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chp 1-5

word root core of the word
suffix word part attatched to end of word, modifying it's meaning
prefix word attached to behinning of word root, modifying it's meaning
combining vowel word part, usually 'o' used to ease pronunciation
combining form word root w/ combining vowel, xeperated by a slash
eponym term derived from name of person
acronym terms formed fromt first letters of word in phrase
adenoma tumor composed of glandular tissue
carcinoma in situ early stage of cancer
sarcoma tumor of connective tissue
benign not cancerous
myoma tumor composed of muscle
lipoma tumor composed of fat
carcinogenic causing cancer
cyanosis abnormal condition of blue color
diagnosis (Dx) state of complete knowledge
hypoplasia incomplete development
hyperplasia excessive development
erthrocyte (RBC) red blood cells
etiology study of the causes of diseases
leukocyte (WBC) white blood cells
leukocytosis abnormal condition of white blood cells
lipoid resembling fat
metastasis (mets) beyond control
prognosis (Px) state of before knowledge
somatic pertaining to the body
malignant cancercous
remission improvement/absence of disease
somatogenic originating in body
anterior (ant) pertaining to front
anterposterior (AP) front to back x-ray
bilateral pertaining to 2 sides
caudal pertaining to tail
cephalic pertaining to head
coronal devides body into front a back halves
distal pertaining to away
dorsal pertaining to back
frontal divides body into front and back
inferior (inf) pertaining to below
lateral(lat) pertaining to a side
medial (med) pertaining to middle
mediolateral pertaining to middle side
posterior pertaining to back
proximal pertaining to near
posteroanterior (PA) back to front x-ray
sagittal uneven right and left halves of body
midsagittal divides body into even left and right halves
superior (sup) pertaining to above
unilateral pertaining to 1 side
ventral pertaining to belly
melanin color, pigmentation of skin
sebaceous glands secrete sebum into hair follicles
dermis inner layer of skin
epidermis outer layer of skin
deramtofibroma fibrous tumor of skin
onychomycosis abnormal condition of fungus in the nail
onychomalacia softening of nails
onychophagia eating the nails
pachyderma thickening of the skin
seborrhea discharge of sebum
xeroderma dry skin
biopsy (bx) view of life
dermatoplasty surgical repair of skin
deratome instrument used to cut skin
onychectomy excision of nail
rhytidectomy excision of wrinkles (face lift)
rhytidoplasty surgical repair of wrinkles
debridement removal of contaminated or dead tissue and foreign matter from open wound
dermabrasion procedure to remove skin scars with abrassive material like sand paper
dermatologist physician who studies and treats skin
epidermal pertaining to upon skin
erythroderma abnormal redness of skin
hypodermic pertaining to under the skin
intradermal pertaining to within skin
leukoderma white skin (less color)
necrosis abnormal condition of death
percutaneous pertaining to through skin
staphylococcus (staph) berry shaped in twisted chains
subcutaneous (subcut) pertaining to under skin
xanthoderma yellow skin (jaundice)
abrasion scraping away of skin by mechanical process of injury
abscess localized collection of pus
candidasis infection of the skin, mouth or vagina caused by yeast type fungus
gangrene death of tissue causehd by loss of blood supply followed by bacterial invasion
impetigo superficial skin infection
Karposi's sarcoma cancerous condition starting as purple, or brown papules on lower extremeties
laceration torn, ragged edged wound
lesion visible change in tissue resulting from injury or disease
psoriasis chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered w/ silvery scales
pediculosis incasion into skin and hair by lice
urticaria itching skin eruption (hives)
cicatrix scar
diaphoresis profuse sweating
emollient agent that softens/soothes skin
induration abnormal hard parts
jaundice yellow tinge to skin (jaundice)
keloid over growth of scar tissue
nevus circumscribed malformation of skin, usually brown black or flesh colored
papule small, solid skin elevation ( pimple)
pustule elevation of skin containing pus
verruca wart
wheal itchy w/ white center and red surrounding
larynx location of vocal cords (voice box)
pharynx food and air passage way
adenoids lyphoid tissue located behind nasal cavity
tonsils lymphoid tissue located behind mouth
trachea passageway from air to bronchi (wind pipe)
nasal septum partition seperating right and left nasal cavities
alveolus air sacs at end of bronchioles
adenoiditis inflammation of the adenoids
atelectasis imperfect, incomplete expansion
bronchiectasis expansion of the bronchi
bronchogenic carcinoma cancerous tumor of bronchi
epiglottis flap of cartilidge that automatically covers opening and keeps food from entering larynx
hemothorax blood in chest
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
pneumonoconiosis abnormal condition of dust in the lungs
pneumothorax air in chest
rhinorrhagia rapid flow of blood from nose
laryngoplasty surgical repair of larynx
lobectomy excision of a lobe
pleuropexy surgical fixation of the pleura
thoracocentesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the chest cavity
tonsillectomy excision of the tonsils
tracheostomy creation of artificial opening into trachea
bronchoscopy visual exam of bronchi
capnometer instrument used to measure CO2
laryngoscope instrument used for visual exam of larynx
laryngoscopy visual exam of larynx
oximeter instrument used to measure oxygen
acapnia absence of CO2
anoxia absense of oxygen
apnea absence of breathing
bronchospasm spasm of the bronchi
dyspnea difficult breathing
hypercapnia excessive CO2
hypernea excessive breathing
hypocapnia deficient CO2
hypoxia deficient oxygen (to tissues)
hypoxemia deficient oxygen (to blood)
laryngospasm spasm of the larynx
orthopnea breath easier in up right position
asthma respitory disease characterized by coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and construction of air ways
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) group of disorders that are almost always a result of smoking and lead to obstruction of bronchial flow
coccidioidomycosis fungal disease affecting the lungs and sometimes other organs (valley fever)
epistaxis nose bleed
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) repetitive pharyngeal collapse during sleep, leads to absence of breathing
pertussis highly contagious bacterial infection of respitory tract, accute crowing inspiration
pulmonary embolism foreign matter, blood clot, air, fat clot, carried in the circulation to pulmonary artery, blocking circulation
tuberculosis (TB) acid fast bacillus, spread by inhalation of small particles
acid fast bacilli smear (AFB) test performed on sputum to determine presence of tuberculosis
arterial blood gases (ABG) test performed on arterial blood to determine levels of oxygen, CO2, and other gases
PPD skin test TB skin test
ventilation-perfusion scanning (VPS) lung scan
bronchoconstrictor agent causing narrowing of bronchi
bronchodilator agent causing bronchi to widen
hiccup spastic contraction of diaphragm
hyperventilation ventilation of lungs beyond what body needs
hypoventilation ventilation of lungs that does not fulfill what the body needs
mucopurulent containing mucus and pus
nebulizer device that creates mist used to deliver medication for respitory treatment
paroxysm periodic, sudden attack
patent open
Created by: xoxokels19
Popular Medical sets




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