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Startle or Moro reflex | Sudden or loud noise or the sensation of falling causes a young baby to extend legs, arms and fingers. Arch back and draw head back, then draw arms back, fist clenches into chest. |
Inguinal hernia | A part of the intestines slips through one of the inguinal canals and bulges into the groin. |
Dermal melanocytosis | Flat birthmarks that can be deep brown, slate gray or blue-black in colour. (Mongolian spots) |
Walking/stepping reflex | Held upright on a table or flat surface, supported under the arms, a newborn may lift one leg and then the other, taking what seems to be "steps" |
Pertussis | Caused by germs in the throat and lungs, which cause violent coughing that makes people vomit and stop breathing. ( AKA whooping cough ) |
Vernix | Greasy, white substance that covers and protects baby's skin. |
Baby acne | Red, pimply rash on the face. |
Babinski reflex | When sole of foot is gently stroked from heel to toe, the toes flare upward and turns in. |
Milia | Tiny whiteheads on baby's face. |
NBAS | Neonatal behavioral assessment scale Believed by someone to be a better predictor of future development, thirty minute assessment often carried over several days. |
Cradle cap | Usually appears as crusty patches on baby's scalp, sides of the nose, eyelids, eyebrows and behind the ears. |
Rooting reflex | A newborn whose cheek is gently stroked will turn in the direction of the stimulus, mouth open and ready to suckle. |
Diptheria | Causes a sore throat (greenish colour), fever and chills. Also cause breathing, swallowing, heart and nerve problems. |
Meningococcal disease | Spread by kissing, coughing and sneezing. Also spread by sharing drinks, toothbrushes, mouth guards and other objects that go in the mouth. |
Rubella | Can cause chronic arthritis and blood clotting problems. |
Palmer grasping reflex | With baby facing forward, arms flexed, an index fingers pressed against palm will cause a flexing of the hand in an attempt to grasp. |
Meningitis | Infection of the fluid around the spinal cord and brain. |
Baby eczema | Patches of red skin that shows up as dry, thickened, scaly skin or tiny red bumps that can blister, ooze or become infected if scratched. |