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CILA testing
Term | Definition |
CILA- waived testing | simplest of lab procedures. Medical assistants are trained to perform these tests. |
pregnancy testing | Urine is screened for the presence of human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) antibodies. |
Rapid streptococcus testing | throat swabs are obtained to screen for Group B streptococcus |
Dipstick, tablet, or multi-stick uranalysis | a screening tool for analytes that are excreted in the urine |
Hemoglobin | a machine is used for the oxygen-carrying protein in whole blood, performed using capillary blood from a finger stick |
spun hematocrit | fingerstick collection of blood in microcapillary tubes is centrifuged and evaluated for percentage of red blood cells. |
blood glucose | whole blood is analyzed in a glucometer for a quantitative glucose level and is a screening tests for diabetes. performed using capillary blood from a finger stick (capillary puncture) |
Hemoglobin A1c | this capillary blood test shows diabetes control over an approximate 3-month period. |
cholesterol testing | lipids are evaluated using capillary blood. |
Helicobacter pylori | A blood sample screens for H. pylori, which is the main cause for gastric ulcers |
Mononucleosis screening | tests for the presence of the Epstein-barr virus in capillary blood |
Nasal smear for influenza types A and B | is a qualitative test for influenza antigens using a swab that is inserted into the nostril. |
drug testing | substances can be detected in urine and blood samples |
fecal occult blood | is performed to screen for hidden blood in the stool. |
fecal occult slide | a control strip turns blue if the developer is effective. if it doesn't turn blue either the developer is not working or the slide is invalid. |
example testing hemoglobin | the cuvette in the machine can be calibrated 12.6 + 0.3. therefore if the result falls between 12.3 and 12.9 then the patient sample will be accurate for testing. |
quality control | measures incorporated to maximize reliability and accuracy of results while recognizing and eliminating errors in testing |
quality assurance | Policies and procedures to maximize patient safety and ensure reliability related to laboratory testing |
controls | Specific tools used in the laboratory with a known result, used to compare with results of a patient sample to confirm validity of the test and specimen. |
qualitative | Analysis that identifies quality or characteristics of components such as size, shape, and maturity of cells; typically reported as positive or negative |