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Ch. 6
Question | Answer |
ophthalmoscope | instrument for looking at the eye |
optomyometer | device used to determine the strength of eye muscles |
phacoscope | instrument for looking at the lens |
retinoscope | instrument for looking at the retina |
retinoscopy | procedure for looking at the retina |
tonometer | instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye |
binocular | pertaining to both eyes |
iridokinesis | the movement of the iris |
lacrimaion | formation of tears |
nasolacrimal | pertaining to the nose and tear system |
ophthalmic | pertaining to the eye |
ophthalmologist | eye specialist |
optic | pertaining to the eye |
optokinetic | pertaining to eye movement |
optometrist | specialist in measuring the eye |
retinal | pertaining to the retina |
blepharedema | eyelid swelling |
blepharoptosis | drooping eyelid |
blepharopyorrhea | discharge of pus from the eylid |
dacryolith | hard formation in the tear system |
dacryopyorrhea | discharge of pus in tears |
ectropion | outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye |
entropion | inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye |
exophthalmus | protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket |
nystagmus | involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes |
strabismus | condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object |
esotropia | inward turning of the eye, toward the nose |
exotropia | outward turning of the eye, away from the nose |
keratomalacia | abnormal softening of the cornea |
pterygium | winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea |
scleromalacia | abnormal softening of the sclera |
papilledema | swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina |
phacomalacia | abnormal softening of the lens |
phacosclerosis | abnormal hardening of the lens |
audiogram | record produced by an audiometer |
audiometer | instrument for measuring hearing |
audiometry | procedure for measuring hearing |
otoscope | instrument for looking in the ear |
otoscopy | procedure for examining the ear |
pneumatic otoscopy | procedure for examining the ear using air |
salpingoscope | instrument for examining the eustachian tubes |
tympanometry | procedure for measuring the eardrum |
audologist | hearing specialist |
aural | pertaining to the ear |
otolaryngologist | specialist in the ear and throat |
aotoneurologist | specialist in the nerve connections between the ear and brain |
otorhinolaryngologist | specialist in the ear, nose, and throat |
otosteal | pertaining to the bones of the ear |
salpingopharyngeal | pertaining to the eustachian tubes and the throat |
ceruminoma | benign tumor of the cerumen-secreting glands of the ear |
ceruminosis | excessive formation of ear wax |
macrotia | abnormally large ears |
microtia | abnormally small ears |
otopyorrha | discharge of pus from the ears |
otosclerosis | hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear |
tympanic perforation | tear or hole in the eardrum |
tympanosclerosis | hardening of the eardrum |