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Unit 6 Med Term path

Med Term Unit 6 pathology

Acrophobia Fear of Heights
Agoraphobia Fear of outdoor spaces
Amblyopia Decreased vision occurring in one eye, lazy-eye
Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis A degenerative disease of the CNS (central nervous system) causing loss of muscle control: aka: Lou Gehrigs Disease
Anacusis Total deafness
Anorexia An eating disorder characterized y the patient's refusal to eat
Anosmia lack of sense of smell
anxiety feeling of fear, nervousness, or unease
astigmatism imperfection in the curvature of the eye causing blurred vision
bulimia eating disorder characterized by overeating followed by forced vomiting or excessive exercise
cataract progressive opacity of lens leading to blurred vision
Causalgia painful sensation of burning
Cerebral Aneurysm widening of a blood vessel in the brain
Cerebral palsy paralysis caused by damage to the areas of the brain responsible for movement
cerebral thrombosis blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a clot
cerumen impaction buildup of ear wax blocking the ear canal
clonus muscle spasm or twitching
corneal abrasion scratch of the cornea
dementia decline or loss of mental function
Dyslexia difficulty reading
dysphoria a negative emotional state
epilepsy disease marked by seizures
glaucoma eye condition that damage the optic nerve
hematoma a tumor-like mass made of blood
ischemic stroke a stroke in which lack of blood flow to an area of the brain is caused by blockage of an artery
miosis abnormal pupillary constriction
mydiasis abnormal pupillary dilation
nystagmus involuntary back and forth movement of the eye
paralysis complete loss of sensation and motor function
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
schizophrenia a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
scotoma dark spot in the visual field
strabismus rolling eyes
syncope fainting
tinnitus ringing in the ear/s
transient ischemic attack a temporary blockage of a blood vessel that resolves within 24 hours
vertigo dizziness
Analgesic a drug that relieves pain
anesthesiologist Doctor who specializes in anesthesiology
anesthetic a drug that causes loss of sensation
anesthesia without feeling or sensation
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain
cochlear implant electronic device that stimulates the cochlea and can restore hearing
phacoemulsification fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it
positron emission tomography (PET) imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain
Created by: lobosley
Popular Medical sets




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