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5.9 Society & Indust

AP World History 5.9 Society and the Industrial Age

During this age, what classes were developing? New social classes, including the middle class and the industrial working class, developed.
What book illustrated the working class during this time? Working class Dickens’ Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist 1968 trailer
How did the middle class get their money during this era? Middle class: earned money v. inherited or landed rich
What roles did working class women and children fill? women and often children in working class families typically held wage-earning jobs to supplement their families’ income,
What roles did women and children fill in middle class households? middle-class women who did not have the same economic demands to satisfy were increasingly limited to roles in the household or roles focused on child development.
What type of jobs did working class women hold? Working class women: e.g., Sadie Frowne, did okay until they married, many as domestic servants
What types of jobs did middle class women hold? Middle class women: limited? education, some did work in stores, nursing
Who was Jane Austen? Jane Austen: her father was church rector, some of her characters are wealthy Emma (tries to play match-maker 1996 trailer); others more moderate status Pride and Prejudice (5 daughters 2005 trailer)
What were the results of rapid urbanization? The rapid urbanization that accompanied global capitalism at times led to a variety of challenges, including pollution, poverty, increased crime, public health crises, housing shortages, and insufficient infrastructure to accommodate urban growth.
What enabled employers to pay 11 cents/hour and require LONG work weeks? High immigration let employers pay 11 cents/hour and require workers to labor 60-80 hour weeks
Where did people live if they were destitute? Poor houses/workhouse: where people went who were destitute
Where did some working families live to get by? Crammed into tenements (define) with high rent, bad conditions
What did people use for light and warmth at this time? Electricity not until late in 19th century, what did they use before?
What were the general utilities and the health issues with it? Running water; was it clean? what about sewage?
Who were the law enforcement entities? First police in US cities, traditionally sheriff; UK bobbies Sir Robert Peel helped create in London 1829; Scotland Yard (HQ from its location in London), Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
What determined where people would work and live? Walking city: distance from where one lived to work; had to be short until public transportation
How did epidemics impact the European population? Epidemics: at least 5 global cholera outbreaks (bacteria); despite availability of vaccine for smallpox (virus), 400,000 Europeans died annually,
What epidemics hit Ireland, UK and America? typhus (bacteria) hit Ireland particularly hard and migrated to UK and N America (coffin ships); numerous yellow fever outbreaks (virus)
How were China and India impacted by epidemics? plague hit China and India in late 19th c. killing 12 million
Created by: Saenz2004
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