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Unit 6 Med Term path
Med Term Unit 6 pathology
Term | Definition |
Acrophobia | Fear of Heights |
Agoraphobia | Fear of outdoor spaces |
Amblyopia | Decreased vision occurring in one eye, lazy-eye |
Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis | A degenerative disease of the CNS (central nervous system) causing loss of muscle control: aka: Lou Gehrigs Disease |
Anacusis | Total deafness |
Anorexia | An eating disorder characterized y the patient's refusal to eat |
Anosmia | lack of sense of smell |
anxiety | feeling of fear, nervousness, or unease |
astigmatism | imperfection in the curvature of the eye causing blurred vision |
bulimia | eating disorder characterized by overeating followed by forced vomiting or excessive exercise |
cataract | progressive opacity of lens leading to blurred vision |
Causalgia | painful sensation of burning |
Cerebral Aneurysm | widening of a blood vessel in the brain |
Cerebral palsy | paralysis caused by damage to the areas of the brain responsible for movement |
cerebral thrombosis | blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a clot |
cerumen impaction | buildup of ear wax blocking the ear canal |
clonus | muscle spasm or twitching |
corneal abrasion | scratch of the cornea |
dementia | decline or loss of mental function |
Dyslexia | difficulty reading |
dysphoria | a negative emotional state |
epilepsy | disease marked by seizures |
glaucoma | eye condition that damage the optic nerve |
hematoma | a tumor-like mass made of blood |
ischemic stroke | a stroke in which lack of blood flow to an area of the brain is caused by blockage of an artery |
miosis | abnormal pupillary constriction |
mydiasis | abnormal pupillary dilation |
nystagmus | involuntary back and forth movement of the eye |
paralysis | complete loss of sensation and motor function |
prosopagnosia | inability to recognize faces |
schizophrenia | a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech |
scotoma | dark spot in the visual field |
strabismus | rolling eyes |
syncope | fainting |
tinnitus | ringing in the ear/s |
transient ischemic attack | a temporary blockage of a blood vessel that resolves within 24 hours |
vertigo | dizziness |
Analgesic | a drug that relieves pain |
anesthesiologist | Doctor who specializes in anesthesiology |
anesthetic | a drug that causes loss of sensation |
anesthesia | without feeling or sensation |
cerebral angiography | procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain |
cochlear implant | electronic device that stimulates the cochlea and can restore hearing |
phacoemulsification | fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it |
positron emission tomography (PET) | imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain |