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Integumentary System

What are the four functions of the Integumentary System? Protects body from injury, from intrusion microorganisms, help regulate body temperature, and houses receptors for sense of touch
What are the three layers of skin? Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous
Epidermis consists of? Strata
Stratum basale site of cell production
Stratum corneum layers of dead cells sloughed off
Dermis middle layer
What does the Dermis contain blood vessels, nerves, nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles
Subcutaneous inner layer
What is the subcutaneous composed of adipose(fatty) tissue
adip/o, lip/o, steat/o fat
cutane/o, derm/o, dermat/o skin
hidr/o sweat
hist/o, histi/o tissue
kerat/o, scler/o hard
myc/o fungus
trich/o hair
Lesions arise from previously normal skin
Flat, nonpalablechanges in skin color Ex: macule/macula, patch
Elevated, palpable, solid mass Ex: papule, plaque, nodule, tumor, wheal
Elevation formed by fluid within a cavity Ex: vesicle, bulla, pustule
cherry angioma round, bright red blood vessel tumor; often seen on trunk
telangiectasia(spider angioma) radiate from central arteriole; most often found on face, neck, or chest
petechia minute hemorrhagic spot that indicate a bleeding tendency
ecchymosis bruise, black and blue mark; a large purpura(chymo=juice)
cicatrix scar
keloid abnormal overgrowth of scar tissue that is thick and iregular
Kele tumor
neoplasm abnormal tissue that grows by more rapid than normal
verruca epidermal growth caused by a papilloma virus(wart)
BCC basal cell carcinoma
Created by: marvin10
Popular Medical sets




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