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CNHP 2010 Chapter 13


1. Orch/o testis or testicle
2. Orchi/o testis or testicle
3. Orchid/o testis or testicle
4. Perine/o perineum
5. Prostat/o prostate
6. Sperm/o sperm (seed)
7. Spermat/o sperm (seed)
8. Test/o testies or testicle
9.Vas/o vessel
10. aspermia inability to secrete or ejaculate sperm
11. azoospermia semen without living spermatozoa; a sign of infertility in a male
12. oligospermia decreased production and expulsion of sperm
13. mucopurulent discharge drainage of mucus and pus
14. anorchism absence of one or both testes
15. balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
16. prostate cancer malignancy of the prostate gland
17. prostatitis inflammation of the prostate
18. varicocele enlarged, swollen, herniated veins near the testis (varico=twisted vein)
19. Bx biopsy
20. DRE digital rectal examination
21. ED erectile dysfunction
22. HBV hepatitis B virus
23. HIV human immunodeficiency virus
24. HPV human papillomavirus
25. HRT hormone replacement therapy
26. HSV-2 herpes simplex virus type 2
27.PSA prostate-specific antigen
28. STD sexually transmitted disease
29. TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
30. biopsy tissue sampling used to identify neoplasia
Created by: jemilla
Popular Medical sets




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