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Mod 11 Les. 2,3,4,5

What is simony? (lesson 2) The selling or buying of a position in the Christian church
What is gothic architecture? (lesson 2) The style of church architecture developed in medieval Europe featuring ribbed vaults, stained glass windows, flying buttresses, pointed arches, and tall spires
What was the Age of Faith? (Lesson 2) The period of time after the "Dark Ages" of medieval Europe, where there was a new religious feeling born after the Church was reformed and restored.
What is a crusade? (lesson 2) An expedition in which medieval Christian warriors sought to recover control of the Holy Land from the Muslims
What was the Spanish Inquisition? A church court that tried people who weren't practicing Christianity. The church tried to convert anyone who didn’t practice Christianity.You were given two choices: either give up your belief system and convert to Christianity or be burned at the stake.
Who is Richard the Lion-Hearted? (lesson 2) The King of England from 1189 to 1199; he fought in the Holy Land against Saladin during the Third Crusade. He eventually stopped fighting and returned to England.
What were problems the Church faced? (lesson 2) Some priests were nearly illiterate and could barely read their prayers, some of the popes were men of questionable morals, and many bishops and abbots cared more about their positions as feudal lords than about their duties as spiritual leaders.
What was scholasticism? (lesson 3) Scholasticism was the medieval philosophy which was based on ancient Greek knowledge and Christian teachings. It revolved around everything to do with Christianity and reaching heaven.
What was the three-field system? (lesson 3) A system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farmland was divided into three fields of equal size and each of these was successively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted.
What effect did the three-field system have? (lesson 3) Farmers produced more food and villagers had more to eat. People could live longer due to no starvation and eating healthier food, also the population could increase.
What did a craft guild do? (lesson 3) Trained apprentices, set standards of quality for goods, and controlled wages and prices.
What helped break down the feudal system? (lesson 3) A middle class developed out of merchants, where they would make more money and gain more power than the nobles above them.
What was a guild? (lesson 3) An association of people who worked at the same occupation.
What did the Magna Carta do? (lesson 4) Guaranteed basic legal rights.
What was the main cause of the hundred years' war? (lesson 4) Issues over the throne of France.
Whose rights did the Magna Carta originally intend to defend? (lesson 4) English nobility.
How did the Battle of Hastings change the course of English history? (lesson 4) Normans took control of England.
What was the medieval legislative body of England? (lesson 4) Parliament.
Who created the royal court of justice and jury system in England? (lesson 4) Henry II.
Which developments did the most to end the Middle Ages? (lesson 5) The crusades, the bubonic plague, the hundred years’ war, and the great schism.
What did the devastation did the bubonic plague contribute to? (lesson 5) The disruption and collapse of medieval society; the church was weakened, millions died (one third), the church had no answers so people lost faith in their church leaders, people got sick and died of working for others, and trade was disrupted.
What effect did the Great Schism have on the Roman Catholic Church? (lesson 5) The Great Schism occurred when three popes were forced to resign from the Church, and one new pope would be elected. This greatly weakened the authority/power of the pope.
Why did the Hundred Years’ War bring an end to the Age of Chivalry? (lesson 5) The style of warfare changed when the longbow was developed after the hundred years war, causing the end of chivalry. Training for knighthood had no point when someone could be killed from afar.
What were two main results of the hundred years' war? (lesson 5) England brought a change in the style of warfare in Europe with the development of the longbow, bringing an end to chivalry and knighthood.The English suffered a period of turmoil known as the War ofthe Roses, where two noble houses fought for the throne.
Created by: 26ibudyka
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