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Chapter 5
question/term | answer/definition |
how many chambers do our eyes have? | two (anterior and posterior) |
which type of humor does the anterior chamber contain? | aqueous (water fluid) |
which type of humor does the posterior chamber contain? | vitreous (gelatinous fluid) |
cornea | transparent, outer covering of the anterior portion |
pupil | opening in eye that lets in light |
iris | colored part of the eye that contains muscles to regulate the size of the pupil |
sclera | white, tough, fibrous outer layer that extends from the cornea to the optic nerve |
choroid | pigmented vascular layer between sclera and retina |
conjunctiva | mucous membrane lining the eyelids and outer eye surface |
lens | transparent structure posterior to the pupil that bends light rays on the retina to aid in focusing |
retina | nerve tissue in the inner posterior part of the eyes |
rods and cones | visual receptors (neurons) in retina that respond to light waves |
nerve fibers | fibers from rods and cones join in the optic disc from which the optic nerve carries transmissions to the brain |
blephar/o | eyelid |
conjunctiv/o | conjunctiva (to bind together) |
cycl/o | circle, ciliary body |
dacry/o, lacrim/o | tear |
ir/o, irid/o | colored circle, iris |
kerat/o | cornea |
phac/o, phak/o | lens (lentil) |
presby/o | old age |
vitre/o | glassy |
-opia | condition of vision |
refraction | normal, hyperopia, myopia |
eye misalignment disorders | esotropia (in) , exotropia (out) |
gt | drop |
gtt | drops |
IOL | intraocular lens |
LASIK | laser- assisted in situ keratomileusis |
ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o | eye |