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Med Term Final II

Final Exam Study Guide

Bronchi branch of the trachea that is a passageway into the lung
Apex Uppermost portion of the lung
Mediastinum Space between the lungs in the chest
Adenoids Nasopharyngeal lymphatic tissue
Pulmonary parenchyma essential parts of the lung & responsible for respiration
Laryngectomy removal of the larynx (voicebox)
Phreno diaphragm
Hypoxemia condition of deficient amount of oxygen in the lungs
Asbestosis asbestos particles accumulates in the lungs
Orthopnea breathing is only easier in an upright position
Eosinophil white blood cell with reddish granules; numbers increase in allergic reactions
Fibrin Protein threads that form the basis of a clot
Electrophoresis method of separating out serum proteins by electrical charge
Antigens foreign material that invades the body and cause a allergic reaction
Bilirubin orange-yellow pigment found in bile produced from the breakdown of hemoglobins
Hematopoietic stem cell cell in bone marrow that gives rise to all types of blood cells
Heparin anticoagulant found in the blood
Poikilocytosis disorder of red blood cell morphology of shape
Neutropenia deficiency in numbers of white blood cells
Lymphopoiesis formation of lymph & lymphocyte
interstitial fluid found in the spaces between cells
Platelets clotting cell; thrombrocytes
Lymph nodes areas axillary, mediastinal, cervical, ingunial
Atrophy decrease in size normally developed organ or tissue of the body
T Cells lymphocyte that acts directly on the antigens to destroy them
IgA, IgG, IgE examples of immunglobulins
Tonsils masses of lymphatic tissue in the back of the oropharynx
Thymus mediastinal T cell producer; aids in immune response
Cancellous Bone spongy, porous bone tissue in the inner part of a bone
Acromion outward extension of the shoulder bone forming point of shoulder
Foramen magnum opening in occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes
Mastoid Process rounded projection on the temporal bone
Condyle knuckle like process at the end of the bone
Facial Bones lacrimal, maxillary, mandible, nasal, vomer & zygomatic
Cranial Bones ethmoid, frontal, occiptal, parietal, sphenoid, temporal
Diaphysis shaft or mid-portion of a long bone
Osteodystrophy abnormal development of bone
Squamous cell flat scale-like cells located in the epidermis
Dermis middle layer of the skin
Keratin hard protein material found in the epidermis, hair & nails
Collagen structural protein found in skin, connective tissue & ligaments
Xero dry
Subungual pertaining to under the nail
Cutaneo skin
Albinism absence of pigment in the skin
Paronychia inflammation & swelling of the soft tissue around the nail
Cornea fibrous layers of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eye
Macula lutea small oval region on the retina near the optic disc
Lens eye structure behind the pupil that is transparent & biconvex; focuses light on the retina
Optic chiasma optic nerve fibers cross in the brain
Accommodation normal adjustment of the eye to focus on objects from far to near
Cones photosensitive receptor cell of retina; transform light energy into producing color
Kerato cornea
Cyclo ciliary body
Palpebro eyelid
Thyroid function secretes iodine and controls digestive system, metabolic rate, bone & brain development
Adenohypophysis anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
Insulin secreted by the pancreas; transfers sugar from blood to cells
Parathyroid hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland; increases blood calcium
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone; stimulates adrenal cortex
Electrolyte examples potassium, sodium, calcium
Iodine element in diet that is essential for the thyroid gland
Estrogen female hormone secreted by the ovaries; promotes sex characters
Metastasis malignancy growth beyond original site
Adenocarcinoma of lung malignant tumor of the lungs
Fungating tumor mushroom pattern of growth as tumor cells grow on top of each other
Polypoid growths that form projections extending outward from the base
Carcinoma in situ localized tumor growth
Scirrhous tumor hard, densely packed tumor cells
Staging a tumor based on the extend of spread of the tumor; TNM
Mutagenic genetic mutation
T1N2M0 Tumor stage 1, Nodes stage 2, Metastases stage 0; indicates progression of tumor
Nuclear medicine medical specialty that uses radioactive substances
Radiologist physician that specializes in radiologic testing
Barium enema radiologic testing of the GI series using a enema containing barium sulfate
IVP intravenous pyelogram; used to show kidney stones, tumors or defects in the urinary system
Myelogram record of x-ray of the spinal cord using contrast dye
Arthrogram record of x-ray of a joint using contrast dye
Tomography cross-sectional x-ray to show an organ depth
CT scan computed tomography produces a cross-sectional image of the body organs using a computer
Molecular pharmacology study of interaction of drugs and their target molecules
Toxicology study of harmful chemicals and their effects on the body
Ampicillin antibiotic in the penicillin family
FDA food and drug administration; enforces regulations for proper drug manufacture and clinical use
Synergism combination of two drugs which has a greater effect than the sum of one drug alone
Suppositories drug inserted in the rectum region
Oral administration drugs taken by mouth
Parenteral administration drugs given by injection in skin, muscles, or veins
Inhalation admininstration drugs in gas or vapor form taken through the nose or mouth
Forensic psychistrist specializes in the legal aspect of pyschiatry
Clinical pyshologist professional that uses various methods of psychotherapy to treat patients but cannot prescribe drugs
Dysthymia depressed mood; could last 2 years; different from major depression
Euphoria feelings of well-being, happiness, excitement, elation & joy
Compulsion uncontrollable urge to perform or act repeatedly in an attempt to reduce anxiety
Autism neurodevelopmental disorder marked by non-social interaction and decreased communication
Hallucinations false or unreal sensory perception
Repression defense mechanism that pushes unwanted thoughts, feelings or impulses into your unconscious
Agoraphobia fear of leaving home
Adrenal Cortex outer section of each adrenal gland; secretes cortisol
Radiopague substance substance that attaches to bone to show up on x-rays
Created by: sfarnsley
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