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Sci Rev/Philosophers

Sci Rev/Pnilosophers

Descarte Father of Rational Reason; Famous Quote: "I think, therefore I am."
Ptolemy Ancient Greek Scientist--the universe is geocentric. Earth is the center of the Universe
Copernicus Polish astronomer--the universe is heliocentric. Sun is the center of the Universe. Church paid little attention to him.
Kepler Orbits around the planets are elliptical and not circular
Galileo Italian scientist--draws attention of the Church. Invents better telescope: mountains on the moon, universe is heliocentric--sun center of the Universe. Church places him under house arrest
Sir Isaac Newton Genius of the Sci Revolution and Law of Gravity
Bacon Designed the steps of the Scientific Method and we love to eat this type of meat
Why did the Sci Revolution occur? The Renaissance changed man's way of thinking--observe it, measure it. Don't believe Church teachings
Enlightenment Period Vast change in thinking from Medieval Period where people were burned at the stake for being heretics or witches. The Renaissance thinkers looked down on the period--again mocking the Church's teachings
What is Philosophy? Unlike science of the physical world, philosophy ponders on our social and political world--with the information we have, how should we conduct ourselves, how should government interact with us?
Hobbes Writings resemble The Prince--very Machiavellian People are born evil. They are greedy, selfish, cruel and must be ruled with Absolute Power by the leader
John Locke Opposite of Hobbes. Man is born with a clean soul and the environment creates us. Tabula Rasa meaning clean slate. We have rights such as life, liberty and owning property. If government fails to govern properly, we have the right to overthrow it
Cesare Beccaria Italian criminalologist: Laws for rights of the prosecuted: speedy trial, no torture for confession nor capital punishment. Crime should fit the punishment--Most in our Bill of Rights
Baron deMontesquieu Three equal levels of government: judicial, legislative, executive all keeping the others checked so one person cannot claim power.
Voltaire Freedom of religion and speech. "I may not agree what you say, but I will defend til my death your right to say it.
US Declaration of Independence (1776) Locke and Voltaire: Purpose of Government, rights of life, liberty and pursuit of property. (happiness substituted in the US Declaration)
US Constitution (1787) de Montesquieu: separation of powers with three equal bodies of government
Bill of Rights: first ten Amendments to the Constitution (1791) Locke and Voltaire: Freedoms of speech and religion
Women during the Enlightenment Offered rooms in their homes (salons) for political and social discussion by men. They could join in the discussions, but not speak or write about it publicly.
Created by: lmckay
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