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Blesi8e Ch36 Terms
[MA1] Body Measurements and Vitals [Tier 01]
Term | Definition |
afebrile | without fever |
aneroid | operating without a fluid |
antecubital | the inner surface of the arm at the elbow |
apex | the point, tip or summit of any thing |
apical | referring to the apex |
apnea | the absence of breathing |
arrhythmia | without rhythm; irregularity |
aural | the ear; temperature measurement using tympanic infrared scanner |
auscultate | to listen for sounds produced by the body |
axillary | referring to the underarm area. |
blood pressure | the amount of force exerted by the heart on the blood as it pumps the blood through the arteries |
body mass index (BMI) | a measure of body fat that is the ratio of the weight of the body in kilograms to the square of its height in meters |
brachial | refers to the brachial artery in the arm; the artery used in measuring blood pressure |
bradycardia | slow heart rate |
bradypnea | an abnormally slow rate of respiration |
carotid | pertaining to the two main arteries which carry blood to the head and neck, and their two main branches. |
Cheyne-Stokes | a breathing pattern characterized by alternating periods of apnea and hyperventilation |
diastole | the relaxation phase of the heartbeat; the period of least pressure |
dorsal pedis | a pulse point palpable on the instep of the foot |
dyspnea | difficult or labored breathing |
essential | necessary: when referring to blood pressure, indicates an elevation without apparent cause |
exhale | to breath out |
fatal | causing death |
febrile | pertaining to a fever |
femoral | pertaining to the artery that lies adjacent to the femur |
groin | the depression between the thigh and the trunk of the body; the inguinal region |
hyperventilation | excessive deep and frequent breathing |
idiopathic | disease without recognizable cause |
infrared | pertaining to those invisible rays just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum that have a penetrating heating effect. |
inhale | to breath in |
mensuration | the process of measuring |
oral | pertaining to the mouth |
orthostatic | standing; concerning an erect position |
palpate | to feel; to examine by touch |
popliteal | pertains to the area in back of the knee |
pulse | throbbing caused by the regular alternating contraction and expansion of an artery |
pulse pressure | difference between the systolic and diastolic measurements |
pyrogen | capable of producing fever |
radial | referring to the radial artery or pulse taken in the radial artery |
rales | an unusual sound heart in the bronchi on examination of respirations |
rectal | the lower part of the large intestine between the sigmoid and the anal canal |
respiration | the taking in of oxygen and its use in the tissues and the giving off of carbon dioxide |
rhythm | refers to the pulse's regularity or the equal spacing of the beats. |
sphygmomanometer | a device that measures blood pressure; also called manometer |
stethoscope | an instrument used in auscultation to convey to the ear the sounds produced by the body |
systole | the contraction phase of the heart; the greatest amount of blood pressure |
tachycardia | abnormal rapidity of heart action |
tachypnea | increased rate of respiration |
temperature | degree of hotness or coldness of a substance |
thermometer | an instrument used to measure temperature |
thready | describes a weak pulse that may feel like a thread under the skin surface |
vital signs | the pulse rate, respiratory rate, body temperature and often blood pressure of a person |
volume | the amount of space occupied by an object as measured in cubic units |