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Chapter 25:

Imperialism When a larger country takes over a weaker country
Imperialized power 1. British 2. France 3. England 4. Germany 5. United States
Imperialized areas 1. Africa 2. Asia 3. Middle East 4. Pacific World
Characteristics of Imperialism 1. Strong army and navy 2. Technology 3. Nationalism
Reasons for Imperialism 1. Need for raw materials 2. Places to invest 3. Nationalism 4. Religion
Justifications of Imperializing 1. Social Darwinism 2. White mans burden
Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest
White mans burden Europeans thinking they have the duty to take over less developed areas
realpolitik Going to great measures to advance your country
Colony Area completely controlled by another power
Settle Colony Large numbers of Europeans move and live there
Dependent Colony Europeans move in few numbers and use natives to rule
Sphere of Influence When a country is controlled economically by another power (China)
Annexation Adding an area into an empire
Trade concession Unfair trade agreement
Protectorate When a countries forgin affairs are controlled by another power
Empire A vast area of land controlled by a singular power
British East India Company Meddled with Indian Princes affairs, hired Indian Soldiers to fight in their army's
Dutch East India Company Made deals with sultans, intervened in wars and hired natives to fight
British take control of India 7 years war and battle of palassey * Lack of nationalism in India
Newab Ruler of Bengal
Three Presidencies Calcutta Bombay Mundus
Cultural Diffusion in India * Housing *Clothing *Food *inter-marriage
Social Reform in India *British became corrupt *Utilitarianism
Nabob British employee of the India Company who exploited the peasants and cheated the company
Utilitarianism Ideology that focused on social reform
Evangelical Movement Focused on ending racism, spread Christianity
Medicine *Allowed wives and children to be brought *allowed advancement into Africa
Miscegenation Having relations with someone of another race (prohibited)
Education *India- State sponsored by the British -more education better communication and better able to rule themselves *Africa- Largely religious(missionaries) and scattered -not well organized and lacked unity
Economic propose of Colony *Raw materials *New markets *Taxes paid to Europeans -head tax -hut tax- ivory, palm oil, or labor
Treatment of Natives in Africa Flogged or killed if they didn't meet quotas
Belgian Congo Held women and children captive until demand are passed
Harvested goods *Coco *Palm oil *Rubber *Hemp
Isandhlwana Zulus defeated the British in 1879
Guerrilla Warfare Hit and run tactics
Natives struggled Magic potions and religion
Settler colonies "European" in nature
Africa divided among Europeans
Mad scramble Europeans rush to colonize Africa
Berlin Conference Europeans divided Africa
South Africa 1652: Dutch established ports on the way to the Indies 1800s: British move in 1867: Dimond's and gold was found 1910: South Africa becomes independent 1948: Apartheid is formed
Created by: regangreen
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