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SS6 Final Exam Vocab

SS6 Final Exam Review Vocab

5 themes of Geography Location, Place, Human Environment Interaction, Region, Movement
archipelago sea or stretch of water containing many islands
cave paintings paintings on cave walls and ceilings, especially those dating from prehistoric times that were used to record history and explain aspects of early culture
civilization society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes; people understand how to use their surroundings in order to survive
cultural diffusion The spread of culture, ideas, customs, and technologies from one group of people to another; often a result of war, trade, exploration, migration, and reading about other cultures
culture way of life; beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
dharma In Hindu belief, a person's religious and moral duties
division of labor workers specialize in a particular task or job to make large jobs more efficient/get done faster; early bands of people did this to survive
domesticate to tame; to bring plants or animals under human control
Fall of Rome factors sickness and disease, poverty, resentment of people conquered by Rome, slavery, Christianity began to replace polytheism and becomes official religion of Rome
feudalism A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land
geography of Greece Mountains and small islands allowed city to develop into independent communities
Golden Age of Athens a period of growth in ancient Athens in intellectual & and artistic learning, including drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, & science; Pericles associated with this time
Golden Age of Rome the reign of Augustus Caesar
Human Environment Interaction humans and theirs surroundings affect each other (modify and adapt)
importance of water civilizations settled near water sources to have access to water for drinking, bathing, farming, transportation, and trade
irrigation Supplying land with water through a network of canals
Location position of anything on Earth's surface (relative is general, absolute is exact)
manor a large estate owned by a knight or lord
migration movement of people from one place to another
monotheism belief in only one god (ex. Judaism, Christianity)
Movement people, products, & ideas move from place to place by communication and transportation
Neolithic Revolution The switch from nomadic lifestyles to a settled agricultural lifestyle is this revolution; polished tools, made pottery, domesticated plants and animals, (Neolithic was New Stone Age)
Paleolithic Old Stone Age; people were mostly hunters-gatherers that traveled in small bands during this time ; no domestication or agriculture yet
peninsula A piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides (ex. Italy)
Place every location on Earth has a place identity (physical features like landforms and human features like buildings)
polytheism Belief in many gods (ex. Greek mythology, Hinduism)
primary source a firsthand account of an event created by someone who took part in or witnessed the event (ex. journals, artifact, autobiography, recording)
Region areas on Earth that differ from each other because of their features (same region share certain features)
reincarnation rebirth of a soul in a new body in Hinduism and Buddhism
secondary source descriptions of events written later or replicas made by people who did not witness or create them originally (textbook, newspaper, biography)
subcontinent A large landmass that is connected to the rest of the continent (ex. India)
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