by Natural Selection Psychology 2018-09-17 james22222222 20 0 edit
evol. psy 307Slide3 the modern synthesis Psychology 2018-09-19 james22222222 51 0 edit
evol. psy 307Slide4 Inclusive fitness Psychology 2018-09-23 james22222222 27 0 edit
slides first times evolutionary first times Psychology 2018-10-17 james22222222 12 0 edit
Lect. 5. Psyc. 307 Essential concepts Psychology 2018-09-28 james22222222 39 0 edit
Lect. 6. Psyc. 307 selective pressures Psychology 2018-10-03 james22222222 13 0 edit
Evol. psy. 307 Lec 8 Lec 8 food selection Psychology 2018-10-10 james22222222 30 0 edit
Lec 8 food aversion food aversions and selection EPMs Psychology 2018-10-12 james22222222 13 0 edit
lecture 9 hunting humans are apes that eat (most) meat Psychology 2018-10-17 james22222222 4 0 edit
Lecture 9 Problems Problems of Survival: hunting, gathering, scavaging Psychology 2018-10-25 james22222222 27 0 edit
Lect. 10fear,Suicide fears, phobias, suicide Psychology 2018-10-25 james22222222 8 0 edit
Lecture 11 mating problems of mating Psychology 2018-10-26 james22222222 13 0 edit
Lecture12prob.mating Problems of mating??? Psychology 2018-11-25 james22222222 36 0 edit
Midterm test question errors Psychology 2018-11-09 james22222222 13 0 edit
Evol. psy. Lecture13 Evol. psy. Lecture13 Psychology 2018-11-21 james22222222 14 0 edit
Evol. psy. Lecture14 Evol. psy. Lecture14 Psychology 2018-11-24 james22222222 28 0 edit
Lecture15prob.mating Lecture15prob.mating Psychology 2018-11-28 james22222222 15 0 edit
Matingproblems lec16 Mating problems lec16 Psychology 2018-11-28 james22222222 12 0 edit
Lecture17prob.mating Lecture17prob.mating Psychology 2018-11-30 james22222222 16 0 edit
Lecture18prob.mating Men's long-term mating preferences Psychology 2018-12-08 james22222222 38 0 edit
Lecture20prob.mating Men's Long-term mating preferences Psychology 2018-12-07 james22222222 27 0 edit
criminology Copy of Quizlet Criminal Justice 2022-08-11 james22222222 108 1 edit
Criminology Criminology Ch 6+ Ecology 2022-12-14 james22222222 66 1 edit
Trauma criminology Clinical Skills 2022-09-08 james22222222 37 0 edit
Health Psych Health Psych Unfinished 2022-12-27 james22222222 40 0 edit
VIUH Psy gloss A-B VIU Health Psy gloss Unfinished 2023-01-07 james22222222 48 0 edit
VIU H Psy c VIU H Psy c Unfinished 2023-01-08 james22222222 37 0 edit
hPsy D-E hPsy D-E Unfinished 2024-04-26 james22222222 45 0 edit
Early Child 3 Early Child 3 Unfinished 2024-07-10 james22222222 22 0 edit
FG Health psy. glossary Unfinished 2023-02-22 james22222222 23 0 edit
H H psy glossary for H Unfinished 2023-03-30 james22222222 20 0 edit
Hpsy I and R Health Psych. vocab. beginning with I Unfinished 2023-04-15 james22222222 23 0 edit
Integrated -mitogen Health psy. vocab. from integrated trauma Psychology 2024-02-22 james22222222 22 0 edit
Mitogen-NKcell lysis Mitogen-negative-affect smoker Unfinished 2024-02-06 james22222222 24 0 edit
NK cell lysis- NK cell lysis-reality shock Unfinished 2023-10-07 james22222222 26 0 edit
scienti-social facto Psy Glossary S-- Unfinished 2023-08-06 james22222222 21 0 edit
Social invir-tempora Social invir-temporal uncertainty Unfinished 2023-05-14 james22222222 22 0 edit
tension-withdrawal tension reduction hypothesis-vulnerablility Unfinished 2023-07-03 james22222222 22 0 edit
Statistics Vocab1-7 Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Glossary Unfinished 2023-09-25 james22222222 16 0 edit
Stack #4193359 Stack #4193359 Unfinished 2024-05-23 james22222222 12 0 edit
Early Child Early Child Development Unfinished 2024-06-30 james22222222 24 0 edit
Early Child 2 Continuation of quizlet deck Unfinished 2024-07-06 james22222222 27 0 edit
Early Child 4 From paternity leave Unfinished 2024-07-26 james22222222 22 0 edit

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