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Health Records
Common words used in the health care field
Term | Definition |
Exacerbation ek-SAS-er-BAY-shun | The symptoms or condition is getting worse |
Malaise mah-LAYZ | Not feeling well |
Oriented OR-ee-EN-ted | Being aware of who he/she is, where they are at, and the current time; a patient aware of all three is "oriented x 3" |
Auscultation aws-kul-TAY-shun | To listen |
Etiology ee-tee-AW-loh-jee | The cause |
Sequelae seh-KWEL-ah | A problem resulting from a disease or injury |
Prophylaxis PROH-fuh-LAK-sis | Preventative Treatment |
Palliative PA-lee-ah-tiv | Treating the symptom but not getting rid of the cause |
Ipsilateral IP-sih-LA-ter-al | Same side |
Coronal kah-ROH-nal | Divides the body into slices from front to back Corona: Latin for crown Divides the body in half from the top of the head down |